Open Message From Bluwolf 12-2-2020 "We Will Have a Merry Christmas!"

Thank you Bluwolf!!

Open Message from Bluwolf, Wednesday Morning - sent to Dinar Recaps

I for 20 years have been strait forward always putting God family and country first. I started with 35 souls following then it went to my beloved 600 whom to this day are still with me.

Shortly after this I saw how my people in Puerto Rico started to get involved in the dinar and later the dong making my little spot of the Earth the Nation with the most dinars per square feet.

Also from those 600 beautiful people WE are now in the millions thanks to my teaching of faith and indurence.

When I speak out to you I am precise and to the point for I like many have very good sources and in very high places.

My people have seen that I give out valuable information both hours or days before the next guy. The variables or shifts that transpire is not because of false information but SIMPLY BECAUSE OF CORRUPT GOVERNMENT PARTIES AND THERE PUPPETRY AGENDAS AND THE SO CALL ELITES. YOU CALL THEM DEEP STATE…. I CALL THEM SOMETHING ELSE excuse my french.

 Look I don't control this outcome that is up to your Commander in Chief and I just want you to know my voice as of many others have reach his ears and we have encourage to give the GO.

And you know what he is really pushing it forward thanks to all who have written to him. We encourage him to release the RV/ redemption last 2nd of October and he ordered it but then because of a security breach that was postponed somehow till today.

Someone mentioned my name in a call and dare to call all the above a BLUWOLF JINX and that I did not appreciate at all. I am a very serious and outspoken person of God , I am not a clown, I am not a liar, I don't go around mentioning names nor do I make fun of serious in fact all peoples.

My job according to Jehová God is for me 1st to establish faith in all for a prosperous future. 2nd to be a pastor of sheep keeping them all together and safe. 3rd to make sure that the head count will grow for THE KINGDOM OF GOD JEHOVÁ, done deal from only 34 souls to record MILLIONS.

Listen I take my responsibility very seriously and I am not a charlatan, I speak only when the time is precise and I cut it very short.

 I BLUWOLF am not someones example of a JINX so don't you ever go there again.

Your blessing are now just hours away, I pray that it finally gets through and gets done. And this will only get done if Mr.President overrides everything and does so.

You now have my blessing and my congratulations, I bless thy PROSPEROUS, just make sure that you do right by God as you promise and you shall be well for if you don't well that would be another story.

Please share this message if you can with all rooms.

I just hope that my integrity is still intact after this someones lost for words.

 Good day , God bless, Na'maste Bluwolf 12.2.2020



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Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Wed. Dec. 2, 2020