Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Afternoon 5-16-2024


Clare:  Sudanese advisor announces full repayment of IMF loans

5/16/2024   Baghdad

Today, Thursday, the Advisor to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, outlined the loans provided by the International Monetary Fund to Iraq since 2003, while noting that their total did not exceed 8 billion dollars, confirming that they were repaid in full.

Saleh said, in a statement followed by “Al-Iqtisad News”: “Since 2003, the International Monetary Fund has provided several loans to Iraq that were aimed at supporting macroeconomic stability and implementing financial reforms. Between the years 2003 and 2021, Iraq obtained several financing programs from the International Monetary Fund, "Including emergency loans and relatively long-term financial assistance."


Clare:  Sudanese advisor announces full repayment of IMF loans

5/16/2024   Baghdad

Today, Thursday, the Advisor to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, outlined the loans provided by the International Monetary Fund to Iraq since 2003, while noting that their total did not exceed 8 billion dollars, confirming that they were repaid in full.

Saleh said, in a statement followed by “Al-Iqtisad News”: “Since 2003, the International Monetary Fund has provided several loans to Iraq that were aimed at supporting macroeconomic stability and implementing financial reforms. Between the years 2003 and 2021, Iraq obtained several financing programs from the International Monetary Fund, "Including emergency loans and relatively long-term financial assistance."

He added, "In the first years after 2003, the Fund provided significant support to Iraq through various programs, including the SBA Credit Readiness Program and the Rapid Financing Instrument. For example, in 2016, the International Monetary Fund approved an SBA Credit Readiness Program worth 5.34 Billions of dollars to support economic reforms in Iraq, and Iraq received two-thirds of the above amount, and it was paid in full within five years.”

Saleh continued, “In 2021, Iraq requested an emergency loan worth $6 billion from the International Monetary Fund, and it appears that the loan was not materialized because it was not linked to one of the Fund’s programs at the time,” noting that “methods of cooperation with the International Monetary Fund have been targeted to support government reforms.” And confronting the economic crises that resulted from the decline in oil prices, which were linked to fluctuations in the balance of payments and its effects on economic activity.”

The Prime Minister’s Advisor for Financial Affairs stated, “Since 2003, the value of the loans and financial aid granted by the International Monetary Fund to Iraq has amounted to several billion dollars, and their total does not exceed 7 to 8 billion dollars, and they have been repaid in full, with a focus when granting loans on implementing programs related to “By supporting macroeconomic stability and implementing the necessary financial reforms.”  LINK

DeepWoodz:  t appears there are many loose ends being tied up neatly.   C’mon Iraq!


Clare: IMF Executive Board Concludes 2024 Article IV Consultation with Iraq

May 15, 2024

Washington, DC: On May 13, 2024, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concluded the Article IV consultation[1] with Iraq and considered and endorsed the staff appraisal.

Domestic stability has improved since the new government took office in October 2022, facilitating the passage of Iraq’s first three-year budget, which entailed a large fiscal expansion starting in 2023.

 This supported the strong recovery in Iraq’s non-oil economy after a contraction in 2022, while Iraq was largely unaffected by the ongoing conflict in the region. Domestic inflation declined to 4 percent by end-2023, reflecting lower international food prices, the currency revaluation as of February 2023, and the normalization in trade finance. However, imbalances have worsened due to the large fiscal expansion and lower oil prices. 

The ongoing fiscal expansion is expected to boost growth in 2024, at the expense of a further deterioration of fiscal and external accounts and Iraq’s vulnerability to oil price fluctuations. Without policy adjustment, the risk of medium-term sovereign debt stress is high and external stability risks could emerge. Key downside risks include much lower oil prices or a spread of the conflict in Gaza and Israel.

[2] At the conclusion of the discussion, the Managing Director, as Chairman of the Board, summarizes the views of Executive Directors, and this summary is transmitted to the country's authorities. An explanation of any qualifiers used in summings up can be found here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Mnt Goat  Iraq has requested that a United Nations assistance mission (UNAMI) set up after the 2003 U.S.- led invasion of the country end its work by the end of 2025, saying it was no longer needed because Iraq had made significant progress towards stability. Could it be that the rich and powerful are going to let Iraq finally be a true sovereign country and not just on paper? Are they letting go of the apron strings... It is just yet another sign to us that the freedom for Iraq is finally coming to reality. Another stop in the journey down the choo choo tracks and the final stop we all await – the reinstatement.

Frank26  Community Comment:  "I Remember you stated a long time ago that the float will be quick."  Yeah, IMO the hunger for the Iraqi dinar is great and the investors are almost endless.  I believe when it floats it'll be like getting gunpowder on fire.  It'll move fast...Within 3 months you're going to see a significant change.  Within 6 months it may be done.  I hope that within a year they'll cap it...IMO $3.86 to $4.25.

This is very iqd good news

Nader: 5-16-2024

US ECONOMY: $17.7 Trillion Consumer DEBT EXPLOSION, China Sanctions, Stagflation & Rising Inflation

Lena Petrova:  5-15-2024

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Thursday Afternoon 5-16-24

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Thursday Afternoon 5-16-24

JP Morgan Chase Bank Massive Announcement – 3:55

Its Amazing ,1 Iraqi Dinar equals $5.22 USD ✅ CBI set the Rate – 3:01

Finally Reinstatement Allowed – 2:45

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Thursday Afternoon 5-16-24

JP Morgan Chase Bank Massive Announcement – 3:55

Its Amazing ,1 Iraqi Dinar equals $5.22 USD ✅ CBI set the Rate – 3:01

Finally Reinstatement Allowed – 2:45

 JP Morgan Chase Bank Massive Announcement – 3:55

Its Amazing ,1 Iraqi Dinar equals $5.22 USD ✅ CBI set the Rate – 3:01

Finally Reinstatement Allowed – 2:45

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Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8

7 Secret Perks of Having a High Credit Score

7 Secret Perks of Having a High Credit Score

Adam Palasciano   Wed, May 15,

In an economy highlighted by sky-high interest rates for auto and home loans, having a good credit score has probably never mattered more.

According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a credit score is a prediction of your credit behavior, such as how likely you are to pay a loan back on time, based on information from your credit reports.

If your credit score is lacking, you might want to consider ways to boost it as soon as you can. Why? Because having a high credit score comes with some sweet financial perks.

Best Perks of Having a High Credit Score

Here are seven secret perks of having a high credit score, according to RedRoofRipon and Equifax:

7 Secret Perks of Having a High Credit Score

Adam Palasciano   Wed, May 15,

In an economy highlighted by sky-high interest rates for auto and home loans, having a good credit score has probably never mattered more.

According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a credit score is a prediction of your credit behavior, such as how likely you are to pay a loan back on time, based on information from your credit reports.

If your credit score is lacking, you might want to consider ways to boost it as soon as you can. Why? Because having a high credit score comes with some sweet financial perks.

Best Perks of Having a High Credit Score

Here are seven secret perks of having a high credit score, according to RedRoofRipon and Equifax:

Access to lower interest rates: A high credit score will translate into favorable interest rates on auto loans and mortgages. If you’re in the market for a new car or to buy your first home, the status of your credit score is the first thing you’ll want to be concerned about. Even a difference of just 1% can save you thousands (if not tens of thousands) of dollars over the life of a sizable loan.

More favorable loan terms: A high credit score can also mean more favorable loan terms. These can be lower down payment requirements and extended repayment periods, depending on what your lender offers.

Higher credit limits: Since a higher credit score shows that you’re more likely to pay back your loans without an issue, some financial institutions and lenders will be glad to offer you higher credit limits. This can be for an auto loan or mortgage — or even a higher spending limit on your credit card.

More likely to be approved For rentals: Renting an apartment comes with certain financial approvals from the landlord. To guarantee you’ll be a responsible paying tenant for the duration of a lease, landlords will often run credit checks before you can sign. The higher your credit score, the more likely you’ll be approved to move in.

Loans can be approved faster: Sometimes, a higher credit score means you won’t have to wait very long for your loan or credit card application to be approved. Since a higher score is indicative of your ability to pay your bills on time and in full, there usually isn’t a need for the lender to take a closer look at your finances before approving.

To Read More:

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

“The Gold Iraqi Dinar” By The Economic Ninja: 

The Gold Iraqi Dinar

The Economic Ninja: 

As people search for Iraqi dinar latest news today and revaluation news.

Learn about the gold Iraqi Dinar and how the Iraqi Central Bank is buying more gold as the government prepares to revalue the currency.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. I only express my opinion based on my experience. Your experience may be different.

The Gold Iraqi Dinar

The Economic Ninja: : 5-16-2024

As people search for Iraqi dinar latest news today and revaluation news.

Learn about the gold Iraqi Dinar and how the Iraqi Central Bank is buying more gold as the government prepares to revalue the currency.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. I only express my opinion based on my experience. Your experience may be different.

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

“Tidbits From TNT” Thursday 5-16-2024


Tishwash:  A license for brokerage companies to trade in shares on international stock exchanges

The Securities Commission is studying the possibility of licensing brokerage companies to trade in shares on international stock exchanges.

The head of the authority, Faisal Al-Haims, said in a statement: “The authority has begun studying the licensing of brokerage companies to trade in shares on global stock exchanges through a technical committee within it.”

He added, “The Authority is working seriously to support and develop the stock market by studying the licensing of brokerage companies to enable them to trade in shares on international stock exchanges for the first time in Iraq.”

He explained, “This step comes in the context of protecting the rights of citizens to trade through brokerage companies that practice this activity without an official license from the Securities Commission, which seeks to develop the financial markets in the country,” noting that “the Commission is working to provide a stimulating and regulated investment environment.” “It contributes to enhancing confidence among investors and raising Iraq’s position in global financial markets.”  link


Tishwash:  A license for brokerage companies to trade in shares on international stock exchanges

The Securities Commission is studying the possibility of licensing brokerage companies to trade in shares on international stock exchanges.

The head of the authority, Faisal Al-Haims, said in a statement: “The authority has begun studying the licensing of brokerage companies to trade in shares on global stock exchanges through a technical committee within it.”

He added, “The Authority is working seriously to support and develop the stock market by studying the licensing of brokerage companies to enable them to trade in shares on international stock exchanges for the first time in Iraq.”

He explained, “This step comes in the context of protecting the rights of citizens to trade through brokerage companies that practice this activity without an official license from the Securities Commission, which seeks to develop the financial markets in the country,” noting that “the Commission is working to provide a stimulating and regulated investment environment.” “It contributes to enhancing confidence among investors and raising Iraq’s position in global financial markets.”  link

CandyKisses:  Iraq confirms its keenness to achieve energy self-sufficiency

Economy News – Baghdad

Today, Wednesday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani affirmed the government’s keenness to implement its executive approach within the axis of achieving energy self-sufficiency, while indicating that the memorandums of understanding that were signed during his visit to the United States of America last April are being implemented on the ground.

The Prime Minister’s Media Office stated in a statement received by Al-Iqtisad News, “Al-Sudani received the US Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources Affairs, Jeffrey Payette, in the presence of the US Ambassador to Iraq,” noting that “the most prominent files of cooperation in the field of energy, in all its forms, were reviewed.” And ways to develop it, in a way that contributes to achieving common interests.”

During the meeting, the Prime Minister stressed, “The government’s keenness to implement its executive approach within the axis of achieving energy self-sufficiency, in the areas of exploiting locally produced natural and associated gas, generating electricity, providing petroleum derivatives, and producing chemical fertilizers and petrochemical materials,” explaining that the memorandums of understanding that were signed during His visit to the United States of America last April is being implemented on the ground.”

Al-Sudani pointed to “the government’s efforts and steps in the field of economic and financial reform, especially in the areas of tax, customs, and the banking sector, and completing the elements of the ideal investment environment,” calling on “American companies to work and invest in Iraq.”

For his part, Payet praised “the efforts of the Iraqi government to develop the energy sector,” pointing to “the joint statement of the Prime Minister and US President Joseph Biden, which represents a road map and framework for fruitful work and cooperation.”

He stressed “the desire of American companies to invest and expand their activities inside Iraq.”


CandyKisses:  US negotiations to supply Iraq’s electricity with 3,000 megawatts

Shafaq News / Iraqi Minister of Electricity Ziad Ali Fadel discussed with the US Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Affairs Jeffrey Payat on Wednesday that the electrical system was supplyed by about 3,000 thousand new megawatts through the implementation of new energy projects.

This came during the reception of the Iraqi Minister of Electricity, of the US Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Affairs, in the presence of the US Ambassador in Baghdad, Alena Romanoski, according to a statement received by Shafaq News.

During the meeting, the two sides discussed cooperation between the two countries in the field of energy, where Fadel reviewed the projects it is implementing by the ministry in the production, distribution and transport sectors, and its plans to diversify energy supply sources through a package of projects for electrical connection and other projects in the field of clean energy.

The meeting touched on the role of American and foreign companies in contributing to the modernization of the infrastructure of the electricity sector in Iraq. The Minister of Electricity referred to the contracts concluded with (GE) to qualify and maintain production plants for 5 years, as well as the conversion of gas stations from simple cycles to the complex cycles currently implemented by the American company in more than one location in Iraq.

The two sides discussed, according to the statement, accelerating the implementation of the terms of the memorandum of cooperation concluded during the recent visit of Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani to Washington, including the supply of the electrical system by about 3,000 thousand new megawatts through the implementation of new energy projects.

The Iraqi Minister of Electricity called on American companies to submit their offers for the smart transformation project in the electrical system, which the ministry is implementing in selected areas of Baghdad and the provinces as a first stage, expecting that this project will contribute to improving the performance of the electrical network and securing processing hours for citizens 24 hours a day.

For his part, the US official stressed Washington's interest in supporting the Iraqi government's steps in enhancing the performance of its electrical system, and moving towards investment in clean energy projects suitable for the environment 

Mot: ......... Just So Ya Knows!!!

Mot:  .. not to brag 

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

“Coffee With MarkZ” Thursday Morning Chat 5-16-2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Dream your own dreams, achieve your own goals. Your journey is your own and unique

Member: Good Morning Everyone! Have a Terrific Thursday!

MZ: Are you guys ready- are you paying attention and waiting for big announcements or “extraordinary  plans” to be revealed  in Iraq on Sunday-   according to Sudani ?

Member: Not expecting so I can be pleasantly surprised….

​​Member: Mark Sunday will be my 70th birthday. I am expecting the RV to be announced. Thank you , Lord!

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Dream your own dreams, achieve your own goals. Your journey is your own and unique

Member: Good Morning Everyone! Have a Terrific Thursday!

MZ: Are you guys ready- are you paying attention and waiting for big announcements or “extraordinary  plans” to be revealed  in Iraq on Sunday-   according to Sudani ?

Member: Not expecting so I can be pleasantly surprised….

​​Member: Mark Sunday will be my 70th birthday. I am expecting the RV to be announced. Thank you , Lord!

Member….MilitiaMan also mentioned this last night.

MZ: MM had a good solid video last night….Hope you all listen…… He talks about “Extraordinary  Plans” to be announced –according to Al-Sudani.   On Sunday. Now this has something  to do with the budget. Finishing the 2024 budget.

MZ:  I tell you what- announcing a different rate would sure fix all of those problems including the budget

MZ: We are all praying this means something big. Lots of progress internationally  and MM also talks about the impending ascension to the WTO.

Member: it seems that sudani is under enormous pressure to pull the trigger.. but I'm sure he's making sure that there's no hiccups".

MZ: I continue to hear great things from banks as they continue to train. They say it means we are close but I don’t know what that means timewise

Member: Close is one of those words I never want to hear again after the RV. Close does not seem to mean what we used to think it meant.

MZ: “Russia endorses Vietnams future participation in BRICS: Russian ambassador” This is the world doing the fundamentals it takes to change their currencies. We are seeing a seismic shift from fiat back to commodities. This is a big piece of news. And Vietnam is pushing toward that end…like Iraq and it’s with or without the US. .

Member: Putin said 80% of trade between Russia and china is traded outside the USD

Member: Hey if Vietnam wants to go now I won't stop them

Member: Since Vietnam is doing so well financially on their own, I wonder if  its  possible that vnd could go higher than 50% of iqd?

Member:  has there been a change in how they'll send notifications for redemption center appointments?

Member: I firmly believe we will not really know until it happens. No sense worrying about something we have no control of.

Member: Will the VND go at the same time as the IQD?

MZ: We still expect them to go at the same time.

Member: Could we be in the banks next week?

MZ: If we get a rate on Sunday- IMO we could be in the banks next week.

Member: Please. Please. Please. let this be our time! I

​​Member: Happy birthday to all celebrating

Note: Marks podcast froze today…..blacked out. for awhile. Technical difficulties?




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday AM 5-16-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday AM 5-16-24

The Association Of Private Banks Praises The Iraqi Central Bank’s Approach To Establishing Digital Banks

 Expenses  Economy News – Baghdad    The Executive Director of the Iraqi Private Banks Association, Ali Tariq, praised the Central Bank’s approach to establishing digital banks to keep pace with the great development in the global banking sector.

 Tariq said in an interview with Al-Iqtisad News,

 “The world is moving towards the digitization of banking services, and

 Iraq has begun its first steps in establishing digital banks, as

until now there is a digital bank licensed inside Iraq, and

it provides its services normally to the public.” He pointed out that "the

Central Bank of Iraq issued instructions to license banks, which

     set their number at a rate not exceeding 10% of the total banks operating inside the country, with

     a capital of 100 billion dinars, with traditional banks participating at a rate of 30%."

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday AM 5-16-24

The Association Of Private Banks Praises The Iraqi Central Bank’s Approach To Establishing Digital Banks

 Expenses  Economy News – Baghdad    The Executive Director of the Iraqi Private Banks Association, Ali Tariq, praised the Central Bank’s approach to establishing digital banks to keep pace with the great development in the global banking sector.

 Tariq said in an interview with Al-Iqtisad News,

 “The world is moving towards the digitization of banking services, and

 Iraq has begun its first steps in establishing digital banks, as

until now there is a digital bank licensed inside Iraq, and

it provides its services normally to the public.” He pointed out that "the

Central Bank of Iraq issued instructions to license banks, which

     set their number at a rate not exceeding 10% of the total banks operating inside the country, with

     a capital of 100 billion dinars, with traditional banks participating at a rate of 30%."

He added,  "Digital banks are similar to traditional banks, but

 they differ in that they do not have branches, and

 most of their services are via mobile phones," noting that the

size of central banks in the world has increased significantly and has reached more than 500 digital banks. Tariq noted that

  “traditional banks are still providing their services through applications, and

 they are keeping pace with the development taking place in the banking sector.”

 views 481     Added 05/13/2024 -    

Arab Banks Sweep The Dollar Platform.. Washington Sanctions Freeze The Iraqi Government And The Central Bank Is Content With Silence

     May 14 20:03      Information/Private..

 The false and twisted policy of the United States of America towards Iraq is being exposed day after day in many cases, including the dollar crisis that Washington created to impose dictates and blackmail the government publicly after punishing Iraqi banks in two installments and imposing strict measures in exchange for obtaining the dollar from the electronic platform.

This made the opportunity available for Arab banks to invade the platform and dominate the sale of the dollar with clear laxity and in violation of the law from the Central Bank, which abandoned the matter of lifting sanctions on Iraqi banks and continued to grant licenses to Jordanian, Emirati, Gulf and foreign banks, which undermined the work of the local.

 *Central violations

 Speaking about this file, Al-Fath Alliance member Ali Al-Zubaidi criticizes the Central Bank’s controls for granting licenses to foreign and Arab banks to operate in the Iraqi banking sector, while he stressed that continuing to grant the dollar at reduced prices to these banks amounts to wasting the country’s share of the dollar. 

 Al-Zubaidi said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “Granting licenses to these banks should be in the field of investment, construction, loans, and initiatives, and not working on the electronic platform,” noting that

 “these banks have undermined the work of Iraqi banks to a very large extent.” 

He continues,   "The entry of Jordanian, Emirati, and Gulf Arab banks into the dollar selling platform will make them compete directly with Iraqi banks," calling on "the Central Bank to reconsider these licenses or limit the points they offer in general."  Al-Zubaidi continues his speech:

 “These banks’ possession of the dollar must be ended by buying the dollar at reduced prices and selling it at a higher price,” pointing out that

 “there is a clear error in the Central Bank’s controls in granting licenses to foreign and Arab banks to work in the Iraqi banking sector.” 

*US sanctions

 In addition, economic expert Nabil Al-Marsoumi confirms that the US Federal Reserve’s sanctions revealed the falsity of the strict US administration on Iraqi banks only, while he stressed that

the current central bank law has made Arab banks dominate Iraqi banks.

Al-Marsoumi said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency,

 “The American ambassador contradicts the statements by talking about the development of the Iraqi banking system at a time when the Federal Reserve continues to issue sanctions,” noting that

 “the recent sanctions reduced the number of Iraqi banks to only five banks on the electronic platform.”  He continues,

 "Arab capital opened banks with Iraqi names and management in order to enter the currency auction and the electronic platform," adding that

 "the issue of granting licenses requires reconsideration of Arab and foreign investments within the country."  Al-Marsoumi continues his speech:

  “The basic law stipulates that the percentage of Arab banks is not allowed to increase by more than 49%,

but the current Central Bank law allows Arab banks a percentage of up to more than 80%,” adding that

“the current Central Bank law has made Arab banks dominate the Iraqi banks.

 *Bank profits

 For its part, an informed source reveals that Jordanian, Kuwaiti, and Qatari banks operating in Iraq achieved profits estimated at 200 billion dinars in just three months, while he confirmed that the

Kuwaiti-owned Bank of Baghdad recorded profits worth 88.3 billion dinars, while the

 National Bank (of Jordan) recorded profits worth 88.3 billion dinars. Its profits amounted to 84.4 billion dinars.

 The source, who preferred to remain anonymous, said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency,

 “During the same period, Al-Mansour Bank, which belongs to Qatar, achieved profits amounting to 27 billion dinars,” indicating that

 “the error began with granting licenses to Arab banks to work in... Iraqi Financial Market.  He added,

 "The Central Bank's policy will contribute to losing control over the banking system, which will remain in the hands of the United States and Jordanian banks," warning against "exploiting this file politically in the future."

 Many political and popular parties criticized the courtesy shown by the Iraqi governments towards the Jordanian, Emirati and Gulf banks and granting them privileges, facilities and illegal licenses, in light of their hostile policy towards the country on many issues, as well as their support for the usurping Zionist entity against the Palestinian people who have reached... Use of airports, equipment and military aircraft. Ended 25/Jالمصارف-العربية-تكتسح-منصة-الدولار-عقوبات-واشنطن-تجمد-العراق   

Iraq Has The Tenth Worst Economic Growth In The Last 5 Years

May 10, 2024 Follow-up/National News Center   Iraq ranked highly globally among the countries with the least economic growth during the last 5 years, while poor economic growth was concentrated in the countries of Africa and the Middle East due to Corona and then the conflicts that have existed so far.

Iraq ranked 10th globally out of 190 countries around the world, as the tenth worst country in terms of economic growth during the years between 2020 and 2024.

 Iraq's economic growth during these last five years

     reached negative 0.8,

     ranking it tenth globally, and the

     third worst Arab economic growth after Sudan and Yemen.

Sudan came in first place as the worst country in terms of economic growth between 2020 and 2024, reaching negative 5.6%.

 On the contrary, Albania ranked last on the list of countries with poor economic growth, which makes it first in the world in terms of economic growth during 2020 to 2024, with a growth rate of 3.3%, according to “Seaworld.”    

To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit


Provoking Thoughts and Points to Ponder on Advice :

Be frank and explicit. That is the right line to take when you wish to conceal your own mind and to confuse the minds of others.  - Benjamin Disraeli

To make pleasure pleasant, shorten.  - Charles Buxton

Put all thine eggs in one basket and - watch that basket.  - Mark Twain

It has seemed to be more necessary to have regard to the weight of words rather than to their number.  - Cicero

Don't offer me advice, give me money.  - Spanish proverb

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Wednesday Evening  5-15-24

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Wednesday Evening  5-15-24

Wait is Over Dinar Going RV Exchange Your Old 25,000 Notes – 3:54

Biggest Announcement On Washington DC About IQD Rv New Rate – 4:10

Wells Fargo Great News About Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rate – 5:28

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Wednesday Evening  5-15-24

Wait is Over Dinar Going RV Exchange Your Old 25,000 Notes – 3:54

Biggest Announcement On Washington DC About IQD Rv New Rate – 4:10

Wells Fargo Great News About Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rate – 5:28

Wait is Over Dinar Going RV Exchange Your Old 25,000 Notes – 3:54

Biggest Announcement On Washington DC About IQD Rv New Rate – 4:10

Wells Fargo Great News About Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rate – 5:28

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 5-16-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 16 May 2024 Compiled Thurs. 16 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:  (RUMORS)

Wed. 15 May 2024 Wolverine: “I hope you guys are excited. I know it has been very stressful for all of us. Yesterday’s call was not the call I wanted to say to you, because I have been told not to say anything. But what I can tell you tell you that Brazil was to go around 12 pm today, but unfortunately, the World Bank had it postponed, but they will go tomorrow Thurs. 16 May.

I will get the call when Brazil starts. A lot of things are happening. A huge, huge whale in Zurich whom I spoke of is looking fine, and I got the Green Light from that person, and it is looking phenomenal.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 16 May 2024

Compiled Thurs. 16 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:  (RUMORS)

Wed. 15 May 2024 Wolverine: “I hope you guys are excited. I know it has been very stressful for all of us. Yesterday’s call was not the call I wanted to say to you, because I have been told not to say anything. But what I can tell you tell you that Brazil was to go around 12 pm today, but unfortunately, the World Bank had it postponed, but they will go tomorrow Thurs. 16 May.

I will get the call when Brazil starts. A lot of things are happening. A huge, huge whale in Zurich whom I spoke of is looking fine, and I got the Green Light from that person, and it is looking phenomenal.

Bond Holders will probably get blessed this week. Remember, the bond holders go first, and then the currencies holders.

Tier4B will actually be “golden” in a few days, in my own opinion, as soon as Bond Holders are paid, the Tier4B should go straight away.

I have a feeling that this is what’s happening. I think this will be sporadic with no announcement – Just going to happen. The announcement will come from your platform, from your whale, or maybe lawyers you are working with, saying you need to go to a redemption center.

In terms of the public -there will be no public announcement. It all depends on what the notifications actually tell you, if they tell you to be quiet or whatever else there is. All is discrete right now.

 After signing NDAs no one will know who has been paid. I think that is the best way to go, so no one knows who got paid, this way we are protected.

 There are a lot of bad apples out there waiting to know if people they DO know got paid or not, and obviously, they do not want people to get harmed. This in my opinion of course.

 I have not received real confirmation on that. If this is the case, I cannot release the opera as it would be seen as an announcement by me. The main thing is that we all want the blessing and the Med Beds. And, if it is that way, I will sing the opera for you all at the get together.

 I might be wrong, remember, I am just a messenger.

 This may be a shotgun and we go at the same time – we are that close right now, and I hear wonderful news coming from certain people I know in Zurich and Miami. I am praying that this tine Bruce gets it right today.

I have been wrong so many times. We do not do this on purpose. All Intel providers work hard. Things keep changing – Today, We thought Brazil would happen, and now it is tomorrow. Take care guys, Wolverine.”

Global Financial Crisis:

Wed. 15 May 2024: Credit Crisis Hits Worst Level Since Great Recession As Millions Of Americans Go Bankrupt – Epic Economist Video – American Media Group (

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man  I think they're at the stage where they just got to jump and do it.  They have to interlink with the region and...the world so it's going to be a timed event.  I don't have the time, the date for that but I think we're going to see it shortly...

Jeff  The rate change is here...   Article: "Sudanese directs to hold an extraordinary session next Sunday to discuss the 2024 budget schedulesThe reason council of Ministers which normally meet on Tuesday are meeting on Sunday is they can only meet after the rate changes...They are reducing the deficit.  To reduce the deficit you have to reduce your expenses, cost and figures.  The only way they can do that is revaluing the currency...This step is contingent upon the rate change.

The Derivatives Market Is Starting To Crack...Again!!

George Gammon:  5-15-2024

Fireworks In Gold & Silver Ahead? | Andy Schectman

Liberty and Finance:  5-14-2024

Andy Schectman, CEO of Miles Franklin Precious joins Dunagun Kaiser, founder of LibertyAndFinance to discuss breaking new analyses released by analyst Bill Holter which signal an imminent breakout to the upside for both gold & silver.

Andy also answer your questions LIVE in tonight’s livestream!

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Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20 Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20

MilitiaMan: Iraq Dinar - IQD Study - Extraordinary Plans - Al-Sudani - Political Week - Progress Internationally

Iraq Dinar - IQD Study - Extraordinary Plans - Al-Sudani - Political Week - Progress Internationally

MilitiaMan and Crew:  5-15-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

Iraq Dinar - IQD Study - Extraordinary Plans - Al-Sudani - Political Week - Progress Internationally

MilitiaMan and Crew:  5-15-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Wednesday Evening 5-15-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Wednesday Evening 5-15-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) recently revealed that four applications are pending. One of those is from Germany’s 21X (, the only one of the quartet that has applied for a DLT trading and settlement systems (DLT TSS) license.

If approved, this would allow it to both operate a secondary market (DLT MTF) and run the settlement systems (DLT SS). We were the first DLT TSS applicant in Europe. We do have a first mover advantage that we are hoping to realize,” 21X CEO Max Heinzle told Ledger Insights."

A secondary market allows investors and traders the ability to exchange with each other when a primary Market adds an item for sale. Securities can be directly traded between two entities without having to go through the primary issuer.

This allows the actual price of an item to be driven by supply and demand. An actual value begins to surface over several trades.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Wednesday Evening 5-15-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) recently revealed that four applications are pending. One of those is from Germany’s 21X (, the only one of the quartet that has applied for a DLT trading and settlement systems (DLT TSS) license.

If approved, this would allow it to both operate a secondary market (DLT MTF) and run the settlement systems (DLT SS). We were the first DLT TSS applicant in Europe. We do have a first mover advantage that we are hoping to realize,” 21X CEO Max Heinzle told Ledger Insights."

A secondary market allows investors and traders the ability to exchange with each other when a primary Market adds an item for sale. Securities can be directly traded between two entities without having to go through the primary issuer.

This allows the actual price of an item to be driven by supply and demand. An actual value begins to surface over several trades.

It is a system that allows large and small traders to invest in Market transactions such as stock markets and over-the-counter markets.

Foreign currency exchanges are traded on the secondary Market. Examples of stock markets (or secondary markets) include:

* the NYSE and Nasdaq in the U.S.
* the London Stock Exchange
* the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
* the Bombay Stock Exchange
* the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

When Stablecoins and Tokenized Assets become law on June 30th, 2024, we will have a Digital Ledger System capable of recording these transactions going forward.  Germany’s 21X (,  

 Ledger Insights    Investopedia 1   Banking Frontiers   Soft Serve Inc    Investopedia 2

© Goldilocks


"Deutsche Bank today announced it has joined the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s (MAS) Project Guardian (as part of the asset and wealth management workstream). The collaborative initiative is dedicated to testing the feasibility of asset tokenization applications in regulated financial markets.

Project Guardian is a multi-year project involving global policymakers (including the United Kingdom’s FCA, Switzerland’s FINMA, and Japan’s FSA) and financial services industry representatives.

As part of the asset and wealth management workstream, the bank will test an open architecture and interoperable blockchain platform to service tokenized and digital funds. It will then propose protocol standards and identify best practice to contribute to industry progress."

The Deutsche Bank connects to all banks around the world, and their proposed "protocol standards" from this project test will move us towards Global unification inside the new digital asset economy.   Deutsche Bank   The Block   Fintech Futures

© Goldilocks


The Monetary Authority of Singapore is finalizing their rules for their new over-the-counter derivatives reporting regimen.

These final regulations come into operation on October 21, 2024. It will introduce the Unified Payments Interface, Unique Transaction Identifier or swaps transaction identifier, cardholder data environment, and ISO 20022 in reporting.

These new developments just so happen to be taking place in the same month of the next BRICS summit.   Exchange Protocols and Regulations are clearly being interfaced onto the QFS during this time. Traction Fintech   DowJones

© Goldilocks


How Trading Works on OTC Markets | Youtube


What are Secondary Markets? | Youtube


Philippines Central Bank Launches Peso-Linked Stablecoin Trials | Bitrue FAQ

Philippines Stablecoin Announcement:

The Philippines will now test a peso-backed stablecoin in payments, trading, hedging, and DeFi applications.


Finastra certifies multiple solutions for ISO 20022 compliance | The Paypers

Tuesday 14 May 2024 15:05 CET | News

Global provider of financial software applications Finastra has announced the completion of testing and certification for ISO 20022.  (
This achievement positions Finastra as one of the early vendors in the industry to complete the certification process for multiple solutions. The certification pertains to four of Finastra’s payment processing solutions, allowing financial institutions across the United States to enhance their innovation capabilities. 

The certified solutions include Payments To Go, Global PAYplus, PAYplus USA, and PAYplus Connect, offering a range of options for financial institutions to comply with ISO 20022 standards for FedWire. Financial institutions are required to conduct their own testing to meet ISO 20022 compliance standards by the end of 2024, emphasizing the importance of selecting a suitable payment processor with the necessary technology.

👆  Goldilocks pointed to this article


Digital ID Regulations Start THIS MONTH mandatory by 2026. | TheNationalPulse

The Digital Identity Regulation (eIDAS 2.0), the European Union’s latest set of digital ID rules, will take effect on May 20. Big Tech firms and EU member nations must now comply in supporting the EU Digital Identity (EUDI) Wallet, though work on the project remains ongoing, with pilot programs scheduled for 2025.

According to recently published standards by the European Council, the EUDI Wallet must be fully implemented across the continent by 2026. Initial usage will encompass scenarios such as accessing government services and age verification.


Financial Services and Markets Act Announcement:

Singapore has commenced its second phase of implementing the Financial Services and Markets Act (FSMA). The Act was passed into law in April 2022 to give the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) additional powers to address misconduct, technology, and virtual asset risks.   20 hours ago


Andrei Belousov: The Economist in Charge of Russia’s Army | The Moscow Times

n economist and technocrat with no military background, Russia's new Defense Minister Andrei Belousov has been tasked with deploying his number-crunching skills and bureaucratic oversight to secure Russian victory against Ukraine.


China considers local government purchases of unsold homes, Bloomberg News says | Yahoo News


Government Acquisition, Regulation of Private Property. Initiative Constitutional Amendment. |  LAO CA Gov


The Unseen Battles in Iraq USD IQD Ex Rate Value Up | Youtube


Silver Price Hasn't Done This In Over A Decade ($30 BREAKOUT Imminent) | Youtube


Yesterday, the Oesterreichische National Bank participated in the first trial of wholesale DLT settlement transactions as part of the Eurosystem experiments. As reported last month, 16 institutions ( were onboarded to participate in the first wave of DLT trials, which use real central bank money. In addition, there are experiments involving simulations.   LedgerInsights


09 May 2024 (BIS):
BIS added 37 entities to the Entity List under the destination of the PRC for the following reasons:

Supporting the High Altitude Ballon that overflew the United States in February 2023;
Having connections to companies that provided such support;
Acquiring and attempting to acquire U.S.-origin items, applicable to unmanned aerial vehicles, to be used by Chinese military entities;
Being involved in the shipment of controlled items to Russia since its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022;
Acquiring and attempting to acquire U.S.-origin items in support of advancing China’s quantum technology capabilities; and Being involved in advancing China's nuclear program development.


The essential metals for humans: a brief overview - PubMed


S&P Global Rankings Urges Asset Managers To Embrace Tokenization | TheDefiant


The DCSA Digital Trade initiative was designed to facilitate universal acceptance and adoption of a standards-based electronic Bill of Lading, applicable to both original Bill of Ladings and Seaway Bills. 

Using open source Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), DCSA BL standard enables straight-through processing of BL data, eliminating paper and manual intervention from BL processes.

Standardised digitalisation of BL data and processes will help create a more secure, agile and sustainable supply chain ecosystem. DCSA is also working closely with eBL solution providers on technical and legal interoperability to enable seamless digital transfer of original BLs across different platforms and stakeholders, which will facilitate the global uptake of BL standards.  DCSA


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