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Economist’s “News and Views” Friday 7-26-2024

INCOMING CRISIS: When Banks, Gov Debt, and BRICS Collide

Taylor Kenny: 7-25-2024

In this urgent and riveting expose, financial expert Taylor Kenney uncovers the hidden economic threats that the government and mainstream media have ignored for years.

As U.S. debt skyrockets and geopolitical tensions escalate, Taylor reveals why savvy investors are moving their assets out of the traditional financial system.


01:17 Current National Debt

03:51 Global Sanctions

 05:46 Billions of Unrealized Losses

08:08 The Hard Truth

10:35 True Store Of Value


Markets Would Be A "Smoldering Ruin" If Manipulation Ended | Ed Steer

Liberty and Finance:  7-25-2024

In these tumultuous times marked by political upheaval and economic uncertainty, understanding the true dynamics of the stock market and financial systems is crucial.

Ed Steer offers insightful analysis, highlighting structural imbalances and the pervasive intervention in markets that distort reality. He emphasizes a cautious approach, advocating ownership of tangible assets amid a landscape where market interventions maintain an illusion of stability.

For those seeking clarity amidst the complexities of today's economy, Ed Steer provides indispensable insights through meticulous tracking of market data and trends.


0:00 Intro

1:20 Gold & silver manipulation

5:25 Physical deliveries

10:00 Chinese gold buying

14:43 Fiat currency failure

19:30 Physical precious metals

22:31 Owning physical metals

28:00 If markets weren't manipulated


As US Stocks Collapse, Japan's Currency Shock & China Trade War Threatens Bigger Sell-Offs

Sean Foo:  7-26-2024

The US stock meltdown just erased $1 trillion dollars of investor money. As the AI and tech bubble starts to deflate thanks to poor earnings, a perfect storm is brewing that could cause even bigger sell-offs.

 We must understand two big risks to the US economy and the equity markets - the big Yen reversal & the coming trade war risk with China.

Timestamps & Chapters:

0:00 US $1 Trillion Meltdown

 3:03 Japan's Major Currency Risk

6:02 China Trade War Nightmare

8:36 US Economy & China Retaliation

 11:55 More Stock Market Pain Coming
