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Christmas Eve Coffee with MarkZ 12-24-2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning MarkZ and all!   Merry Christmas everyone

​​Member: What is the chance if we leave our iqd out, Santa will exchange for $$$???

Member: How long can they drag this thing out Mark?

MZ: Right now I have people who are absolutely positive it is happening this week. They are ending auctions in Iraq and I am being told it’s the 28th-which is a Saturday . I think the worst case scenario with People I know is somewhere between now and the 7th…or right after the inauguration.

MZ: Nobody knows the exact timing. Maybe 6-7 in the world may know- but we are not one of those.

Member: Banks - closing down for year end accounting purposes. Think they will RV then or wait until afterwards into 2025 for tax & Trump credit purposes?

Member: I was hoping for Christmas Day? They could send out notifications to book appts to cash in on 28 Dec

Member: Member Ariel just posted that tonight is a very logical night for RV to go.

Member: HOLLY has just reported that her sources suggest that the RV/GCR will initiate on JAN. 6th or 7th which is also Christmas to a lot of people.

MZ: Yes between here and there- I’m feeling good.

​​Member: I’m looking at January then I’ll be pleasantly surprised if sooner.

Member: Soo Iraq is doing RI then RV alone Or going with rest of countries???????!$$$$$$$$

MZ: I still think they are all going at once. I would be happy if they went alone- that would give me a chance to double dip other currencies….but no one I talk to thinks Iraq will go alone.

MZ: “Al Alaq announces the start of an era of digital transformation in Iraqi Banks.”  This is all part of their white papers r economic reforms. Al Alaq saying how successful it is and the final portion of those white papers or the monetary reform is total independence for Iraq and a stronger purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar . AKA a reinstatement of a revaluation.

Mark Z what are your thoughts on Iraq getting 10 day head start on the world, ten we go. Sounds like Iraq may have gone. Just grasping at anything at this point. We definitely need an rv

Member:  Jeff Rahm said last night it has RI in country at $7.88. Consider it a rumor.

MZ: “About 100% foreign remittances in Central Bank of Iraq sales”  What this is telling us is about $280 million is US cash and they have also used other foreign currencies to get dinar off the streets. And they have plans to end the purchases this month.

MZ: “Iraq Stock Exchange first with the volume of trading between Arab Markets”  it lonely launched a year or so ago…..but already it’s the largest trading market in the middle east. This one is huge. They are setting themselves up as a regional leader- a world leader…and what is going to be important?  They need a currency that matches the region. That rate bar is high when you look at Kuwait and Bahrain and ll the other currencies values over there.

Member: Kuwaits dinar value is around $3.40 to USD or more on a usual basis .

Member: I read an article stating that the economic growth will rise from 2.2% to 5.3% in 2025. That’s a huge jump to indicate RV

Member:  Mark is it true that Iraq has rv’d in country many times before?

MZ: At least 3 times in the 1900’s which were very substantial.

Member: (From Dinar Guru) Nader From The Mid East  I feel it's very very, we are very very very very close.  Very close.  Like very close guys.  I feel like once they stop the auctions everybody is going to be happy about it.  I think it's going to be stopping on the 28th...70% to 80% [chance].

MZ: That’s about where I am at exactly……I feel it’s about 80% to happen before Jan 1st.

MZ: “An expected rise in the dollar:  temporary shock awaits the Iraqi market”  this is talking about the end of the auctions –like Nader is saying. One thing that will solve all their worries is an upward reinstatement or revaluation close or higher than the US dollar.

MZ: And there are many here in the US and all over the world that are expecting a value change with the end of the auctions. Not just people on the internet…but folks in government and the banking world as well.

Member: I have heard contractors in Iraq getting paid at $3.91. have you heard this Mark?

MZ: I have heard from $3.47 to $3.92 from contractors.

Member: either one is exciting…..just do it Iraq.

Member: Any news on if we sign an NDA?

MZ: As of late I am hearing no NDA unless you are doing projects.

Member: how many people in the US hold dinar?

MZ: Probably less than 1%? We are a small percent of the economy but we will be able to do great things post RV

Member: Can we go multiple times to exchange?

MZ: I am told you can…but they hope you only go once.

​​Member: I can't decide if we are idiots or geniuses for doing this, but Merry Christmas from my Family to all of yours guys.

MZ: the good news is – if you wait long enough you are a genius….the bad news is –everyday before we win….people think we are idiots.  I am looking forward to the genius part.

Member: ​​In years to come- I want the story of how the RV happened at Christmas!

Member: Merry Christmas friends! May you be BLESSED beyond measure!

Member: Merry Christmas and may God bless us everyone!

MZ: I will be on at noon est tomorrow just for those who want to socialize. Merry Christmas to all.


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Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

 ZESTER'S LINK TREE: https://linktr.ee/CrazyCryptonaut


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Youtube:     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5V2CGL9_oCM