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Regulation D And Savings Account Withdrawal Limits – Here’s What Changed

Regulation D And Savings Account Withdrawal Limits – Here’s What Changed

Matthew Goldberg  Tue, September 3, 2024   Bankrate

Key takeaways

Regulation D sets reserve requirements for banks and credit unions, and it previously limited the amount of certain types of withdrawals and transfers consumers could make to six.

During the coronavirus pandemic, the limitation was lifted.

Some financial firms now allow consumers to make more than six withdrawals and transfers from deposit accounts while others have maintained the pre-2020 rule.

While banks historically limited the number of transactions that customers could make each month in savings and money market accounts, a pandemic-era rule change means you may now have easier access to your funds.

Regulation D, or Reg. D, is a Federal Reserve Board rule that previously limited withdrawals and transfers to six each statement cycle. The Fed revised the rule, but many banks have maintained the six-transaction limit. Others have increased the number of allowable withdrawals and transfers.

What is Regulation D?

Reg. D imposed reserve requirements on a bank’s deposits and other liabilities, with the purpose of implementing monetary policy, according to the Federal Reserve. In March 2020, reserve requirements at banks were reduced to zero percent and they’ve remained at zero for more than three years.

Reg. D also restricted the frequency of certain types of withdrawals and transfers you could make from a savings deposit account during a statement cycle. Banks no longer have to limit the number of certain withdrawals from a savings deposit account to six, but most do still restrict withdrawals on these accounts.

How Has Regulation D Changed?

In April 2020 — as Americans began to navigate the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic — the Fed deleted the six certain transfer or withdrawal limits from the definition of savings deposit accounts via an interim final rule.

Some banks took the Fed up on the rule change by eliminating the withdrawal limits. American Express National Bank, for example, previously allowed nine withdrawals per statement cycle, for example. Now, it doesn’t have withdrawal limits on its savings account.

The Fed’s move was termed an interim final rule, which is issued when there’s good cause to skip issuing a proposed rule, says Scott Birrenkott, assistant director of legal at the Wisconsin Bankers Association.

Still, the proposal isn’t yet set in stone.

“The Fed still hasn’t issued a final rule,” Birrenkott says. “So, some banks are still waiting for that final piece to kind of see. I know that some banks are curious whether that might change or something might be reversed, because it can be a big step to adjust all of their policies and procedures.”

Types Of Transactions Impacted By Reg. D

TO READ MORE:  https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/regulation-d-savings-account-withdrawal-195856860.html