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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 9-19-24

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 9-19-24  

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight – it is Thursday, September 19th  and you’re listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in again. Thank you international people out there in big call universe as we congratulate the Sat team for getting us up and running on the satellite system tonight, we didn't have as many listeners last Tuesday, as we normally would, we had about 5 million – we are hoping to get to our 19 million listeners, possibly again tonight. I hope – So. Welcome everybody tonight. Thank you for tuning in. We're here. We're back, and I'm glad you are too --

 Okay. No, that's it, Bruce. It is 10:19 on the day of 9 - 19

Good, okay, all right, that's 9:19 central time where I am. So that works. 9:19 on 9 -19 exactly Central Time. That's right, all right. So look, here's where we are in the way of intel tonight, we are definitely shooting at a moving target because we thought we would be there by yesterday and yet intended to be, but we weren't, and we didn't really hear why we didn't go yesterday.

But let's get into where we are and when it is going to happen first, the next seven days. And I think that started over the weekend. So it might not be tomorrow, it could start Saturday, but the next seven days it was phrased – it would  take us to the end of month are for NESARA  to be out.

That's we're looking for, like, two major parts of NESARA that could be debt forgiveness -  it could be the wiping out of mortgage debt, or it could be credit card debt, or both. I think that's a lot of it, -

Restitution /Reclamation allowance - that is something that will be there when we exchange if you're a Zim holder or currency holder, it should be in your quantum account. So as you set up your quantum account and get your quantum card together, you should see it in that account already when you go in for your exchange.

If you're not exchanging, then you should probably have it. You should have it direct deposited to your bank account. That's how it's been designed.

But they know everybody's bank accounts and they know about you. That's why the KYC, they know your customer stuff when you go in for your appointment, is going to be a lot simpler, because they know who we are, especially Zim holders

They know who zim holders are, unless you were donated them, and then they don't really know, but they'll find out right away when you go for your appointment. And by the way, you need to have, if you can, two forms of picture ID. Passport is great. Driver's license is good. Government ID works. Student ID works. All those will work to show who you are.

You go in with that and present that when asked for it, you need a one gas, determine where you live, they see your address, and they confirm what they know about you. And let's see, once we go beyond that, it's just a matter of having somebody there to count and verify your currency on the delarue machine. They'll be operating that one or two people will help. And you'll also have, pretty soon, you'll you'll go in and have the account set up - you will have an opportunity to have your bank account, set up, your quantum account, your bank account Wells -  well that'll be set up, or a master account that will be set up.

You'll get a credit debit card from Wells, and you'll go ahead and be able to move funds from your  quantum account into your Wells account. And then you will have it on the credit debit card to be there so you have access to it, basically the same day you go in for your exchange.

Now, obviously, Zim holders have a lot because of the value of the zim. You're just going to move a certain amount that you need to use for the first 30 to 60 days, and you can come back and use your quantum account to put more money into your Wells primary account - and you can do all that that's  something you'll be able to do actually, on your own, but, yeah, you'll be able to do that on your own computer or on the Q-phone that you're supposed to get at the end of your appointment.

Remember, this is what you need to set up your quantum account with a quantum card, which is three times thicker than a normal credit card, has three chips in it, and it's only designed not to buy anything on but just to move money from the quantum account into your Wells Fargo bank account.

Now you can tie two other accounts, I understand two other banks to that so that you could move money into two banks or three banks. Okay, so that's really cool, the way that's set up.

The five things at least you need. You need a biometric  fingerprint or thumb prints, and that will be stored in your quantum account. and your quantum card rather – you’ll need a username and password for the account. You need a five digit PIN number, which is your personal identification or your pin. And you need also an email account, a brand new email, and then, of course, you're gonna have to come up with a password to  get into that username, password, get into that Gmail account, or whatever count it is. and I think that's it.

You'll get all that done. And then you'll be offset to go from that point, of course, you have three to five minutes probably to do a quick presentation on your  project. Make  that clear, so they know what you're intending to do as a Zim holder, and also, if you are in medical need, if you want to get into the med bed right away, and you are in dire need, they should know right away, whether you're being honest with them about that,  and you can get in there pretty quickly.

Most everybody as a zim holder will get in in five or six days from the time you exchange, and that's really awesome.

Let’s see what else we've got --  timing on this --  looking what we've heard is that we're looking to get started, since we did not go today -  what we heard this morning at 4am in the morning was that we would have we would get our toll free number – our  notification emails  from  Wells Fargo in 24 to 36  hours

Now, 24 hours from 4am this morning, on Thursday, is 4 am on Friday, all the way up to 4pm on Friday.

So 4am to 4pm Friday is what we're looking at for getting our notifications. Now, other sources told us that we would be notified tomorrow and we would start our exchanges on the weekend -  now, to me, is Saturday and or Sunday we should start exchanges -  I think that's great. And yes - If that's the redemption center, if they're open on Saturday, they will be open on Sunday.

Okay, and then that takes you all the way through the from that point on through the rest of the month. No problem.

Now, here's another idea that I had. Is that I believe, if we are trying to get all of this done at the end of September, which I believe they are – then we are looking at finishing up  the fiscal - the fiscal year which this is last of the fiscal year for the exchanges to be done, for NESARA to be announced and started for R and R to come out -  for Social Security increases to hit in this month of September.

 Have you got you already had? Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday three as of yesterday, there was  no increase in social for those Wednesdays. My understanding is that increase will come before the last day or by the last day of the month as a separate payment to you in the normal bank account where you get your social security – Keep your eye on this – we’ve been promised this for months. – to see if it actually happens during this month and they get it in this fiscal year. I think the new Restored Republic  fiscal year  will start September 1 one -  our understanding is all of the stuff we've talked about still happen in this month of September

Alright – let’s see if there's anything else that I wanted to bring out.  - Well, I think that's about everything I want to share tonight, so I'm going to pray us out,

We are looking to exchange, which could be Saturday or Sunday or both. Let's pray the call out and take it from there and thanks everybody for listening. I don't know if this is the last call that it should be.

 Thanks everybody for participating with a big call. Thank you for and I just am so pleased that we've been able to get this call out every Tuesday and Thursday night for 13 years


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 9-19--24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:11:30


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 9-17-24  REPLAY LINK  Intel Begins 1:02:20


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 9-12-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:13:30


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 9-10--24  REPLAY LINK  Intel Begins 1:07:27
