Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday AM 10-13-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 13 Oct. 2024

Compiled Sun. 13 Oct. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: (RUMORS) On October 24 and 25, every cell phone on the planet will be hit with a loud, unmistakable alert signal. The signal will be transmitted directly from Starlink satellites, bypassing traditional media channels that are controlled by the elites.

The Earth Alliance, Starlink, and the military are all in place, ready to execute the final phase of this plan. The old world is crumbling, and a new era of freedom is about to begin. The Earth Alliance has been preparing for this for years, quietly building a network of satellites and secure communication lines that will make this operation possible. Starlink

The EBS alert will be initiated globally but will be activated in phases. Depending on where you are, you may receive the alert slightly earlier or later than others, but make no mistake—it is coming.

The EBS broadcast will last up to 10 days depending on the situation on the ground. During this time, there will be no internet access, no social media, no TV, and no mainstream news.

Stock up on food, water, and essential supplies. Have backup power sources ready. You won’t be able to go to the store or access online services during this time.

The DeepState’s financial institutions will crumble, and the Quantum Financial System (QFS) will officially take over, marking the beginning of the greatest wealth transfer in human history. The elite-controlled banks, stock markets, and fiat currencies will be obliterated, replaced by a fair and transparent financial system that serves the people, not the elites.


Global Currency Reset:

On 14 Oct. 2020 the UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY (allegedly) filed a Chapter 11 (involuntary) bankruptcy in the Northern District of Florida Bankruptcy Court Case #20-40375.

On Wed. 9 Oct. 2024 BRICS 12 Countries Ditched US Dollar and will now pay trade in local currencies: https://watcher.guru/news/brics-12-countries-ditch-us-dollar-pay-85-trade-in-local-currencies

Sat. 12 Oct. 2024 Wolverine: “From all sources, this is the week we have been waiting for. Things are defiantly moving.”

On Mon. 14 Oct. 2024 at the BRICS Summit they are (allegedly) going to announce the Seven Kingdoms, along with the Global Currency Reset.

Mon. 14 Oct. 2024 the old banking system—Bank of America, Deutsche Bank and JP Morgan— was expected to collapse, with the QFS taking over as stock markets crash.

Wed. 16 Oct. is a designated celebration day for Iraq and the day they will (allegedly) pay their contractors in the new Dinar Rate.


Global Financial Crisis:

Sat. 12 Oct. 2024: BRICS: These 40 Countries Want To Ditch the US Dollar! VIDEO – amg-news.com – American Media Group

Sat. 12 Oct. 2024: Operation Sandman is a collaboration of 100+ nations in agreement to simultaneously sell off their US Treasury holdings, sending them back to the US to collapse the US Dollar. https://x.com/danscavino/status/1845139034601030143?s=46

Sat. 12 Oct. 2024: 7 Eleven is closing hundreds of store locations across North America due to underperformance.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2024/10/13/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-october-13-2024/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:  https://www.dinarguru.com/

Militia Man   Article Quote:   "There's been a completion of the first steps of the banking reform process."     In my view the next phase should introduce new currency denominations.  If they're going to have 3 zeros removed as Alaq said, you're going to need new denominations.  They never have had a three zeros exchange rate to be supporting the global financial systemThey haven't done that in 21 years so why nowThey never will as far as I'm concerned...they're never going to be the savior of anything at 1310.

Bruce   [via WiserNow]  ...we heard...let's see the 16th, which would be Wednesday, is the day that Iraq is paying all of their contractors and paying any back pay that they need to pay...And it's also the day, Wednesday the 16th, the day of celebration in Iraq for this RV and their new rate on the dinar, etc.  So it looks like our start date would be Wednesday the 16th, but it could be actually, that we would start on Tuesday. I know we're supposed to get notified on Tuesday whether we start exchanges or not. We'll have to see, but the whole thing is lining up beautifully...I'm excited about the timing...


X22 Report Streamed on: Oct 12, 10:30 am EDT

Today’s Guest: Bix Weir

Website: Road To Roota   http://roadtoroota.com

Bix begins the conversation talking about the economy. The [CB] are destroying their old system and the good guys are preparing and ready to bring in the new system. The system will be moving back to sound money and the constitution, the control of the creation of currency will taken away from the [CB]. It will be bumpy so buckle up and get prepared.



Consumer Debt Crisis - ANOTHER GREAT DEPRESSION? (John Rubino)

Sachs Realty:  10-12-2024

Americans are enslaved to debt! With the cost of living at unsustainable levels and loan delinquencies on the rise, will we see another Great Depression in the United States?
