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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-21-25 

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-21-25 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, January 21st and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody from all around the globe, as we are currently under day two of the new Trump administration and the new Trump presidency. And I'm excited as a result of everything that happened yesterday during the inauguration and the new direction that our country is going in now - so I'm excited Let's go ahead and pray the call in

Bob. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Let's, let's talk about where we are in the Intel world.  First of all, I want to say something that I found out.

Oh, I don't know when was it? Maybe between the last call we had, which was last Thursday, and then five nights later we've got the Tuesday night call. Well, in the last what I'm going to call it, three or four days, I heard something that really blew my mind.

And that was you guys, know, I've been talking about, this could go at any moment. This can go under Biden. This can go before President Trump gets back into the Oval Office. This can Well, you know what? I was misinformed, and I misinformed you guys.

 This could not go before President Trump made his way back into the Oval Office, and the information we were getting might have been coded, and we took the code wrong, or whatever happened.

But I have a MEA CULPA??, but my fault, my bad. I just wanted to tell you guys, I'm sorry that I misinformed you about that Intel. Because one side of me was saying, I don't know, I don't know if it's going to go before Trump's back. I don't know.

And the other was saying, Well, I'm being told again, I'm being told it can go out. You know, we can get this thing started? Well, evidently, the truth was, it couldn't go until after President Trump is back in.

The good news is he is back in as of yesterday, the 20th of January, probably would have saved us all a little bit of headache and a little bit of worry and a little bit of whatever.

But now that we've crossed that threshold that President Trump is back and just killing it on executive orders and policies and getting back hostages and everything, finishing the wall. You know, guys, I don't know I, I don't know about you, but I just, I just have to put the last four years in our rear view mirror. Yes, we did some good things.  And I have good news.

And the good news is that we are moving forward. Listen, we had heard that we would start today, Tuesday, with our notifications and set appointments to start tomorrow.

And then we were told later on this afternoon, like two or three of our better sources that, nope, it wasn't going to be today, but it is going to be tomorrow. Well, fortunately, we asked, Why didn't it go yesterday? Or, excuse me, why didn't it go today Tuesday?

And it ends up that there were three factors. One was to get the proper green light from the US Treasury, and that is the new Restored Republic Treasury

That number two, we needed Iraq to do something, which we think is publish their new rate, Wednesday, tomorrow morning, in their Gazette, their official publication could be a new rate or the published in the Gazette.

That's my gut on it, because we don't know it absolutely and three, Iran, oh, my God. What about it? Well, President Trump had a meeting with two of his generals discuss the problem in Iran, and had to do with the funding of solve that problem on the phones with Iran at 1:30 today.

So are all three of those things out of the way? I think they will be once Iraq does what they are going to do, and that will sensibly be tomorrow morning by putting the new rate in the Gazette. Let's hope that all three of those things are no longer issues that we have to deal with.

We are moving forward now. Here's the remember, I had a timeline, which I like a timeline? I like to see things in a linear fashion that are happening like that.

One aspect that was we have to pay off the fines and penalties  -- adjudicated settlements -  like  CMKX and any others that are there  and intermediaries, which are Farm Claims -  Native American claims, those were already paid, but not sure if everything's complete on that.

Any other intermediaries that would be considered like, that's like first, and that should happen overnight, tonight or tomorrow morning, overnight tonight or in the morning, and then at nine o'clock in the morning tomorrow, that's Eastern Time, we should have the admirals groups funded either into their individual bank accounts, which could happen in some cases, or most likely, into their quantum account that they Need to activate with their quantum card, just like we have to activate our quantum account after our exchange so that. And then, when will they get notified?

Do they get notified right nine in the morning, or do they notifications to confirm what has happened for them throughout the day tomorrow? And then when are we supposed to be notified? Well, we're supposed to be notified at noon, and it's noon in each time around noon.

Don't hold me to 12 noon exact, but it could be exact. Could be a little before, a little bit after it's going to be around noon, because one of the one of the pieces came to us talking about when we're ready to pop our champagne corks at lunch tomorrow. So that's signifying lunchtime or noon.

We should be getting our notifications on tier 4b or the Internet Group. Now my theory has been for a couple of years, at least. It would make sense if it was noon in every time zone. Noon, Eastern, noon central, noon, mountain and noon pacific and even noon Alaska, noon Hawaii.

As we go through from east to west, and it appears that that was correct, that that would be the case. So in a way, it's a staggered start from tier 4b with us getting notified essentially an hour apart, based on the time zone that we're in, eastern central mountain or Pacific.

So that's what was brought out to me today with clarification. And I just think we're looking very good to get started with this. I You know guys, I hope they have solved whatever the and I know that they have whatever the problem was with with Iran.

 I know that Iraq has already and not ready, ready and not ready, and they should be ready. We know their lower denominations are out, not only in the ATMs, but also in the airport kiosk and also in businesses throughout the country. And so how much more ready to have to be?

Do they have an international rate?

Yes, and we've known this, and it seems like they were going to get new international rate on Sunday this past Sunday, but I haven't been able to confirm it, and our contacts in Iraq don't want to put that in writing. They don't want to send it to us in a text or an email.

So we don't we don't really know exactly where it is now we know that our rate at the redemption center for the dinar is they plan to offer us the contract rate, which is tied to the per barrel price of oil and use North Sea Brent crude, if you want to check that, that seems to be about The price that Iraq is selling oil for and we know that we have a rate on Dong That is very good, and we know that the Zim is on par with the US dollar.

Now, one other thing that is interesting for us is when it comes to the direction, was I going?

Well, we're looking to get notified tomorrow, and with any success, we set our appointments tomorrow that could start in some jurisdictions as early as Wednesday afternoon - some markets with us, with different demographics may start on Thursday.

So Wednesdays,  setting appointments Thursday exchanges start. Except in some markets, they might start on Wednesday, but there's a high concentration of currency holders , like in parts of Florida, in other parts of the country, Texas, maybe, you know, they may start a little earlier.

They might start tomorrow, afternoon, evening, provided the numbers do come out around noon, central time for Texas, Eastern Time, of course, for Florida. So we're excited to see all that occur and see that begin.

As far as we know, and that's always a caveat, as far as we know, there is nothing else to hold us up from going.  Really, we should get, we should get some disclosure of events in the month of February and March, and we should have those of us who are currency holders that are going in for currency exchanges and redemption of the Zim currency, slash bond, as they do Consider it a bond because of its intrinsic value.

So we will get recently complete that thought. So we're going to be doing that at the redemption centers and realize this, but the Zim is not something that's going to be handled at the banks. You need to set an appointment to go into the redemption center to redeem your Zim

Also, there's no contract rate for the dinar, as we're being told at banks, but only at redemption centers. So it's really a good idea to set the appointment and go in your appointment done in 40 minutes or less.

And if you're a Zim holder and you've got some you've got projects, you want to let them know in probably more like three to five minutes. We used to say five to eight minutes. Probably you have about three to five minutes to explain the overview check.

 And that's eally great. It's going to go quickly. I think the appointment go just, boom, boom, boom. It's going to go pretty quickly. There's a lot to get done. You know, with the setting up of your initial account and your account, you've got a Wells Fargo account and a quantum account.

You know you'll be signing the NDA early in the oil and it's probably right at the beginning, when you're when they're going through the Know Your Customer, see who you are. They know who you are already.

 So even the identification of who you are with your ID, with your utility bill, it's going to go very quickly. They're not, they don't they don't want receipts, bona fide currency. You're fine. That delarue machine  is going to take off running, and it's going to count  and verify currency quickly - Multiple currencies.

Just help them out. If you've got several, four or five different currencies, make sure you have each one in a separate little, little envelope, or saying where, you know where they obviously do Dong, and then do dinar, and then do Zim they probably will want zim first, but whatever, and then rupiah - Afghani.

And don't forget your Venezuelan Boulivar, if you have that and so on, they'll just go right through them and keep a tab on it. And what I was going to say is your r, and r, if you're a currency holder, it could very well already be in your quantum account.

 So the idea of getting a direct deposit into your Social Security bank account, not your social security, but in your bank account where you get your Social Security, if you're 62 and older and already, okay, here's, here's the thing.

We found out that the servers that handle social security are limited in that they can't deal with anything over $500,000 - okay, so the point is, they're not capable of hailing the amounts as a direct deposit to our accounts because of the server limitation. So we should see our lump sum r and r lump sum coming to us at the redemption center.

Now, what they do with other folks that aren't on Social Security, that are 60 and older? I'm not quite sure. And you know, there are three tiers of groups.

The first tier, let's call it called Group A, are people that are 30 to 45 years of age. They'll get their R and R restitution reconciliation allowance is another word I said their R and R over three years. So three times 12 is 36 -- 36 monthly installments. Let's call it to them, and that should start in the month of February.

Okay, people of that age group, 30 to 45, to 60, that there's a group that will get theirs over two years. 2024 12 times two is 2424 moments, they will also begin to receive there in the month of February.

 So we're the ones in the group say. We say anybody that's 60 and older that is exchanging currency should have it in there, in their  quantum account and then your quantum card to move those funds from your quantum account into your wells, Fargo primary account, and then eventually, when you get account set up, if you need to, you'll have secondary accounts under the primary and both of those primary and secondary Wells Accounts will earn interest at a rate of at least 12% which is phenomenal.

And I'm going to ask that mine would be paid out as well percent as APY and that's received that I'm going to take it quarterly. I think it's probably payable monthly, but I'd rather take it as a lump sum every quarter and see that in my account that way.

So it would obviously take 90 days for that interest to be accrued and for it to be applied and put into that account without going to do it. We'll see, obviously work with that.

So that's really the gist of what I had to say tonight. I don't know that there's anything else that we need to know right now but to get the toll free numbers, which is tomorrow at noon, ish, noon ish, tomorrow, and then we should be able to call set our appointments in exchange on Thursday, with some exceptions that might be going In high demographic care services tomorrow, afternoon or evening.

When we get that and we'll also start any podcasts that I do, that does that, we can forward to you, and then you click on them and just listen to them, you know, at your own choice, but we're going to communicate with you after these numbers come out. If conceivable Thursday, we would do a celebration call tomorrow and start exchanges on Thursday. I believe we will probably still do a short celebration call Thursday night at the regular time.

So stay tuned for that possibility. All right, so let's pray the call out, and we'll look forward to giving everything that we're looking for tomorrow. Let's do that.

 Thank you big call universe for tuning in and listening over the past 13 years. Everybody have a beautiful night's sleep tonight. Let's see what occurs.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-21-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:18:45


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-16-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:18:58


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-14-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  1:03:43


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-9-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:14:34


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-7-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  1:00:40


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-2-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:14:54


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-31-24 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  54:44


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-26-24 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:07:27


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-24-24 REPLAY LINK  NO CALL

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-19-24 REPLAY LINK   NO TRANSCRIPTION


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-17-24 REPLAY LINK  Intel Begins 1:03:33


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-12-24 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   56:16
