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GCR Proof: Gold Replacing US Dollar in One Chart: Awake-In-3D

GCR Proof: Gold Replacing US Dollar in One Chart

On June 4, 2024  By Awake-In-3D

If a picture is worth a thousand words, this chart is worth exactly that.

If one subscribes to the thesis that the Global Currency Reset (GCR) and the revaluations of currencies (RV) employs gold at its very foundation, than this chart is proof of that.

This chart below shows the different currencies and gold being held globally as international reserves from 1900 to 2023.

There are several key takeaways in the chart and I will break it down here, one piece at a time.

Bretton Woods: The Beginning of Global Dollar Domination

Before WW2, countries worldwide held physical gold as their primary monetary reserve. However, the 1945 Bretton Woods Agreements changed all that.

The black rectangle in the chart below highlights the dramatic sell-off of gold in favor of countries loading up on US Dollars.

It is important to remember that the Dollar was on the Gold Standard back then. Since the Dollar was backed by gold, holding Dollars as a Reserve was the same as holding gold.

The end of WW2 and the Bretton Woods Agreements begin the era of a global King Dollar

But then, the USA abandoned the Gold Standard officially in 1971. This caused a modest resurgence in buying gold once again as a Reserve asset.

Rise of the PetroDollar and EuroDollar Market

However, beginning in the late 1970’s, the PetroDollar and the offshore EuroDollar Market became the dominant, Dollar-denominated financial force worldwide.

The chart below highlights the rise of the PetroDollar and EuroDollar Market. Notice the dramatic expansion of the Dollar (red bars in the chart) and contraction of gold (gold bars in the chart) as a percentage of global international reserves.

The Great Global Fiat Currency Experiment begins: The PetroDollar and EuroDollar System create the largest expansion and global adoption of a single fiat currency (US Dollar) in global history.

Reversing Course: Dollars Now Being Sold to Buy Gold

Moving forward in the chart from 2014 to 2023, we see a complete reversal in gold vs. Dollar holdings as a percentage of global international reserves.

Notice in the highlighted area of the chart below how the US Dollar (red bars) have been contracting while physical gold holdings (gold bars) are increasing significantly as a percentage of global international reserves.

As the Great Global Fiat Currency Experiment reaches its logical conclusion, the replacement of Dollars for Gold as international reserves paves the way for the RV/GCR.

Furthermore, preliminary indications are showing that gold purchases for international reserves are continuing to accelerate in 2024. US Dollars are being sold to purchase more and more physical gold.

What is this Telling Us?

The bottom line is that the world is very aware that the Great Global Fiat Currency Experiment has run its course and the era of King Dollar is reaching its logical conclusion.

The RV/GCR is coming.

It will be based on a complete revaluation of Gold and once again, anchoring national currencies to a single Monetary UNIT of value. The Monetary Unit will be gold.

This is exactly what the BRICS Alliance is doing regarding their new Common Trade Currency and the new BRICS Monetary UNIT.

Supporting article: https://www.gainesvillecoins.com/blog/gold-overtakes-euro-in-global-international-reserves


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