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Economist’s “News and Views” Friday 6-21-2024

Western Empire Facing Same Collapse as Rome in its Final Days: Martin Armstrong

Commodity Culture:  6-21-2024

Martin Armstrong sees striking similarities between the multitude of crises that plague the modern world and the conditions just before the fall of the Roman empire.

Martin argues that endless debt issuance, wars for profit, unchecked migration, and rampant political corruption are setting the stage for a future where many Western countries cease to exist as we know them.

00:00 Introduction

 01:28 Everything is Connected

10:54 Political Shift to the Right

20:52 New BRICS Payment System

24:29 172 Year Revolutionary Cycle

 34:01 The Migrant Crisis and Rome

40:12 Socrates

47:18 How Can We Use This to Invest?



Greg Mannarino:  6-21-2024


Rafi Farber: When the Yen Falls, So Does the Whole Keynesian System

Arcadia Economics:  6-21-2024

Back in May we heard that the Bank of Japan spent $62B defending the yen.

It didn't work too well, with the yen right back at 34 years lows and threatening to break them any minute now, perhaps by the time you're watching this.

Speaking of $62B, this week we heard that a Japanese bank called Norinchukin is selling about the same amount in underwater bonds, thanks to higher for longer interest rates, which aren't having much of an effect blunting price inflation anyway.

 It just so happens that Japan is the single largest holder of US Treasurys in the world, at a gargantuan sum of $1.15 trillion.

 No wonder Japan's is the first foreign banking system to be directly affected by high dollar interest rates.

The Keynesian experiment is unraveling fast now, while silver holds over $30.

Rafi Farber still believes we are in for one last global banking crisis, after which silver will, during a brief period of monetary panic, become money directly once again.

To find out more, click to watch the video now!
