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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-12-24

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-12-24

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight.  It is Thursday, December 12TH  and you're listening to the big call.  I'm glad we're having people that are listening from all over the globe. We thank you SAT  team for getting the signal out to so many countries in their own language. Thank you for everything that you've done for us on the call.

Let's do this. Let's talk about where we are, which we always do.

We did hear that the Iraqi Dinar is trading and is in a trading range 4.00 to 4.20 in Iraq as an in country rate now - as of three days now, it's been between 4.00 and 420 and that's really good.

Now our rates at the redemption Center are totally different and much higher.  You got to realize that, okay, much higher, yes, you will be our contract rate on the dinar in the redemption center only

Now realize this, if you want to try to figure out what that is. Try to find out what the per barrel price of oil is that Iraq is selling their oil for. All right?

They're selling it to Turkey, to Egypt, to China, to other countries, I don't even know how many, but they're selling this oil at a per barrel price, you find out what that is the day that you exchange, the day that you go in for your zim redemption and your currency exchanges, that is the rate you will get. And it is a quote, unquote contract rate. We don't sign a contract for it, but it's a contract rate nonetheless. So a little something about that.

Now, what we have heard most recently, I want to say this afternoon, because things have changed. Even today, my Intel has changed, but what we're hearing is that  we are going to have an amazing weekend, according to the people we're talking to now, it's Thursday night, Friday. We had heard we were going to be notified Friday and start Saturday.

The most recent information is that all the releases would be on Saturday, and I'm thinking that to also mean releases of emails to the bondholders, and email releases for us that would have the toll free number on it.

Okay, so I'm looking at our day to get notified, not as much tomorrow, as much as it would be on Saturday. And then we would, once we do that, we set our appointments, and we would go sometime thereafter, and believe me, the redemption centers will be open Sunday if we start with the exchanges on Saturday.

So the main thing is, half of this battle is getting the numbers, setting our appointments and then It's a done deal – we’re able to move forward with our exchanges as soon as we can

It's a, you know, it's a  short way of saying this information that we received today , that's what we're hearing. We're hearing we're going to have a super fantastic weekend. We're hearing tomorrow that banks are ready. Well, redemption centers are going to be ready too.

And just to go further on, redemption centers, the rates at the redemption centers were on the screens, and then they have come off the screens for what's been called Digital sequencing. Digital sequencing, and you can look that up and look into the definition of how it might  apply to the currencies.

I think the main thing I got out of kind of learn about digital sequencing is when it comes to cross border - Cross border transactions, financial transactions, bank wires, purchasing of goods, all of that stuff they're using in combination the FinTech system with the quantum financial system, in conjunction with the Starlink system, those three points of our triangle are bringing everything together, and this digital sequencing is allowing transactions to go much faster between countries, between your bank accounts, as you're moving funds, all of that.

So that's what they're doing. And I'm sure the rates will come right back up, either tonight or tomorrow, and that'll be what we want to see.

Now, you know, there is, there is no sense to set up an appointment and not use the redemption center of course, that's what they're there for. If people don't believe they exist, it's on them.

Believe me they exist. We talk to the people we have, 1-2-3-4-5-6, contacts that are leaders of the redemption centers, the actual leaders, and these are the ones they call operatives, but these are the ones that will be over the staff that is going to be doing the exchanges with us, and some of the leaders are further along, and they're going to be helping with bonds.

If you have sheet bonds and  you've got two boxes or less, you have to let them know when you call to set your appointment that you have some sheet bonds. Tell them the type of bond, and so on, and they should be able to handle those bonds for you during your appointment, but you've got to call them, because it's going to take an additional amount of time to handle your bonds compared to just currency, which is more of a the DelaRue machine function of county and verification does both accounts and verifies the currencies.

But if you have those sheet bonds, you can you need less than two boxes if you want them to handle them  at the redemption center. And don't ask me, How many bonds fit in a box? I don't know.

And I don't want to say because I've heard a number. I'm not sure if that's right or not. So the main thing is, if you have some bonds, what I would consider loose bonds, sheet bonds. We're not talking about the zim, but there are zim sheet bonds too. There are long sheets, I'm going to say eight and a half by 11, or whatever the size of the pages that are sheet bonds and zoom.

So you have those. Those count too. You can bring those to it. So let them know when you send your appointment. Remember, when you use the call center and you call in, you'll be transferred, more than likely to the redemption center that will handle your transactions. Okay, that's the idea of it.

Now, if they don't give you a direct transfer, they're to give you an 800 number to call, to go to that that goes to that redemption center that's keyed in by your zip code. They have them all over the country, as you can imagine, and you just need to let them know the zip code that either where you live, where you work, or where you want to exchange.

Let's say you're out of town and you're not at home and you're on the road, but you know there are redemption centers in Georgia, for example, you might want to know the zip code of that area where you are, and they'll be able to find a redemption or close to that area. All right, now, if you're in the wild, wild west, and you're out in South Dakota or out in Wyoming or whatever.

Yeah, the redemption centers are gonna be a little further apart even even Nevada. But, you know the main cities in Nevada, and so, you know, you guys that are in Tonopah  ? ?  ?, some of those areas might have to go to Reno or, you know, whatever. But that's okay.

So that's really pretty much what I wanted to say about about that. What else is there? Guys? I think you guys, if you've listened to big call for a while, you know the drill and what's going on, and there's not a whole lot new that I can add -  really

I think that's what I wanted to say. We'll have to see if we get numbers and so on. We probably won't on Tuesday, since we expect to get notified Saturday and be in our exchanges sometime thereafter. So we're just we're just thankful that big call universe is being reached by the satellite team, our SAT team.

And, you know, I want to wish everybody a happy a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Happy, you know, every holiday season. You know, we're just going to wish all that, and we'll be in touch with you guys by email. If you haven't registered your email on big call universe, feel free to do so, and that's how we'll know that we can get in touch with you in our near future. All right, so let's pray the call out. Thanks again, everybody.  God bless you. Take care. We'll talk you.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-12-24 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   56:16 https://www.freeconferencecallhd.com/wall/recorded_audio?audioRecordingUrl=https%3A%2F%2Frs0002.freeconferencecall.com%2Fstorage%2FsgetHD%2FHsCgW%2FHLNt

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