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9 Ingenious Places To Hide Spare Keys

9 Ingenious Places To Hide Spare Keys

Don't get locked out of your house when you use these best places to hide a spare key

Anika Gandhi  Anika’s DIY Life  Mon, October 28, 2024

For decades, people have been stashing spare keys outside their homes to avoid the dreaded lockout. With how often it happens, it only makes sense to have an accessible backup! But the classic “under the doormat” hiding spot? That’s the first place a potential intruder will check.

Say goodbye to predictable hiding spots and discover more secure ways to keep your spare key accessible without sacrificing safety. These unexpected yet clever spots will make finding your key challenging for strangers and easy for you when you need it most!

There’s no guarantee that a burglar won’t still find them, but it will be a lot harder, and they may, hopefully, give up the search and leave.

Whether on the porch or back patio, a patio chair is an easy but discreet hiding spot. Secure the spare key in a hide-a-key box for added protection, then attach it under the chair using strong adhesive tape.

These small hide-a-key boxes are affordable and add an extra layer of peace of mind.

2. On A Privacy Fence

A privacy fence can be an ideal place to stash your key in plain sight.

Hang the key on a small nail tucked discreetly under the top rail, or tape it to the inside of a pole cap. Just be sure it’s out of easy reach, so it’s hidden yet accessible when needed.

3. On A Nearby Tree

View of the main entrance to the house from the adjacent garden

If you live near trees, they can make great storage spots for keys. Use a small nail or weatherproof tape to secure the key in an inconspicuous location, like a branch crook or hidden under some bark.

Be sure to check it after storms to ensure it’s secure!

TO READ MORE: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/story/9-ingenious-places-hide-spare-142005333.html