Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Tuesday Afternoon 5-14-24

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Tuesday Afternoon 5-14-24

US President Joe Biden Surprised to All Dinar, Dong & Zim Holders Let's Go Selling – 3:33

Iraq's Dinar About to COLLAPSE? The Amazing Truth About the Exchange Rate! – 4:13

Wow Iraqi Dinar RV Internationally Done Let's Go Investor's – 3:57

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Tuesday Afternoon 5-14-24

US President Joe Biden Surprised to All Dinar, Dong & Zim Holders Let's Go Selling – 3:33

Iraq's Dinar About to COLLAPSE? The Amazing Truth About the Exchange Rate! – 4:13

Wow Iraqi Dinar RV Internationally Done Let's Go Investor's – 3:57

 US President Joe Biden Surprised to All Dinar, Dong & Zim Holders Let's Go Selling – 3:33

Iraq's Dinar About to COLLAPSE? The Amazing Truth About the Exchange Rate! – 4:13

Wow Iraqi Dinar RV Internationally Done Let's Go Investor's – 3:57

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Tuesday AM 5-14-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Tuesday AM 5-14-24

The Dollar Is Reeling From A Fatal Blow And There Are Fears Of A Collapse Of The Dinar   Time: 05/10/2024 Read: 33,332 times  {Reports: Al-Furat News} Report: Wafaa Al-Fatlawi  

The fluctuation in dollar prices and the rise in gold prices has significantly affected the contraction of the commercial market in terms of imports and purchases of goods, amid confusion in opinions between the return of the rise in green and its decline to the official price set by the state of 1,320 dinars per dollar.  

The price of the dollar in the parallel market is currently 1,460 dinars, whether higher or lower than this rate.  

The Central Bank of Iraq's cancellation of the currency {auction} window at the end of 2024 and Washington's sanctions on Iraqi banks have opened a door of doubts that will end up placing the dollar in the face of speculation, which will make it vulnerable to demand after the recovery of the Iraqi dinar with government orders that limited dealing in the dinar to restrict the movement of the dollar.

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Tuesday AM 5-14-24

The Dollar Is Reeling From A Fatal Blow And There Are Fears Of A Collapse Of The Dinar
Time: 05/10/2024 Read: 33,332 times  {Reports: Al-Furat News} Report: Wafaa Al-Fatlawi
The fluctuation in dollar prices and the rise in gold prices has significantly affected the contraction of the commercial market in terms of imports and purchases of goods, amid confusion in opinions between the return of the rise in green and its decline to the official price set by the state of 1,320 dinars per dollar.
The price of the dollar in the parallel market is currently 1,460 dinars, whether higher or lower than this rate.
The Central Bank of Iraq's cancellation of the currency {auction} window at the end of 2024 and Washington's sanctions on Iraqi banks have opened a door of doubts that will end up placing the dollar in the face of speculation, which will make it vulnerable to demand after the recovery of the Iraqi dinar with government orders that limited dealing in the dinar to restrict the movement of the dollar.

While officials find that the establishment of the electronic platform and the level of regularity of the flow of external remittances responsible for financing private sector trade and the escalation of financing rates have reached very high rates through the compliance platform of banks active in this regard, and
the rise in gold prices is not considered a direct impact on the improvement of the exchange rate.
This was confirmed by the Prime Minister’s Advisor for Financial and Economic Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih {to Al-Furat News}, saying:
“Active positive factors have affected the recovery of the Iraqi dinar in the secondary exchange market,
foremost of which is the high level of regular flow of foreign remittances responsible for financing private sector trade and the escalation of Financing rates are very high through the compliance platform of active banks in this regard.” He explained,
"What this means is that the demand for foreign currency through official external transfer operations, which is responsible for 90% of the total desired demand for foreign currency, as most of it is now met at the official exchange rate of 1,320 dinars per one dollar, which gave the official market dominance over the market." Parallel to the exchange.” Saleh stated,
 “As for the developments taking place in the gold commodity market or gold filigree, especially the sudden price developments therein, up and down, they are not considered an alternative directly affecting the improvement of the exchange rate because they are limited in impact and impact on the movements of the parallel exchange market, and that
the main gold trade is financed as foreign trade through Transfers from the banking system and the official exchange market.
Contrary to the government opinion, the Parliamentary Finance Committee supported the theory of doubts and confirmed that the dollar would reach {200} thousand dinars with the cancellation of the currency auction.
Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Ahmed Mazhar Al-Janabi, said {to Al-Furat News} that
“the Central Bank’s decision to cancel the currency auction at the end of the year will open space for exploitation and a problem will occur.

If the auction is canceled and ends, the exchange rate in the markets may double, and
if the Central Bank goes towards this option, the dollar exchange will "It will reach 200 thousand dinars," according to his opinion. I am certain that
 “it will open space for speculators to exploit the matter.
The current price is higher than the official price, despite the sale of approximately $250 million per day. So what if the auction stops?”
In light of this, economists expected that the demand for the dollar would continue to exceed supply,

thus leading to a re-depreciation of the dinar, due to the central bank’s limited ability to provide coverage.
Economist Manar Al-Obaidi said in a statement,
“The demand for the dollar depends primarily on commercial transactions and covering imports.
The greater the demand for imports, the higher the demand for the dollar, and
with the central bank’s limited ability to cover this demand as a result of the set limits, it is expected to continue.”
Demand is greater than supply and thus leads to a decline in the price of the dinar against the dollar.” He added,
"An observer of the exports of the main countries exporting to Iraq notices an increase in the value of these countries' exports, as the value of Turkish exports to Iraq increased by 30% in the first quarter, while Chinese exports to Iraq increased by 20% in the first quarter, as well as the exports of other countries such as the Emirates, India, Iran, and Brazil."".
Al-Obaidi attributed the reasons for this increase to five basic factors:
1- The rise in global inflation, which led to an increase in the values ​​of various commodities in various exporting countries.  

2- Inflation of invoices, as some merchants agree with the processing party to inflate invoices to obtain transfers in higher amounts. In order to resell the converted dollar in those markets  
3- The change in the consumption pattern of the Iraqi citizen and the high population growth rates that increase the demand for various commodities, which increases demand
4- The increase in government agreement as a result of the increase in operational and investment expenses
5- The lack of a capable local industry To compete with the imported product as a result of high costs. Al-Obaidi added,
 “These four reasons are mostly due to the loss of tools to control the state’s financial policy (taxes + customs + control of expenditures).
In order to control this significant rise in the value of imports, which leads to an increase in demand for the dollar, customs and tax policy must be changed.”
"For many sectors, there is a need to possess the tools capable of implementing these policies in a more effective and productive manner." Al-Obaidi added,
"Continuing the import bill will lead to an increase in demand for the dollar and thus an increase in its price in the parallel market, which is what many of those who benefit from the low official price are looking for.
The inability to control imports and the loss of control over financial policy tools will put the state in front of a single solution."
There is no second option, which is the use of monetary policy, which is something that many economic specialists do not favor, and
they prefer to always focus on controlling financial policy.”
As the Hajj season approached, the Central Bank stopped selling the dollar to travelers, and to find out its reasons, the former director of the Financial Supervision Bureau, financial expert, Salah Nouri, said {to Al-Furat News} that
“the recent Financial Supervision Bureau report, which was covered by satellite channels, about violations in the sale of the dollar to travelers, is a major reason to review the procedures and address them.” The defect in the transfer system, and stopping until the situation is corrected.”

In the same context, the economic expert, Safwan Qusay, revealed the leakage of travelers’ dollars to the parallel market. Qusay said {to Al-Furat News},
 “The current policy of the Central Bank of Iraq goes towards auditing the cash dollar, which was marred by many failures in the first periods, especially its leakage through travelers to the irregular market, and
this issue needs a new and clear mechanism.” He added,
"It is assumed that travelers are dealt with through tourism and airline companies, and the travel ticket is not allowed to be canceled unless the traveler returns the amount he purchased from exchange outlets or banks." Qusay stressed that
"this measure will restore confidence in the cash dollar and the possibility of facilitating the mission of real tourists and filling the gaps that accompanied the process of establishing the electronic platform for the cash sale of foreign currencies." He stated that
"the Central Bank will not hesitate to provide the dollar to those entitled to it, whether at the level of Hajj or other windows," noting that
"the Central Bank's emphasis on procedures for granting citizens the cash dollar ensures that it reaches those who need it."
Meanwhile, travelers expressed their surprise at the Central Bank’s decisions to prevent government banks from selling dollars to travelers. Travelers said, via {Al-Furat News}:
 “We are surprised by the Central Bank’s decisions to prevent government banks from selling the dollar to travelers and monopolizing it only with financial transfer and exchange companies.”
Travelers called on Parliament and members of the Parliamentary Finance Committee to “intervene and solve the problem and allow government banks to carry out the process of selling the dollar, especially in conjunction with the delegation of pilgrims to the Holy House of God, and they need to buy the dollar at the official price.”الدولار-يترنح-بضربة-قاضية-ومخاوف-من-انهيار-للدينار  


To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit :

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Economics, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

The Year Of Giving Dangerously

The Year Of Giving Dangerously

White Hats Briefing # 203

We will once again center some attention on the post-BTC halving, and provide a suggested short list of some very, very speculative crypto plays that could yield big numbers (perhaps 1,000% to 10,000%) by being swept up in post-halving winds.

With the approaching and ever-present realities of a new multi-polar world and the possibility of fiscal impact on the US dollar, some strategic moves into this high-risk/high-reward corner of the digital asset realm may be prudent for some of your disposable risk dollars. With the current consolidation at just-below recent market highs, it may be an opportune time to consider such a move.

We will not go into a lengthy explanation of the ideas, and would suggest that any who wish to partake of these ideas must take the time to review the details of each themselves. There are adequate details available on each product via their respective websites, or via the Internet where no site exists for a project.

The Year Of Giving Dangerously

White Hats Briefing # 203

We will once again center some attention on the post-BTC halving, and provide a suggested short list of some very, very speculative crypto plays that could yield big numbers (perhaps 1,000% to 10,000%) by being swept up in post-halving winds.

With the approaching and ever-present realities of a new multi-polar world and the possibility of fiscal impact on the US dollar, some strategic moves into this high-risk/high-reward corner of the digital asset realm may be prudent for some of your disposable risk dollars. With the current consolidation at just-below recent market highs, it may be an opportune time to consider such a move.

We will not go into a lengthy explanation of the ideas, and would suggest that any who wish to partake of these ideas must take the time to review the details of each themselves. There are adequate details available on each product via their respective websites, or via the Internet where no site exists for a project.

Let us proceed.

Pyrin (PYR-USD): PYRIN strategically integrates Layer 1 technology, enhances decentralization, introduces smart contracts, and pioneers innovative resource management which not only boost miner revenues but also contribute to more environmentally friendly blockchain protocols.

More information about where and how to by this idea can be found here.

Banano (BAN-USD): This meme coin with real utility allows you to earn rewards for contributing computing power to medical research. Banano describes itself as a feeless, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by directed acyclic graph (DAG) technology that aims to disrupt the meme economy. Banano was a hard fork of Nano coin in 2018.

Banano is fully decentralized, with no central development team, a rarity in today’s crypto landscape. This aspect arguably makes Banano one of the safest meme cryptos. Interestingly, you can sell computing power to the medical sector in exchange for Banano, a process termed “folding.”

This use case alone arguably makes it the most useful meme coin, surpassing even some utility projects that barely see any activity on their networks.

More information on this project can be found here.

Blue Kirby (KIRBY-USD): A pure meme crypto on the  Fantom (FTM-USD) blockchain has a tiny market cap and potential for explosive gains.

The Blue Kirby is what helped Andre’s other protocol ( reach $1B, it is here to help $FTM become a leader again. Liquidity comes from the top down, we will change the game and make it come from bottom up. Just a simple humble character, that's what the Blue Kirby symbolizes.

This crypto can deliver multi-bagger gains if Fantom (FTM-USD) takes off during the next alt season or if it finds enough attention from crypto whales. Regardless, it is a gamble, much like the other two cryptos on this list, and you should treat it as such.

Now we move on to the, sorry...the Selective Global Refunding Project.

I always do my best to request (not demand) as much up-to-date information on this esoteric, highly-sensitive, sovereign-level, disruptive, multi-trillion-dollar, quasi-amorphous potential transaction as possible for you.

A complete, end-to-end full-on summary of its entire workings is not possible, because you can all imagine that current holders of the monopolized sacred keys of nation-busting vigorish would be driven berserk at any notion that financial resources should be designed to directly SERVE, and not EXPLOIT the nation-state.

Of course, the SGRP would serve no purpose, nor deserve any support, if it were the same three-card-monte merely served up by the Gentile of our species.

And hence, this project has as its natural enemy, a very dangerous external element; a threatening element that rises to provoke entire world-wars into existence, in part to protect their craps game and prevent the spread of any proven, nationally-owned funding alternative that shows, without any doubt, what a project like the SGRF can do for mankind.

Germany once rose from a banking clique quagmire with a similar effort, and the world saw that bloodsucking, usurious, central-banking abattoirs were not only unnecessary, but were "serving" mankind a quartered steer!

Here is the response from Londinium to my latest present-time request for information. This is as complete as it can be, for now:

We live in a declining Western civilization where standards have gone. For many, economic hope is lost.

How to survive first, beyond thrive is the new dilemma.  The West needs a Rethink fast. Geo politically it's  happening daily. Money for sure.  Standards will take time and Leaders even more so.

The hardest lesson of all is a complex one. Making money, creating wealth is not the hardest dilemma you will face. But keeping it, is!

Wealth creation in a stagnating nation. Plan B fast is what? The West is sleepwalking to disaster. CBDCs will ring fence the lot. Enslaved. Accounts blocked or locked. 

As economies, Industries and standards risk nosediving. This new perception of what's best to invest in next, is a Chancers Starter Opportunity. To affect Self-Help. You must. As nations decline, address how to side-step sinking with coagulated Swine. The Fed is dead. Fake Jewish racketeering money is done. BRICS will break this Camel's back. Asset-backed or fake Jewish crap? America is Usury bonded. Enslaved. 

The petrodollar is in irreversible decline. Swerve the backlash gate as the mass Goyim are assembled, to meet the Usury Herding fate. 

All State-planning algorithms for capital needs are defaulting. They all grossly underassessed age living projections. Taxes too.

They grossly underassessed illness, disease and consequential fallout of geriatric ageing problems. COVID, too, and what's still to come. They lost the plot. An actuarial nightmare.

 Reserves are non-existent, the system was never designed to empathize with how to meet needs, just to filter skim.

It can't meet escalating shortfall needs. It has no reserves. All was taken. To default the insolvent dollar now unleashes War. Wrath and Fury.

As bank systems stand, American nationals in particular are prohibited from many emerging markets, if they can't be US regulated or at will. US sequestrated, Americans can only play in a Federal rigged game.

As we debate how to asset back and audit emerging BRICS currencies, it directly challenges the only hype-backed, worthless USD,  opening a dichotomy. What are the volumes we can asset back for BRICS, leverage and trade freely? There is only one remaining vast balance of AU, and that carries war risks.

How did Yamashita fare? All know the risks.  But if America tries to steal this from South Korea, China will engage. Right up to WWIII. As they did with North Korea. North Korean armaments would be unleashed. Lives are cheap.

There are deeply sensitive discussions in play with multi-tier Eurasian parties. Game changing if accomplished. American greed and maleficence derailed the last opportunities. Death by Duplicity. BRICS AU backed by real AU will face down and take the Face off the Fed Jews.  Debasing and neutering them. Stepping on the Rodents' nest. Uniting Eurasia as one.

As with the Zim and Dinars, in parallel with the then Weimar Republic Marks, if the Dollar tanks, you too? They are scrambling.

But, in the meantime what to do, as possible options for you? 

And that, my friends, is that.

The Prime Directive to all remains: be ready for anything. There is no way to predict any economic, natural or man-made disaster affecting the general population. Always ask, "What if...?", and be ready to provide a solution to the best degree possible.

And thank you, once again, for the many varied and inciteful comments and discussions taking place. We have so many very accomplished and talented contributors that I am quite certain you will find information within that many are probably paying for to obtain elsewhere.

I will skip the general house-keeping updates for now, but be advised that the site may go down at short notice for such to be implemented. I will give as much pre-notice as possible to prevent you being unable to post a comment as the site goes offline while doing so.


The Empire thanks you for your service.




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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

“Tidbits From TNT” Tuesday 5-14-2024


Tishwash:  International Monetary Fund: We do not rule out the collapse of the global monetary system

The Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund for Russia, Alexei Mugin, said that he does not rule out the possibility of the collapse of the current global monetary system.

In an interview with the "Novosti" agency, Mogin asked: "Is there a possibility of the collapse of the global monetary system? It seems to me that such a possibility actually exists."

The expert stated that the currently existing system relies on confidence that dollar assets are safe, but central banks, institutions, and even families have already begun to sell dollar assets and buy gold, due to growing lack of confidence in their safety.

Mogin warned of chaos in the global economy, and said: “Once this confidence is lost, a period of chaos will occur in the global economy.”


Tishwash:  International Monetary Fund: We do not rule out the collapse of the global monetary system

The Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund for Russia, Alexei Mugin, said that he does not rule out the possibility of the collapse of the current global monetary system.

In an interview with the "Novosti" agency, Mogin asked: "Is there a possibility of the collapse of the global monetary system? It seems to me that such a possibility actually exists."

The expert stated that the currently existing system relies on confidence that dollar assets are safe, but central banks, institutions, and even families have already begun to sell dollar assets and buy gold, due to growing lack of confidence in their safety.

Mogin warned of chaos in the global economy, and said: “Once this confidence is lost, a period of chaos will occur in the global economy.”

Last April, the International Monetary Fund warned, in its financial monitoring report, that the debts of the United States and China pose a threat to global finances.

The rise in US public debt and the dependence of global trade on the dollar raises concerns among experts and a number of countries around the world.

Data issued by the Treasury Department, earlier this month, revealed that the US budget deficit exceeded one trillion dollars in the first six months of the fiscal year, partly paid for by the rise in interest on public debt.  link

Tishwash:  Iraq increases its gold holdings by more than three tons, bringing its reserves to more than 145 tons

Iraq’s gold reserves witnessed a noticeable increase during the month of February 2024, as International Monetary Fund data showed that Iraq had increased its possession of the precious metal by 3,079 tons, bringing the total to 145,661 tons.

This increase indicates Iraq's continued strategy to diversify its foreign reserves and enhance financial and monetary stability in the long term.

Gold is a traditional safe haven for investors, especially during periods of economic and geopolitical uncertainty.

This step by Iraq comes at a time when the world is witnessing a rise in gold prices, as the price reached its highest level in its history last month above $2,400 per ounce.

Iraq is among the countries that possess large amounts of gold reserves in the Arab region, as it ranks fourth after Saudi Arabia, Algeria, and Morocco.

In general, this increase in Iraq's gold reserves is considered a positive indicator of the health and strength of the Iraqi economy.  link


Tishwash:  Chinese companies are delving into the field of exploration in Iraq.. What about American and European companies?

Iraq aspires to increase oil reserves to more than 160 billion barrels, and to do so it has launched a group of projects to increase production, opening the door to more investments in the field of exploration.

In this context, Chinese companies have emerged as a major player, after a number of companies won more new investments to explore oil and gas fields in Iraq as part of a licensing round to develop the oil and gas sector in the country launched by the Ministry of Oil.

The licensing round included 29 projects, aiming to increase production for local consumption. More than 20 companies qualified for the licensing round, including European, Chinese, Arab and Iraqi groups. The only Chinese companies among the participating foreign companies were able to obtain investments in the licensing round that began on Saturday, and this This means that there are no major American oil companies participating. 

The list of Chinese companies that recently won the new bids, according to what was announced by Iraqi Oil Minister Hayan Abdul Ghani on Sunday, included: the Chinese company “CNOOC Iraq” , which won the investment to develop Block 7 for oil exploration, extending over an area of ​​6,300 square kilometers across the provinces of Diwaniyah. Babil, Najaf, Wasit, and Muthanna in the center and south of the country.

Zhenhua , Anton, and Sinopec also won investments to develop the Abu Khaimah fields in Muthanna, Al Dhafriya in Wasit, and Sumer in Muthanna, respectively.

*Support competition

In turn, the director of the Iraqi Center for Studies, Ghazi Faisal, confirms in a press statement that “China is in fact in a state of widespread economic competition with America, the European Union countries, Britain, and with various international economic powers,” noting that “China enjoys broad economic influence in the fields of Investment, loans and financing, with the aim of ensuring energy security and covering its daily needs - which are estimated at about 11 million barrels per day, the volume of China’s imports - other than gas.”  

 He added, "The Middle East and the Arabian Gulf region is one of the strategic regions for China... and therefore competes with American and regional companies in the field of gas, energy, and manufacturing industries," noting that "the Middle East region possesses enormous wealth, especially Iraq, which alone possesses more than $20 worth of wealth." A trillion dollars in minerals are still uninvested, and major companies can compete to enter into large-scale investments, in addition to gas and oil reserves, as Iraq is the second largest oil reserve after Saudi Arabia.”  

He explains that "this Chinese activity in Iraq comes within the framework of the current international economic competition," noting that "China is competing in particular with American and European companies to provide the best." 

Faisal adds, "China's activity comes within the framework of legitimate competition in international economic relations, to obtain the best gains and to guarantee China's interests and needs for minerals and energy in light of its possession of the best advanced technology in various industries." 

According to official Chinese data, issued by the General Administration of Customs, Beijing’s imports of crude oil reached their highest levels ever in 2023 as demand for fuel recovered after the decline resulting from the Corona pandemic, despite the economic headwinds. 

Imports increased by 11 percent compared to 2022 to 563.99 million tons, or the equivalent of 11.28 million barrels per day, an increase from the previous record level recorded in 2020, which reached 10.81 million barrels per day. 

*Strategic objectives

For his part, the professor of economics in Iraq, Nabil Al-Marsoumi, explains in a press statement that “It is noted that China has broad control over the fields offered within the current licensing round for exploration that was put forward by the Ministry of Oil, and that most of the Chinese companies that won contracts are already present in Iraq.” ", adding that "the most important areas and fields that were awarded were owned by Chinese companies in particular."  

 He explained that "China's interest in Iraq is due to the presence of Baghdad as a global energy center and as one of the largest producers," adding that "China is a large importer of oil, and therefore it needs to secure energy supplies on a regular basis, and Iraq achieves this." 

He stressed that "Iraq is a suitable place for China in light of the ability of Chinese companies to harmonize with the Iraqi environment, thus supporting their ability to achieve strategic goals." 

On Saturday (May 11, 2024), the Iraqi Minister of Oil, Hayan Abdul Ghani, expressed his hope that the country’s oil reserves would exceed 160 billion barrels, during the launch of two rounds of new licenses to invest in 29 fields, in addition to exploratory patches of oil and gas. 

The two tours included exploration fields and areas in 12 governorates and areas located in Iraqi territorial waters. 

*An important investment environment

In addition, the Iraqi economic expert, Dr. Jaafar Al-Husseinawi, pointed out in a press statement that “There is no doubt that Iraq represents an important investment environment for all international companies because of its enormous natural resources of crude oil, major untapped gas reservoirs, large quantities of phosphate and sulfur, and so on.” that". 

He added, "Companies are flocking to Iraq - including Chinese companies - driven by the desire to achieve economic returns and real investment opportunities, from an economic standpoint." 

On the political level, Iraq's location is of particular importance in the region, and therefore China is trying to be present there and remove American control (influence). 

The Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, said during the launch of the licensing round, “Iraq expects to obtain more than 3,459 million standard cubic feet per day of gas, and more than one million barrels of oil per day, through these two rounds.” 

He added: "These strategic projects will contribute to increasing investments in these governorates, which will help improve their economic and service reality."

*Developed relationships

Mustafa Al-Bazarkan, an advisor on energy affairs, points out that “commercial and political relations between China and Iraq are “developed,” and there is popular support for the government’s steps to strengthen and develop bilateral relations, especially in light of popular positions opposed to strengthening relations with Washington and London. This was in the interest of the developed relations with China.” . 

He continues: “During the past two years, there has been more than one departure of American and Western oil companies from Iraq, which prompted Chinese companies to direct their investments and technical expertise to Iraq, the most recent of which was last Monday when a Chinese company won oil investments in the Jabal Sanam region on the border with Kuwait.” 

Crude oil sales constitute 90 percent of Iraqi budget revenues. But despite its enormous oil wealth, the country still depends on imports to meet its energy needs, especially gas to power electricity. 

Iraq, a founding member of OPEC, has announced its commitment, along with other countries, to voluntarily reduce production to support prices affected by economic uncertainty.

Iraqi Oil Minister Hayan Abdul Ghani said on Sunday (May 12, 2024) that Baghdad will adhere to the voluntary production cuts reached by the OPEC+ alliance at its next meeting on June 1.

The coalition includes the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and producers from outside it, led by Russia.

 The minister amends these statements from others he made on Saturday, saying that Iraq has made enough voluntary cuts and will not agree to any new cuts in production.  link

Mot: ... When Enough is Enough! -- Just Loves Karma I Do! 

Mot: . and da Word of da Day!! -- Spuddle !!!

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

“Coffee With MarkZ” Tuesday Morning Chat 5-14-2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

​​ Member: Markz, Zester did another bang up job last evening.

Member: Howdy ya'll I hope everyone is ready for the day.

​​Member: Any words of encouragement? I am getting very weary with all of this. Seems like it will never happen.

Member: Any good news for us today Mark?

MZ: Nader and MM do all the heavy lifting this morning. I could have taken the morning off and said to just check out Nader and MilitiaMan today. They have knocked it out of the park today.

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

​​ Member: Markz, Zester did another bang up job last evening.

Member: Howdy ya'll I hope everyone is ready for the day.

​​Member: Any words of encouragement? I am getting very weary with all of this. Seems like it will never happen.

Member: Any good news for us today Mark?

MZ: Nader and MM do all the heavy lifting this morning. I could have taken the morning off and said to just check out Nader and MilitiaMan today. They have knocked it out of the park today.

MZ: Gold is up in Iraq- meaning Iraq’s gold reserves rose significantly. They are preparing to be unplugged from the SWIFT. To do that they are going to need a new value.

MZ: MM does a great one on the UN Chapter 7. The progress has been steady, steady, steady…as we grind to the finish line. . But remember- we don’t know when…we don’t know the timing…..but they are openly discussing the new rates and openly preparing for them. .

MZ: Be sure to go listen, Like and share those videos from Nader and MM.

MZ: Last night I shared that we do have some bond money movement. Facilitators (paymasters) are getting money in their pockets. These are the people that put boxes of bonds with buyers of the bonds. They are intermediators. There is very real and trackable money movement there.These are bonds designated for humanitarian platforms.

MZ: I need to find a bond holder now that is sitting wealthy since the weekend. Have not been able to confirm that yet.

Member: If they are under NDA’s …nobody should be talking…..I wouldn’t.

MZ: : But this money moving to me is a clear indicator that things are well underway. I just want to see a new rate.

Member: good news about the paymasters.. let’s pray this through!!

Member: GM Mark, do you have further details on the bond news? Which type of bonds were involved in the facilitator payment dragons, German, etc.)? Is the facilitator an individual or entity?...

MZ: The one I know for sure is German bonds.

Member: I heard Sudani is making commercials telling his people about the new currency and the rate?

MZ: Yes and they even started a committee whose job is to help get that message out to the people.

​​Member: They must have a rate for the memorandums signed yesterday in the energy sector. (Iraq) imo

Member: about the Clearing Houses stating "finacial failure" inbound as Quadrillions in bonds about to MELT and the death of the Financial System ends!

Member: Goldilocks had an awesome article on a bank training their exchange staff

Member: AMC and GME (Gamestop) up 135% in pre-market this morning. Happend after 5 minutes of trading. Pigs are flying everywhere!!

MZ: “AMC raised $250 million in ATM offering as “Meme” stocks rocket higher.” They are breaking the shorts again.  

MZ: They are erasing nearly a entire years profit out of hedge funds right now by calling the shorts. I love it. Now when they finally call the silver shorts- game over and done….Thats a big one.

Member: There are other podcasters saying now that we are not looking for RV until june or July.

MZ: I do not think it will go that far…My Iraqi folks are not seeing that…neither are my bank folks……..but if they are right…….are you prepared if it does??? No one knows the timing. They will cloud it and put out misinformation……But we all should prepare  and be cautious.

MZ: Remember there is no podcast tonight while I am traveling.

Member: Safe Travels Mark…..See you all tomorrow morning.

Memberr: Praying for safe travels back to PR for Mark and Zester

Member: Hoping this is a bang up week!!!




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Tuesday AM 5-14-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Tuesday AM 5-14-24

Iraqi Dinar CBI Big Statement About IQD New Rate – 4:20

Iraq Bank Released IQD New Rate – 3:59

Finally US Bank Announced IQD RV – 3:28

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Tuesday AM 5-14-24

Iraqi Dinar CBI Big Statement About IQD New Rate – 4:20

Iraq Bank Released IQD New Rate – 3:59

Finally US Bank Announced IQD RV – 3:28

Iraqi Dinar CBI Big Statement About IQD New Rate – 4:20

Iraq Bank Released IQD New Rate – 3:59

Finally US Bank Announced IQD RV – 3:28

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Currency Insider Video Updates Late Monday Evening 5-13-24

Currency Insider Video Updates Late Monday Evening 5-13-24

Iraqi dinar big float this In unbelievable – 2:06

Iraqi Dinar Big Float Exchange Rates Fixed – 1:45

Iraqi Dinar Revaluation Latest Last 24 Hours – 2:51

Currency Insider Video Updates Late Monday Evening 5-13-24

Iraqi dinar big float this In unbelievable – 2:06

Iraqi Dinar Big Float Exchange Rates Fixed – 1:45

Iraqi Dinar Revaluation Latest Last 24 Hours – 2:51

 Iraqi dinar big float this In unbelievable – 2:06

Iraqi Dinar Big Float Exchange Rates Fixed – 1:45

Iraqi Dinar Revaluation Latest Last 24 Hours – 2:51

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday AM 5-14-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 14 May 2024 Compiled Tues. 14 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset Judy Note:

Mon. 13 May 2024 Wolverine: “I confirm this. Like I said the live call is going to be very emotional. Get those tissues ready everyone. Received information from a Bond Banker in Brazil today. A large Tier 3 Platform in Brazil has been authorized for receiving liquidity now by Central Bank and Notifications going out with Payments happening! Other news: Mike Bara has said that a Tier 3 bond holder on the U.S. East coast has received his notification. Waiting to hear if he has been paid. Expecting a wire any time.”

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 14 May 2024

Compiled Tues. 14 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset Judy Note:

Mon. 13 May 2024 Wolverine: “I confirm this. Like I said the live call is going to be very emotional. Get those tissues ready everyone. Received information from a Bond Banker in Brazil today. A large Tier 3 Platform in Brazil has been authorized for receiving liquidity now by Central Bank and Notifications going out with Payments happening! Other news: Mike Bara has said that a Tier 3 bond holder on the U.S. East coast has received his notification. Waiting to hear if he has been paid. Expecting a wire any time.”

WOW US Bank Accepted 25,000 Dinar Equal $25,000 Dollar – 2:56 Chase Bank RV Started Wells Fargo And JP Morgan Date & Time of IQD Fixed – 3:23 100 % Revaluation Confirmed – 3:14 Congratulations  Revaluation Done Go And Your Dinar & Dong On New Rate – 3:36 Really It is Very Good Rate For All Investors $4.66 USD – 2:04

Chase Bank RV Started Wells Fargo And JP Morgan Date & Time of IQD Fixed – 3:23

100 % Revaluation Confirmed – 3:14

Congratulations Revaluation Done Go And Your Dinar & Dong On New Rate – 3:36

Really It is Very Good Rate For All Investors $4.66 USD – 2:04

Global Financial Crisis:

Mon. 13 May 2024: US Dollar To Collapse, BRICS

Mon. 13 May 2024: The Financial Tsunami is HERE: Crypto Predictions, Next Black Swan, XRP, QFS, GCR, US Treasury Note and Cryptocurrency Regulations (Goldilocks) – American Media Group (

Sun. 12 May 2024: US Debt Clock: New Money Incoming! The Power of Precious Metals – Know What You Hold!!! – American Media Group (

Read full post here:


Goldilocks:  Global Banking Announcement:

This is a note to follow up on the banker who went into foreign currency exchange training last week. 

She shared that Banks are "currently" exchanging their currencies using native currencies.

There will be much faster settlement times utilizing a country's own currencies for the exchange.

Presently, this applies to all currencies around the world except for the IQD. 

This makes sense to me due to the fact that Dee and I have been told that the IQD would not float. It will be given a revalued rate.  

This bank will go unnamed to protect it from being bombarded with phone calls. 

What is important to take from this piece of Intel is, for this Bank, these new procedures began today.

This does not mean that all Banks have started these protocols yet, but it does mean that expectations are high that they begin. 

© Goldilocks

Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Fnu Lnu  There are several regiments to float a currency: FREE FLOAT - The currency's value is determined solely by supply and demand in the market...MANAGED FLOAT - Similar to a free floating...but a government intervenes by buying or selling its own currency to minimize fluctuations.  CURRENCY PEG - The currency's value is pegged to a basket of currencies or to another country's currency.  EUROPEAN SNAKE [In The Tunnel] - Beginning in mid-1972...Each country agreed not to allow its currency to fluctuate more than 1 1/8% up or down from an agreed central exchange rate.   [Post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

Fnu Lnu   I doubt they still call it "The Snake" but that is the method used to if one wishes to participate in the IMF baskets...The Dinar will use the European Snake method of floating the currency because it only allows for a 1 1/8% fluctuation up or down thus providing the maximum stability. The currency will open with it's permanent value, more or less, and then over time, it may be allowed to adjust one and one-eighth percent either way...   [Post 2 of 2]


Gold is up Iraq

Nader:  5-13-2024

Read More
Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20 Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20

MilitiaMan: Iraq Dinar - IQD Update - UN Chapter VII - $3 Billion Revenue - Trade Minister - Arab League - WTO

Iraq Dinar - IQD Update - UN Chapter VII - $3 Billion Revenue - Trade Minister - Arab League - WTO

MilitiaMan and Crew:  5-13-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

Iraq Dinar - IQD Update - UN Chapter VII - $3 Billion Revenue - Trade Minister - Arab League - WTO

MilitiaMan and Crew:  5-13-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Evening 5-13-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Evening 5-13-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"The End Of The World Order And The Rise Of Trade Regulation" Throughout the world, the US has been in process of signing Free Trade Agreements with countries.

These FTAs eliminate barriers to trade significantly. This includes tariffs, improving intellectual property rights, and more.

In addition, they improve laws protecting intellectual property rights, open up government procurement opportunities, and easing investment rules.

The world of trade between countries are changing rapidly at this point. These new trade agreements require credit valuation adjustments across the board including foreign currency exchange rates.  Mondaq   Trade   Cornell Law


© Goldilocks.


Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Evening 5-13-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"The End Of The World Order And The Rise Of Trade Regulation"

Throughout the world, the US has been in process of signing Free Trade Agreements with countries.

These FTAs eliminate barriers to trade significantly. This includes tariffs, improving intellectual property rights, and more.

In addition, they improve laws protecting intellectual property rights, open up government procurement opportunities, and easing investment rules.

The world of trade between countries are changing rapidly at this point. These new trade agreements require credit valuation adjustments across the board including foreign currency exchange rates.  Mondaq   Trade   Cornell Law


© Goldilocks.


"The network value-to-transaction ratio, or NVT ratio, is a proposed approach that is determined by dividing the market capitalization of a digital asset by the transaction value during a certain time period. These are the important metrics that help in the valuation of digital assets."

The above information is exactly what will begin happening at some level when our new regulated digital assets become law on June 30th.

We will go through a process of credit valuation adjustments based on demands for their use and corresponding underlying assets that support what used to stand alone in the traditional markets.

Backing traditional assets with gold and other commodities will change the way we look at the price of these assets going forward.

During this time, we can expect to see caps on gold released for many of these new digital assets to find a real value as we approach January 1st, 2025.

The first of next year is when the expectation for Basel 3 compliant measures to be fully complete. At that time, solid rates will become possible for many of the assets a trader will hold.

Price fluctuations across the board between now and then are expected including Forex. Our markets will be in process of finding real values.  Eqvista   MoodysAnalytics

© Goldilocks

Crypto Regulations Act update for the US:

"Today, the House Committee on Rules publicly noticed its intent to consider the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century (FIT21) Act, clearing a pathway for a floor vote later this month.

The FIT for the 21st Century Act is an important first step towards achieving regulatory clarity for digital assets. FIT21 provides the robust, time-tested consumer protections and regulatory certainty necessary to allow the digital asset ecosystem to flourish in the United States."

After this vote, you can expect movement towards the Senate to come soon after in order to meet those deadlines for June 30th, 2024 for the European Union.

China is already in the regulatory process, and expected to coordinate with a global efforts of Europe and the US.  House Financial Services   DailyCryptoNews

© Goldilocks


Global Banking Announcement:

This is a note to follow up on the banker who went into foreign currency exchange training last week.

The banks now have the capability to send wires in every currency around the world with the exception of the Iraqi dinar.

There will be much faster settlement times utilizing a country's own currencies for the exchange.

This makes sense to me due to the fact that Dee and I have been told that the IQD would not float. It will be given a revalued rate.  

What is important to take from this piece of Intel is, for this Bank, these new procedures began today.

This does not mean that all Banks have started these protocols yet, but it does mean that expectations are high that they begin.

© Goldilocks


"Navigating the New Frontier: Updates to Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Rules and Regulations" | JD Supra

These new rules and regulations for the oil sector have reached their final stages. And now, the transition into the energy sector of our markets that includes solar power and electric cars will proceed.

© Goldilocks


SAN FRANCISCO, May 9, 2024 — WisdomTree Prime Launches to 41 States, Leveraging Stellar Network for Enhanced Digital Asset Services | Crypto News

WisdomTree, a notable asset management firm, has launched its innovative financial app, WisdomTree Prime, to cover 75% of the U.S. population across 41 states despite shareholder wishes.

This strategic extension is powered by the Stellar Development Foundation, which supports the app’s robust digital asset services. (

WisdomTree has integrated Stellar’s efficient transaction platform to power WisdomTree Prime, aligning with its goal to streamline financial operations for its users.


WisdomTree Digital Trust Company, LLC. |  Wisdom Tree Inc


ASEAN - The key Player in the Indo-Pacific Region - Indian Defence Review


Dow Gold Ratio: Stocks vs Gold Charts | SD Bullion


Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia Consider Establishing ETF - Claps


Alternative Trading Systems (ATSs) | Investor Gov


Zimbabwe set to be invited to join BRICS | The Zimbabwe Mail 

👆  Goldilocks pointed to this article


Currently, indications are pointing at Zimbabwe, together with Argentina and Saudi Arabia, being officially announced as new members of the NDB at the BRICS summit to be held in South Africa this August. |  Herald


Institutions Coming In! Pivotal Moment For XRP! | Youtube



Tomorrow on May 13th:

Parties and any third parties file omnibus letter motions and also file proposed redactions to such materials!

As @attorneyjeremy1 said: We‘re just waiting for the judge now!  #Ripple   Twitter


BREAKING NEWS Iraq at Odds w/OPEC Over Oil Production Cuts | Youtube


When You Put Money in the Bank annnddd It's Gone - SOUTH PARK | Youtube


Crash Landing Ahead? Fed May Cut Rates but We’ve Run Out of Time | Youtube


The Gold Team Breaking down Goldilocks. Their backgrounds is why Goldilocks gave them all the Gold Seal of approval.   Goldilocks QFS   Goldilocks Q A   Saturday Night Live Call


The Association of Private Banks praises the direction of the Iraqi Central Bank to establish digital banks | Search 4 Dinar

Economy News – Baghdad

The Executive Director of the Association of Iraqi Private Banks, Ali Tariq, praised the Central Bank’s direction to establish digital banks to keep pace with the great development in the global banking sector.

In an interview with “Economy News”, Tariq said that “the world is moving towards digitizing banking services, and Iraq has started its first steps in establishing digital banks, as so far there is a licensed digital bank inside Iraq, and provides its services naturally to the public.”


Why is Crude oil price crashing? | Youtube


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Thank you Dinar Recaps

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Monday Afternoon 5-13-24

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Monday Afternoon 5-13-24

Iraqi Dinar  Back to Back Rate $3.22 – 3:17

Good News Came Out From The Chase Bank Announce Golden Week For IQD RV – 2:55

Finally US Bank's Announced RV Happens and Time and date Fixed – 3:59

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Monday Afternoon 5-13-24

Iraqi Dinar  Back to Back Rate $3.22 – 3:17

Good News Came Out From The Chase Bank Announce Golden Week For IQD RV – 2:55

Finally US Bank's Announced RV Happens and Time and date Fixed – 3:59

 Iraqi Dinar  Back to Back Rate $3.22 – 3:17

Good News Came Out From The Chase Bank Announce Golden Week For IQD RV – 2:55

Finally US Bank's Announced RV Happens and Time and date Fixed – 3:59

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