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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-14-24 

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-14-24 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, November 14TH and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody all over the blue marble of the planet. You flat landers, whatever that is, just hang in there. We believe that the  globe is round - the Earth is round, although it's not perfectly round, but just round ish -  alright, so I want to welcome everybody that's listening as we refer to you as big call universe. Thank you for tuning  in

Let's get into Intel. Let's talk about it. This is a really going to be a short segment, but an important segment, and this is information that has been consolidated and brought in over the last couple of days. We didn't, you know, it's so hard for us to pin down some of the things that need to happen, like, for example, banks are looking for,…….let me put it this way, President Trump is going to be making an announcement to the banks on behalf of the New US Treasury, and that is what's supposed to happen today or tomorrow.  And it looks like it probably would not happen this evening, but happen sometime tomorrow

Now, once that occurs, then the redemption center leaders over various parts of the country will get out the emails to banks and to redemption centers so that they will be aware of when their notifications to the redemption center operatives, or leaders - as I call them, and to the bank managers on their emails when those are to go out, so they're contingent upon receipt of emails after with after President Trump notifies the banks, probably on a huge conference call about what is, what is going on and when things are to happen.

Now, that sounds pretty good, but we got some more information tonight that really looks good. First of all, the Iraqi dinar is floating on the Iraqi stock change, which is the is x, and that we knew that yesterday, and also the Forex, we've got two confirmations yesterday that the dinar is actively trading on the Forex now, rates on the Forex yesterday were what's called populating and elevating. That means they were blinking slowly, but they're also showing increases in value. That's what we want to see

Also the redemption centers were not showing the currencies on the screens until today. We did see that they were up on the screens at the redemption centers today. So that's another good sign that we're moving in the right  direction.

So here's where we stand. We normally talk about Iraq, and we did. We talked about the dinar, on the forex and on the ISX - It's all good. But we also are talking about,  let me get my mind right on this ok –

 Okay, okay, we don't normally follow as closely as we would like. What's going on with tier 4A so called the admirals groups, but we did get word that the admirals groups are to be  notified -  If you're in the admirals group pay attention to this. You're to be notified on Saturday, and then I believe for most of them, it would be by email that you're supposed to be notified Saturday and have access to your accounts on Monday.

Now they've got the tier 3 bond holders and tier 4B the Internet Group aligned to be pretty much on a true shotgun start.

The admirals group would go ahead of us by a day or so. In 4B and tier 3 bond holders are to be to receive their notification by email, Monday morning before noon, Monday morning before noon, and then go in for their exchanges, like in our case  to exchange currencies and redeem the zim to go in Monday evening or Tuesday morning. Monday afternoon, late afternoon, evening or Tuesday morning.

So that's in the in the tier three bond holders would also receive their notifications Monday by noon and then have access to their accounts on Tuesday. So that's a pretty close shotgun start, but the whole rollout of this is probably 12 to 24 maybe as many as 36 hours.

Now, the other thing with bondholders is, we heard this either yesterday or the day before, that bondholders would be paid out over a 10 day period. So that is something that, because they are, there are so many and there, I don't know why it would take that long, but it could take up to 10 days for all the bondholders to receive their funds. But everything is supposed to be triggered.

That's the key word, triggered Saturday night, which is the 16th -  Am I right on the date? Yeah, 16th is Saturday -  but it really shows up for us in the internet group Monday morning by noon, it's when we're supposed to get our notifications, and then we get set our appointments and go in for exchanges, either Monday, afternoon, evening or Tuesday.

So that's the latest Intel, and everything's been crunched down and concentrated and brought into focus so that we can sort of plan the next several days ahead  - We should have Christmas before Thanksgiving, in a sense, that's what somebody posted a while back. We've heard that. I think that's what's going to happen.

So this is the intel that we had, right now - We got what's going on with the dinar. We know that currently are flashing slowly and populating, between changing rates and elevating, which means rates are going up. Obviously, if you're wise, you use the redemption center with the toll free number that's going to be available on our website, And let's, let's pray the call out,

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 10-24-24  REPLAY LINK  Intel Begins   1:13:50


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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 10-17-24  REPLAY LINK  Intel Begins   1:18:55


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 10-15-24  REPLAY LINK  Intel Begins 1:11:00
