News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday AM 8-21-2024
Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.
RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 21 Aug. 2024
Compiled Wed. 21 Aug. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Global Currency Reset: (Rumors and Opinions )
Mon. 19 Aug. 2024 TNT: “On Fri. 16 Aug. they tested the system. On Sat. 17 Aug. because the system was live, they were paying “Front of the Line” people who wanted to be nameless. They said it has been completed since Thursday. They hope to be done funding all Central Banks today. People are being paid in the US already. It should be international sometime after two o clock am Tues. 20 Aug. I’m hearing people were exchanging at a live rate internationally. ”
Tues. 20 Aug. 2024 Bruce:
Canada may get a different 800# to call that will route you to Redemption Centers in Canada where you will get the best rates. HSBC is the lead bank in Canada.
At midnight tonight EST all US accounts will be on the Quantum System with the USN as our designated currency.
Our sources are saying Tier4b will get notifications tomorrow Wed. 21 Aug.
Redemption Centers have been contacted by email telling them when Tier4b will get notifications and when appointments will start.
R&R amounts will be set up by age groups starting at age 28.
Non currency holders on SS will get their R&R amounts automatically deposited in their bank accounts. That could happen as early as this week and will by the end of the month.
Mortgages and credit cards will be wiped out by the end of the month. You will be under NDAs not to talk about that until Thanksgiving.
New rates on currencies were solid on the bank screens Sun. night.
Redemption Center bank screen rates are much higher than on bank screens.
US citizens will be offered the contract rate on the Dinar based on the per oil barrel rate.
Tues. 20 Aug. 2024 Wolverine:
I do have some incredible news coming out. I can speak in generalities and give you guys hope as to what is going on. I am elated things are ready to kick off! The Whales are traveling to Reno. They are closing major operations now and they are on the floor there as I speak.
Zurich – I got incredible news that things are kicking off there.
This week Precatorias is getting ready to get done. Their funding is controlled by the QFS. I will get their opera – not MY opera, so when I get their opera I will post it in the room(s), I will let you know IT IS FOR THE PRECATORIAS and NOT my opera. My opera will have me singing!I am just elated!
Asia (Hong Kong) has kicked off from what I hear. I am sure I will get even more news by tomorrow.
Everything is moving. We have wonderful news incoming.
As far as the Tier4B group is concerned, I will leave this to Texas Snake as it is his dept and I am sure Bruce will have news regarding that .
The Admiral core group is waiting for currency to be released this week. It is ALL good news coming through this week. Hold on. Praying it all comes in.
When I get the GREEN light IT WILL BE FOR EVERYONE not just for the bondholders!
From my side, I may be under NDA tomorrow, I will need to be quiet. I will monitor the room and not be able to talk. NOTE: I have a particular whale screaming and dancing and elated right now! That person has got millions of bonds in boxes! He is absolutely elated.
So things are now definitely kicked off. Most Likely, tomorrow may be Opera time!!! And I may be under an NDA, and that is good news for all of us. Take care, Wolverine
Tues. 20 Aug. 2024 MarkZ: “A Bond contact was told that all roadblocks have been cleared and to expect things to start happening tomorrow Wed. 21 Aug. A large group in Reno (not the Admiral’s group) has started exchanging. The Admiral is hopeful for a payout schedule for later this week. Farm claims are continuing to be paid out.”
Global Financial Crisis:
All U.S. banks have been purchased by the New U.S. Treasury (which has relocated from Washington D.C. to the Sparks Indian Colony near Reno, Nevada)
Results of a military investigation found that some bank owners secretly received a full loan payment immediately after a home owner signed mortgage papers but continued to require and accept monthly mortgage payments from the home owner. They were double dipping.
Here is what has been happening for decades: In the early 1940’s, as Birth Certificates were started and generally accepted as legal documents, corrupt politicians kept the original documents, monetized and sold them on the Stock Market (parents received copies and not the originals). The politicians dipped into this hidden and illegal slush fund created from the sales. The scheme was finally revealed by Military investigators. In the next few weeks, all illegal profits made from birth certificates will be returned to each citizen.
Debt Jubilee or forgiveness of all debts: For over a year now, citizens have looked forward to this benefit from the new laws of the Republic. It was finally legalized by Mr. Trump on Wednesday, July 10, 2024.
Details: The U.S. Treasury will send out a computer algorithm to each bank to zero out all mortgage debt, credit card debt, car debt, etc. Citizens do not have to contact their debtor to ask for the Debt Jubilee. Watch for your new zero balance statement coming out sometime in August.
Changes are coming in home ownership, foreclosures, and taxes.
Beginning in August, Mortgages will be tokenized with a blockchain platform. Details will be coming. It started with the farmers of America. They have used their farm machinery and family home as collateral for security of loans. Many lost their farm and home if they defaulted on loan payments. Mr. Trump has changed the system so no family will lose their farm or home.
Next to be financially reimbursed are the American Indians. Then debt relief to all U.S. citizens.
Foreclosures are now illegal. No more property taxes. Sales of used homes will have no taxation; new homes will have a sales tax.
To cure inflation, all pricing of homes, cars, merchandise, etc. will use the pricing from the year 1955. No more credit scores. All three credit reporting agencies have been dismantled.
Store Closures:
Bed Bath and Beyond 360 stores
99 Store 371 stores
Best Buy 15 stores
Carters all stores on line only
Rite Aid 231 stores
Sun coast all stores
Foot Locker 400 stores
Express 100 stores
Walgreens 150 stores
David Bridal all locations
Tuesday morning all locations
Rue 21 540 stores
Family dollar 600 stores
Party City all locations
Christmas Tree Shop all locations
H & M 240 stores
CVS 900 stores
Read full post here:
Courtesy of Dinar Guru:
Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Saleh was talking about the floats and he was also talking to us about fixed rates. He's saying no decisions have been made. They talked about the pros and the cons of each one of these options. Then the CBI came out and said in the coming days we will make actions to lower the dollar exchange rate. FRANK: Can the CBI lower the dollar exchange rate? No. Yes! How? FIREFLY: ...The CBI's job is not to control the dollar...They can't touch a dollar but...the CBI can touch the dinar...If they lifted the value of our currency wouldn't that bring down the value of the dollar in our country? ...Let's see if that is the only thing the CBI could do to bring the dollar down is raise the dinar. They say in coming days.
Militia Man Saleh, the financial advisor, has talked about the float...a managed float or a mixture of the peg and the float which would be considered flexible...These guys are going to do what they think is the most positive...They're not going to try to hurt the situation. They're going to try to make themselves successful.
Goldman Sends HUGE Warning, Starts Dumping Everything
Atlantis Report: 8-20-2024
The financial world is buzzing with news that has sent shockwaves through Wall Street and beyond.
Goldman Sachs, one of the most influential investment banks globally, has issued a stark warning that has caught the attention of investors, analysts, and financial media.
This warning isn't just another market forecast; it's accompanied by actionable moves that have raised eyebrows and concerns across the financial sector.
The investment giant is making headlines by offloading a significant portion of its holdings, prompting many to ask: What does this mean for the market, and why now?
Goldman Now Sends Warning That A Collapse Is Coming, Prepare For Huge Market Crash Sell Off