IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Afternoon 4-7-20
.IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Afternoon 4-7-20
tman23 I know first hand of an online pharmacy who had been waiting on lab test results and couldn’t get them . Going through highest government channels resulted in a visit from Homeland security ..... first question was are you profiting from the tests ... answer was NO... the fee is covering costs of test kit and lab fee ...absolutely no profits being made.... next came the statement, if we release yours we will have to release everyone’s .... truly a ** moment that nobody has an understanding about
Clay thats why Im pulling out what I can T there has to be alot more behind the scenes
tman23 Congress putting together a investigative commission to find out what Trump knew about the virus and when.... fffing unreal !!!
Clay I know its all hype to try to get him out they have no one to run against him so they start another witch hunt
tman23 He stopped travel from China on 1/29.... called racist and met with all kinds of nasty resistance.... then spoke of the virus at the state of the union address.... meanwhile while it was all going on Schiff who heads intelligence committee would have been informed first of the virus but was busy impeaching .....
Clay they should be charged and jailed
IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Afternoon 4-7-20
tman23 I know first hand of an online pharmacy who had been waiting on lab test results and couldn’t get them . Going through highest government channels resulted in a visit from Homeland security ..... first question was are you profiting from the tests ... answer was NO... the fee is covering costs of test kit and lab fee ...absolutely no profits being made.... next came the statement, if we release yours we will have to release everyone’s .... truly a ** moment that nobody has an understanding about
Clay thats why Im pulling out what I can T there has to be alot more behind the scenes
tman23 Congress putting together a investigative commission to find out what Trump knew about the virus and when.... fffing unreal !!!
Clay I know its all hype to try to get him out they have no one to run against him so they start another witch hunt
tman23 He stopped travel from China on 1/29.... called racist and met with all kinds of nasty resistance.... then spoke of the virus at the state of the union address.... meanwhile while it was all going on Schiff who heads intelligence committee would have been informed first of the virus but was busy impeaching .....
Clay they should be charged and jailed
Dave futuremoney getting 2K month......
Futuremoney Dave drop in the bucket to what people really need
Clay lol
Dave futuremoney buys groceries
futuremoney big deal
Clay thats about it
futuremoney businesses are crashing
Clay and fast
Dave no mortgage payments.....
futuremoney no way the gov can bail everyone out...
tman23 go to Ohio.... lost steel mills, lost manufacturing over the years BIG TIME.... their infrastructure is crumbling as the unions took money ..... but even though they live in this decades of decline, they stay supporting the party that led them into poverty.... go figure that crap out
Clay mine is a perfect one Im crashing quickly
Dave cut hydro 50%
futuremoney Dave thats funny..i still get notices that im late..
Clay me too but not paying anything
Dave ....even paying my staff.....
Futuremoney they dont give a sh!t that i aint getting no money
Clay worry about it when this ends not now
Clay wow Dave
Baxter we have over 2000 empty... crumbling houses... in Lima Ohio
Futuremoney Dave believe me..they will get it all way or another
Dave GCR>>>!
Baxter Just a Dime.... for my time...
Clay how do ya figure that
Clay Bax yep
Dave BEIJING, April 6 (Reuters) - Mainland China reported 39 new coronavirus cases as of Sunday, up from 30 a day earlier, and the number of asymptomatic cases also surged, as Beijing continued to struggle to extinguish the outbreak despite drastic containment efforts.
Patty Baxter But it shows only 225 homes for sale in Lima. So, if we ever do get the RV, we could buy some land in Lima (it looks sort of reasonable), or Gerry, Indiana...enough property to plant a garden - 'Victory Garden'? We should all do that anyway. I presume we'll have food shortages by the end of this year.
Dave Oh OH...Ontario shutting down Cannabis Stores.......
Dave A possible Coup on the Horizon........
Dave I simply question that if we ALL quarantined for 2-3 weeks, that would end the transmission......Kill the over.......?
Dave Lets drag this out for as long as we can, and react vs being Pro Active?
Dave Churches still open.......Hugging shaking hands... then off to the Store to handle groceries
Dave Dont forget not touch your face GOD HELP US......
Dave A huge chunk of those getting infected here are our health care workers...
Baxter Patty of those 2000 homes... they are worthless.. not worth fixing up... and the city has no money to tear them down... its a lost cause
Dave Documents below will show that research to create COVID 19 began in the United States in 2006 and culminated in a successful bio-weapon in 2015, with work done at the University of North Carolina and at Harvard and at the Food and Drug Administration’s lab in Arkansas.
Dave sure alot of reports out
Baxter R WE RICH YET...??
Dave Trudeau says check in the mail
Baxter YEH... RIGHT I never did care for him
Dave Baxter Yes.......should receive funds in the next few days.
Dave got my confirmation number too....
Dave Baxter Yeah Trudeau even shut down my Golf course..........
Baxter how awful
Dave got police wearing hazmat suits issuing fines to
Dave No new cases on Vancouver Island 2 days.........still cant golf.......
Dave Glad to be on an Island though Ferry traffic restricted
Futuremoney uh oh..the State Dept just emailed all American citizens a way to get airline tickets OUT of Iraq...price around 3,500.00 dollars
Baxter not good..
Baxter my dimes hopes are fading
futuremoney #Iraq: The U.S. Embassy has now e-mailed interested citizens with instructions on how to book tickets on a commercial flight leaving this week. If you have not yet contacted the U.S. Embassy about flight availability, please fill out the form in the link.
Baxter maybe for the virus issues..
futuremoney oh yeah, I forgot..Trumps getting everyone home
Baxter 5500 have died in New York
Baxter supposedly... we had one die from the virus in our county today (Ohio).... he was 92.. with undermining health conditions... NOW.. how in the world can they determine that he died from this virus...
Clay they cant just like most others
Baxter nope
Clay thats y I think this is a hoax
Baxter I better not put on here what I think
Clay to kill economy hurt Trump and lead China to the new guy on the block
Baxter to kill economy hurt Trump and lead China to the new guy on the block YEP CLay.. thats about the size of it
Wilder SHOCKING! Historian Exposes Bill Gates' Ties To NAZIs And More.
Wilder Crossing state line to go fishing in Indiana 1000.00 fine plus jail.
Baxter ouch
Wilder No non resident license sold in ohio.
Wilder All camp grounds shut down COVID Symptom Tracker Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Stats
IQD CALLS Chat Early Tuesday 4-7-20
.IQD CALLS Chat Early Tuesday 4-7-20
Sandyf @LeLe sandyf the owner of MTT was a part of Investorshub.
Sandyf Can't remember MTT but the content of that post was quoted by the man himself in 2014. The document does not appear to be available on the internet anymore so I have put a copy here.
Although the document is dated 2014, the actions referred to in the text were pre 2006.
xyz Z is not wealthy with RV 8 years later ... let float back jajaja :popcorn
xyz RV back in 2012 was a theory and phishing naive dinarians with $7.95 ... another misguided theory in 2020 OMG 2012 and 2020 are both is a LEAP YEARS --- Z been ripped off on a leap year
Kaperoni xyz clearly you have some issues. I don't know why you keep blaming me for you signing up at DA. I have nothing to do with the site except to post and moderate. I do not own a website
Kaperoni All I do is post news from proven news and organization sources. If I found documentation that stated that it was going to RV I would post it. But I don't - what I find is what I post. But what you do does makeup nonsense and posted over and over and over again misleading people (you *****). I don't own any websites nor do I collect any money for anything I do. So get a life
IQD CALLS Chat Early Tuesday 4-7-20
Sandyf @LeLe sandyf the owner of MTT was a part of Investorshub.
Sandyf Can't remember MTT but the content of that post was quoted by the man himself in 2014. The document does not appear to be available on the internet anymore so I have put a copy here.
Although the document is dated 2014, the actions referred to in the text were pre 2006.
xyz Z is not wealthy with RV 8 years later ... let float back jajaja :popcorn
xyz RV back in 2012 was a theory and phishing naive dinarians with $7.95 ... another misguided theory in 2020 OMG 2012 and 2020 are both is a LEAP YEARS --- Z been ripped off on a leap year
Kaperoni xyz clearly you have some issues. I don't know why you keep blaming me for you signing up at DA. I have nothing to do with the site except to post and moderate. I do not own a website
Kaperoni All I do is post news from proven news and organization sources. If I found documentation that stated that it was going to RV I would post it. But I don't - what I find is what I post. But what you do does makeup nonsense and posted over and over and over again misleading people (you *****). I don't own any websites nor do I collect any money for anything I do. So get a life
tman23 I just have to comment on Kaperoni posting “ get a life” ..... let’s start with his waiting on the market economy to open in Iraq so the Kap theory of the dinar floating will begin to gain value and he will begin making a profit on his mass holdings ....
Firstly, it starts with the opening of the market economy , this is what he is waiting on along with a few laws to be passed so as investors from around the world will be pouring cash into Iraq... BUT THE PROBLEM... and let’s just pretend the GOI is aces and laws are perfect.
The country LACKS INFRASTRUCTURE and will take years to get to a productive place, NEXT is the country LACKS SKILLED WORKERS not to mention most of the cultures are lazy peoples. AND with employment being what it was pre- corona with manufacturing jobs in the USA along with American investment opportunities, nobody is beating the door down to travel for a job in Iraq.
So let’s re Kap poor infrastructure, shortage of skilled workers, culture of poor work ethics, Keeping that in mind, this person is waiting on the opening of the market economy to make a profit. 24\7 the guy posts and follows his dinar investment with baited breathe because “ market economy “ will float him to a nice profit .
tman23 Oh yeah , and the IMF AND ARTICLE 8 ..... THE SAMMY BALLSUM EFFECT
Kaperoni tman23 You seem to think I care? Tell that to the IMF they are the ones telling them to float the dinar and allow it to appreciate
Kaperoni Complain all you want. It is not me that is calling for a float
Kaperoni "staff encouraged the authorities to consider creating the conditions which would make possible a move to a more flexible exchange rate policy. Such flexibility could allow a predictable and gradual appreciation of the nominal exchange rate, triggered by strong oil revenues and the Balassa-Samuelson effect, to accommodate a possible real exchange rate appreciation while keeping domestic inflation low.”
Kaperoni tman23 I think you should complain to the IMF
tman23 Kaperoni ... silly man... IMF always gives a true indication if something is going to gain value .... certainly they would put it in print ...
Kaperoni IMF Article IV Consultations are held with every country and are very factual and honest. Your choice to believe what they put in print to Iraq or not but I have no reason to doubt them especially when there is supporting articles coming out from time to time in Iraq's media
Kaperoni 4 float articles in last 3 weeks in Iraq. Guess that means nothing
Kaperoni Again, take up you disagreement with the IMF.
Kaperoni For more information about access and directions to the IMF headquarters buildings, please see Directions and Access to IMF Headquarters.
Headquarters 1 (HQ1): International Monetary Fund, 700 19th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20431
Headquarters 2 (HQ2): International Monetary Fund, 1900 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20431
Telephone Operator: + 1 (202) 623-7000 · Fax: + 1 (202) 623-4661 SWIFT: IMFDUS3WXXX
Business Hours Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (ET). Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays*: closed.
*For holiday schedule, please see the IMF Business Hours, Holidays, and Emergency Closures page.
tman23 Kaperoni ... the place is a cesspool of old mentality and corruption.... those IMF articles mean very little to me...
Kaperoni tman23 Oh so that is it now..old mentality? lol Your argument is a joke. Goodnight
tman23 Kaperoni I met an Attorney from the IMF on a flight to Jamaica , he was going there on business for the IMF... We have had many conversations since then as I played a few rounds of golf with him since that flight ..... not that he is in the board room but my understanding is that what is in print might not necessarily be from the room that counts .... and that is FACT....
tman23 why do people believe the world operates under rules and regulations and there is zero wiggle .... the person who believes such a thing lives in a perfect world in only in their mind.... REAL WORLD , she wiggles between the guidelines and going outside those lines is not unusual....the WHO..(world health organization) another perverse organization just like the IMF...and / or the UN ( United Nations) .... pick your poison... which one do you trust to tell the truth.. The IMF of course... they have to be honorable, BECAUSE??? , the law says so
chattels Iraq. Pathetic planning and incompetent implementation comes to mind given Joel Wing's article above.
chattels A deputy confirms that there is an agreement to send a new candidate to the President of the Republic instead of Al-Zarfi
chattels "We are now faced with three options, either waiting for the term of Zarrafi’s term to expire, or Parliament’s refusal to hold an extraordinary session, or Zarrafi’s apology On commissioning. ”
chattels Zarrafi / Zarfi, the current premier-designate has until April 16 to form the next cabinet and be approved by the majority of the parliament ( the expiration of his term ), Parliament has not yet set a date for the extraordinary session / vote of confidence as to Zarfi and his government and Zarfi does not plan on withdrawing his acceptance of the designation ( Zarfi's apology on commissioning ).
chattels So, we wait as well.
chattels [L]eader of the Sadrist movement, Hakim al-Zamili, warned, Monday, against the return of the scenario before the fall of Mosul, after noting the deterioration of the security situation in the western sector of Iraq, specifically in Anbar province.
chattels Will the Iraqi elite fiddle while Iraq burns ?
chattels Tune in tomorrow for the next episode of " As Iraq Turns " or " Days of Our LIves in Dinarland ".
chattels Finance Minister Fuad Hussein participated in a closed meeting aimed at financing Iraq in the face of the Corona pandemic.
Hussein said in a tweet on his Twitter account: "I participated in a meeting via closed-circuit television, to discuss the economic and financial situation and the implications of falling oil prices on the Iraqi economy and study some proposals to overcome the crisis."
Hussein added: "We also discussed the meeting in which the ambassadors of the United States and Britain and the representative of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund participated in addition to the Undersecretary of the Minister of Health, the Corona pandemic crisis and the steps taken to support the health sector in Iraq to contain this dangerous epidemic."
chattels Fuad Hussein, a Kurd, the Minister of Finance, has arguably been " running " Iraq since Mahdi “stepped away” .
chattels I opined recently that Mahdi has “stepped away” but he has not “left his post”, A curious constitutional posture.
chattels Many Iraqi politicians resent IRGC meddling in their affairs Hassan Ali Ahmed April 6, 2020
Read more:
chattels An interesting perspective in the foregoing article. It is worth the three minute read.
chattels Zurfi finalized his Cabinet April 4 and sent a request to parliament to hold a session to vote on his Cabinet.
chattels " Historically ", there has been a 48 hour review process of the PM-designate's proposed policy platform and ministry personnel. It is now two days since the finalization of the proposed government, we should hear something soon about the scheduling of a session for Parliament to vote.
chattels The reports are that Zurfi has obtained the parliamentary majority necessary for his confirmation, but many factions oppose him on the basis of his not being a consensus choice by the Shia and some have promised to boycott any vote.
My understanding is that if the Parliament can obtain a quorum of 165 in attendance for the session, then Zurfi needs only 1/2 of those present or 83 votes. Those votes are, I believe, the parliamentary majority being proclaimed by some.
chattels See also, , and .
chattels And that's the way that it is from the news that I find and read out of Iraq on this Tuesday, April 7, 2020.
chattels Today is my Mother's birthday. She has been dead now 15 years. I only miss her once a day, every day, all day long. I loved her dearly. God's greatest gift to us is to love and be loved. Thanks be to God. God Bless us everyone.
chattels Have a fine day all.
Doug_W Silver:$15.46 that is + 25 cents from yesterday
Futuremoney did you see that NY mayor is calling for use of hydroxy?? a little late for the many thats died
futuremoney Dr Oz is recommending it now as well..even as a preventative measure..
Doug_W no I have only watched NO more than two hors of that crap a day its depressing
futuremoney now i hear someone is saying that Trump must be invested in the drug because he pushes it ...rediculous
Doug_W ANYthing to get trump to look bad
futuremoney its to the point of lunacy
Doug_W its far beyond that
Doug_W its treason
futuremoney agreed
Doug_W in a "new" form
futuremoney dont know how Trump is holding up under the strain
Futuremoney hydroxy is gaining ground...hopefuuly it ends this quickly
Clay absolutely If I was infected I would take anything * the govt everyone should get it end this quickly no my wifes great uncle passed from the virus he was in his 90s yesterday
futuremoney a good freind is the director of surguries and she says they are using hydroxy with z pack..100 percent cure...3 days they go home
Clay amazing
futuremoney sub of Cleveland Clinic
Clay why is the gov fooling around and not giving it to everyone
futuremoney another hospital as daughter is a CT specialist and they are using z pack with an inhaler..having good results i think they are...just not pub it fortunatly not many cases here
Clay state has 2800 ,28 deaths
futuremoney pandemic right? flu is worse
Clay maybe more than that dont remember I know this is blown out of proportion
futuremoney lose 50-80,000 people a shutdown
Clay just killing our great economy
futuremoney agreed
Clay and the media hype it because they also are far left
futuremoney when this is over its going to go
Futuremoney ok..havent gotten an order or rims for next month..getting concerned
futuremoney normally they have orders out for 2 months ahead my bread and butter FDIC is a joke
tman23 This crap is way way overhyped..... perfect storm to change currency regulations..... fractional banking required 10 percent of deposits be held while 80 percent could be loaned by banks.... 3/16 the Fed went to 0 ... ZERO.... this is where your cash in the bank may not be there to get, and if the bank goes under .... you are treated as an investor and do not necessarily qualify for protection under FDIC .... it’s their call...... your money in banks at little above zero percent interest .... crazy!
Clay tman23 thats y I take any I have out of the bank dont trust them
Clay futuremoney yep heard they could take 100 years to pay you back
Clay What is that
Clay never did trust banks
Clay especially when there is no interest on your $ 1%? whats that about
futuremoney use your money for free..aint that special
Clay nope
futuremoney forces people into the market to make money...then they steal it by crashing it
futuremoney lost 70,000 so far from my wifes 401k
Clay wow
futuremoney retirement is gone cant sell the biz now because of this
Clay hang in there buddy same here down to 11 hours/week not worth opening more than that
tman23 I know first hand of an online pharmacy who had been waiting on lab test results and couldn’t get them . Going through highest government channels resulted in a visit from Homeland security ..... first question was are you profiting from the tests ... answer was NO... the fee is covering costs of test kit and lab fee ...absolutely no profits being made.... next came the statement, if we release yours we will have to release everyone’s .... truly a ** moment that nobody has an understanding about
Clay thats why Im pulling out what I can T there has to be alot more behind the scenes
tman23 Congress putting together a investigative commission to find out what Trump knew about the virus and when.... fffing unreal !!!
Clay I know its all hype to try to get him out they have no one to run against him so they start another witch hunt
tman23 He stopped travel from China on 1/29.... called racist and met with all kinds of nasty resistance.... then spoke of the virus at the state of the union address.... meanwhile while it was all going on Schiff who heads intelligence committee would have been informed first of the virus but was busy impeaching .....
Clay they should be charged and jailed COVID Symptom Tracker COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC STATS
IQD CALLS Chat Early Monday 4-6-20
.IQD CALLS Chat Early Monday 4-6-20
Chattels Three rockets land near Halliburton’s Basra oil facility
Doug_W futuremoney yes sir
chattels #Iraq security forces say 3 rockets fired at Halliburton base in Burjasiya, another 11 found in launchers nearby. Sources near field say US workers evacuated long ago, but Iraqis & other foreigners do live 300-400m away. Last rocket attack on oil field was June 2019
chattels Three blocs agree not to vote for al-Zorfi's government
Monday 06, April 2020 The National Wisdom Stream affirmed that it is with a coalition of the rule of law and Fatah that they will not vote in the session of granting confidence to the government of Adnan Al-Zrafi
Baxter It looks very obvious... that this dude isnt going to make it past first base... why bother
IQD CALLS Chat Early Monday 4-6-20
Chattels Three rockets land near Halliburton’s Basra oil facility
35 minutes ago
Doug_W futuremoney yes sir
chattels #Iraq security forces say 3 rockets fired at Halliburton base in Burjasiya, another 11 found in launchers nearby. Sources near field say US workers evacuated long ago, but Iraqis & other foreigners do live 300-400m away.
Last rocket attack on oil field was June 2019
chattels Three blocs agree not to vote for al-Zorfi's government
Monday 06, April 2020 The National Wisdom Stream affirmed that it is with a coalition of the rule of law and Fatah that they will not vote in the session of granting confidence to the government of Adnan Al-Zrafi
Baxter It looks very obvious... that this dude isnt going to make it past first base... why bother
chattels Baxter Zurfi and his government appear to be dead on arrival.
Baxter yep thats the way it looks thank Iran for that
Baxter I dont know why Iraq calls them an ally..... Be back later
chattels Baxter Likely the same reason that certain American government officials are cozy with China. Large sums of money have changed hands at least indirectly. Add the assassination factor. I think Zurfi has survived at least one attempt on his life.
chattels A leader in wisdom: Shiite blocs unanimously agreed to replace the prime minister, and we do not deny Iran's consultation
chattels The Al-Fateh coalition (48 deputies), the State of Law coalition (26 deputies), the National Wisdom Movement (19 deputies), Al-Fadila (5 deputies), and the National Approach (8 deputies) own.
Mustafa al-Kazemi, an independent who is not affiliated with any political party, assumed the position of head of the National Intelligence Service in June 2016, during the period of Haider al-Abadi’s tenure as prime minister, and he is still in office.
chattels Zurfi, leader of the "coalition of victory", led by former Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, known for his rejecting international interference in Iraqi affairs, including Iranian interference.
Al-Nasr has 42 seats in Parliament, but Al-Zarfi also enjoys the support of the majority of the Sunni forces, led by the Alliance of Iraqi Forces (about 40 seats) led by the Speaker of Parliament, Muhammad Al-Halbousi.
For the government to obtain the confidence of Parliament, an absolute majority (50% + 1) vote is required for the number of members present (not the total number) to grant confidence, but its chances in light of the escalating opposition seem difficult.
chattels Faisal Al-Issawi went back to confirm that: "Iraq will not be able to pay the salaries in April, relying on oil, unless it turns to other gates to strengthen the state treasury, especially with the emergence of real expenditures. Facing the Corona virus needs large sums, just as after the withdrawal of American forces from Some of the bases Iraq should increase security spending to fill the vacancy in the places where the former US forces were present.
And Al-Issawi said: "Iraq faces two challenges, that is to provide money to continue the lives of people and prevent the suspension of basic services, and there is a long-term challenge."
He said that the solution to the first challenge is possible through several things, including: "Selling shares from Iraqi oil companies, and canceling the support provided to Iraqi refineries and the electricity sector. The state can also resort to treasury bonds, internal or external borrowing, or increasing the printing of currency where Iraq can now Print 20-25 trillion Iraqi dinars, an amount that could provide salaries for five or six months.
Regarding the second long-term challenge, Al-Issawi said: "It can be solved by switching from heavy dependence on oil and encouraging the private sector, local industries and local agriculture. Reliance on oil has brought us to where we are."
Doug_W Silver:$15.01 +0.43
Futuremoney I know 2 doc that are presc hyroxoy with a z pack ...3 days the patients go home...100 percent
futuremoney covering up the cure...letting people die..for what?
Dave futuremoney because it actually works i guess
futuremoney do they want people to die??
futuremoney notice all the stars have recovered from this...wonder what they took?
Dave 98% people recover without quinine those 2 %.........NOT SO LUCKY
Dave gREAT news......the Earth is getting much Cleaner lately
Dave all a ploy to save the World from climate change
futuremoney thats a hoax as well
Dave a plot to destroy all the economies in the World for this GCR?
futuremoney doubt it
Doug_W futuremoney did U get it?
futuremoney yes..i told you i agree
Dave China"s feeble attempt to form WMD......?
Doug_W ok
Doug_W Dave YES
futuremoney Dave feeble yes...especially when it killed up to 80,000 of their own people
Doug_W it "escaped B4 teh antidote was developed
futuremoney possibly...but china doesnt give a rats ass about their people
Dave figure they have spanish Flu in vials in labs...that would have worked better 80,000.....????
futuremoney that was mentioned as a possible amount, because of false reporting...not varified
bif any word on Z in iraq Adnan Al Zarfi
Dave RIP?
bif who?
Dave doubt he will gain confidence
bif he should
Dave offering odds on that?
bif waiting for Irans next move ;bow;
Dave thats the problem
Dave or part of it
Dave post pone and delay......maintains their immunity.....
bif they sent some missiles into Barsa this morning
bif 3
Dave aint giving that up
bif no damage
Dave bif bottle rockets
bif yes lol
bif I believe that the US got permission from middle east countries to destroy the militias
bif Its like the godfather its time to finish " family business ".
Dave How many different militias in Iraq alone? Sadr........has a big one
Bif 5
bif Sadr is bugging out
bif Iraq need a good leader- Zarfi is the MAN!
Dave bif American too i read
Bif This is a big week Dave ;:));
Dave thought these guys were to give up dual citizenship
Dave bif According to Whom?
bif me
LeLe Dave We have a Great Leader.
Dave Not what we hear here
bif whats wrong with Justin? lol
Dave Churches still open and still some States
Dave getting check in 3-6 days
bif big one
Dave 500/week only
bif ok
LeLe Dave those churches were to be closed. The pastors decided to hold SERVICE. It's not our President's fault for that. He get blamed for every ****ING thing. Give him a break.
Dave no mortgage payments for 6 mos if you choose
Dave LeLe Get huge fines for that here
bif the Blue Laws
LeLe Dave theyvwill be dealt with.
Dave No CV cases in BC 2 days.......
bif great dave
LeLe Dave so please don't blame our President for people doing stupid ****.
Dave We started it
Dave Mask war with USA now
Dave 3M cant send masks to Canada......we wont send them the compounds to make them
Futuremoney god i hate the the last briefing the reporters were asking trump why he wasnt wearing a mask , given his recommendations to wear a mask..yet, when the camera panned to the douchebag reporters...not one was wearing a mask...ultimate hypocrites
futuremoney if they really belived this to be a one would even be there to begin with..
futuremoney proof this is partisan
LeLe futuremoney I agree. They say stay inside don't go out. Only for essentials. But people are out walking and riding their bikes.
LeLe futuremoney even Dr Faccui said him and his wife was out walking the other day.
Futuremoney dont know why Trump used him to begin with
futuremoney wanted the US shut down for a year...definatly wants the economy to tank
futuremoney his numbers went from 2 mill to 200,000 now its around 80,000 ...He has no clue what hes talking about
LeLe futuremoney anything to make Trump look bad.
Dave Fauci and Trump have never been on the same page
doug_W Silver:$15.20 +0.62
Wilder Amazing how everything is Trumps fault considering both sides of the aisle are mostly intellectual educated idiots media included.
Wilder eman4u55 LoL. It's a given. And as far as the churches go..... If they're not careful they're going to lose their clause of separation of church and state. Virus will bring lawsuits.
futuremoney Its not Trumps fault..he closed the borders WAY before the dems thought it hes to blame?? get outta town
Wilder futuremoney Yep.
Wilder futuremoney and it's going to get worse.
Doug_W anybody know when Trumpy's Update will be today?
Baxter about 5 doug
Baxter thats when it normally is
xyz Coronavirus: Boris Johnson moved to intensive care as symptoms 'worsen'
Futuremoney give him Hydroxy...just sayin
Wilder xyz admitted Sunday? progressing fast. Sad.
futuremoney Tony says we are just waiting on iraqs gov and the virus...then we are good to RV..whew, what a relief
Xyz futuremoney Hydroxy is bz by partisan political gurus wonna feel important :popcorn
futuremoney xyz you dont think it works?
xyz futuremoney scientific data doesn't support it
futuremoney BULL..I have a friend who is the Director of Surgeries in a branch of the Cleveland Clinic and another who is with another hospital...they are treating with hydroxy...100 percent cure rate..they come in sick and leave the hospital in 3 days
Futuremoney so you are saying Im lying Im not reason too they are treating by using hydroxy plus the Z pack..
Futuremoney The State of Louisiana, one of the states hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic, is receiving a much-needed shipment of 8,000 tablets of the antibiotic azithromycin from Teva pharmaceuticals, an Israeli drug company, the State’s Attorney General Jeff Landry first told the Sara Carter Show Monday. Additionally, Teva will send 75,000 tablets of hydroxychloroquine sulfate, Attorney General Landry shared during Monday’s press conference with Governor John Bel Edwards.
“We actually will be meeting with the Governor. We’re gonna announce where we have been able to procure 8,000 dosages, Z-Paks, from Teva Pharmaceuticals. And we’re gonna get those in Louisiana hopefully by tomorrow,” the Attorney General told Carter.
It’s a sign of hope for Louisiana, however, it’s not “a silver bullet,” he noted.
Futuremoney not being mean..just giving info that i received,,if you dont believe it, thats your discretion
futuremoney Wilder my friends have seen 100 percent success.
Thinkingoutloud Take 1 minute each day and help fight the outbreak in your community
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IQD CALLS Chat Sunday Night 4-5-20
.IQD CALLS Chat Sunday Night 4-5-20
chattels Iraq Sairoon Coalition says it is willing to approve government of PM nominee Adnan Zurfi if certain conditions met: 1) cabinet must be independents, 2) he must commit to carrying out his proposed programs, & 3) must be agreement among political blocs.
Baxter Chattels.. thx... I read where the U S getting tired of this nonsense over there
Baxter so am I
chattels Al-Fateh Alliance reveals to / Nina: We will present the replacement of Al-Zrafi after the withdrawal of the mandate or its cancellation, and Al-Kazemi is the closest
chattels Al-Amri’s house meeting came out with the support of Al-Kazemi as a substitute for Zarfi
chattels "The representatives of wisdom will attend the session of granting confidence, provided that the Shiite political parties agree on one candidate and by national consensus, then we will participate in voting and agreeing to a nominated nomination that all Shiite political parties agree upon."
IQD CALLS Chat Sunday Night 4-5-20
chattels Iraq Sairoon Coalition says it is willing to approve government of PM nominee Adnan Zurfi if certain conditions met: 1) cabinet must be independents, 2) he must commit to carrying out his proposed programs, & 3) must be agreement among political blocs.
Baxter Chattels.. thx... I read where the U S getting tired of this nonsense over there
Baxter so am I
chattels Al-Fateh Alliance reveals to / Nina: We will present the replacement of Al-Zrafi after the withdrawal of the mandate or its cancellation, and Al-Kazemi is the closest
Sunday 05, April 2020
chattels Al-Amri’s house meeting came out with the support of Al-Kazemi as a substitute for Zarfi
Sunday 05, April 2020
chattels "The representatives of wisdom will attend the session of granting confidence, provided that the Shiite political parties agree on one candidate and by national consensus, then we will participate in voting and agreeing to a nominated nomination that all Shiite political parties agree upon."
chattels Maaleh announces the presentation of the new candidate this week and ruled out passing Al-Zarfi by a majority
Editing Date: 4/5/2020 20:47 •
chattels As it stands now, unless Ameri / Al Fateh Bloc and Maliki / State of Law Bloc agree to support Zurfi, nether the Kurds or Hakim / Wisdom Bloc will support him. We may have a new candidate following a / the unsuccessful vote by Parliament as to Zurfi and his government.
chattels For some reason DinarGuru is not showing the recent unofficial market rate which is outside the 2% IMF variance theory.
Baxter doesnt surprise me.... they are always days behind
chattels " ................ it will be difficult for Zurfi to successfully form a government. Iran's political influence, not only among the Shiites but the Sunnis and the Kurds, will pose a challenge to Zurfi's government formation; the Sunnis and Kurds will not vote for a prime minister whom the Shiites and Iranians do not accept.
Read more:
chattels The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, ...................
Baxter would like to be able to twiitch my nose... and make iran... be gone
Chattels In Iraq, Ameri (Fatah Coalition), Maliki (State of Law), & Hakim (Hikma Movement) agree to boycott Parliamentary meeting to confirm Adnan Zurfi as PM. Agree to nominate Kathimi ( Mustafa Al-Kazemi ) as alternative to Zurfi.
Baxter 4-5-2020 *** Dinar Guru Update *** The CBI official market rate for the dinar has not been updated since 3-16-2020 - The last reported market rate is 1203.455. Several gurus have mentioned the market rate has increased (which means the value has gone down) in certain Iraqi markets. We're waiting to see what the CBI reports when they officially update. You can always see the official Central Bank of Iraq rates on the left side of this page...
chattels Mustafa Al-Kazemi is the head of the Intelligence Agency. His name has been mentioned on prior occasions.
Baxter Chattels... that popped up on guru a while ago
chattels Baxter Thanks. I saw it also.
chattels Mustafa Al Kadhimi, the director of the Iraqi National Intelligence Service. Mr Al Khadhimi’s name has been proposed although the Iran-backed Kataib Hezbollah militia said they would “demolish what is left of the country’ security” if he was nominated.
chattels "Shamkhani's meeting with Al Kadhemi was a message to some Iraqi Shiite parties linked to Iran stating that Iran does not oppose the assumption of Al Kadhemi as prime minister in the next stage,” a prominent Shiite leader familiar with the meetings told The National although he declined to be named.
chattels “The Iranians are looking for personalities who preserve their interests. Al Kadhemi is a moderate figure and enjoys good relations with most Iranian institutions,” the source said. “The Iranian Foreign Ministry, Intelligence and some of the IRGC leaders tend to support Al Kadhemi as they are confident that he can play a major role in the restoration of Iranian-American relations.”
Kaperoni 5 Apr 20, 02:05 PM chattels For some reason DinarGuru is not showing the recent unofficial market rate which is outside the 2% IMF variance theory.
Kaperoni - Not a theory Chattels, it is well documented in various correspondence from the IMF to the CBI include the Article IV consultations.
Sandyf @LeLe Baxter I first heard about the GCR back in 2011 on MTT. Years later PTR started talking about it. Nothing with our currency wasn't going to happen until now.
People should read this post from 2006.
LeLe sandyf thank you.
LeLe sandyf the owner of MTT was a part of Investorshub.
Chattels In first TV interview, PM designate sounding alarm on economic situation. "We're going to drown," he tells #Iraq state TV on collapsed oil prices. "We won't be able to pay half the (public) salaries next month."
chattels In final minute of interview, @adnanalzurfi asks public to support govt as it may make painful decisions in months ahead, after hinting at austerity measures. He tells political parties he hopes for peaceful transition of power and respects their opinion, and interview is done.
chattels Asked about factions who reject his nomination, @adnanalzurfi dodges question. "Let's go to the point that everyone agrees on. If we us politics or security as our launching point, we won't achieve anything. But we can use the economy." "Our lines are open.".
chattels In gathering with journalists Saturday, @adnanalzurfi - said he had received an official letter from #Iran pledging it wouldn't intervene in his cabinet formation. Fatah, PMF/Hashed's parliamentary bloc & seen as aligned to Tehran, is main opponent of Zurfi's premiership.
chattels. @adnanalzurfi just pledged to implement January 5 vote on ousting foreign troops; says he spoke to @CJTFOIR & US ambassador, who promised him half the coalition's combat forces would leave #Iraq by end of 2020.
chattels "I didn't hear #Iran has a veto on me. I was appointed PM by the government. What does Iran have to do with it? Iran is a neighboring, friendly state... At the same time we want to tell Iran, we're a real state. Deal with us as a real state." - @adnanalzurfi
chattels "I will work on the economy. If Iran has money to contribute to the economy, great. If the Americans do, great." "I want capitalists to come create stability here," says Zurfi, saying that would prevent #Iraq from being caught n regional conflicts.
chattels "The government is ready. I will submit its makeup within 48 hours." - @adnanalzurfi. He says most ministerial candidates are government employees. "I talked to everyone and extended a peaceful hand to all. #Iraq after October 1 is different than the old Iraq."
chattels "The government wasted the country's wealth." - @adnanalzurfi - "This money is citizens' money, but the government is spending it however it wants... We need to stop this mentality."
chattels Baghdad / Nina / Independent politician Izzat Shabandar announced Mustafa Al-Kazemi’s apology for running for the position of Prime Minister-designate as a substitute for Adnan Al-Zarfi, confirming Al-Zarfi’s determination to form a government.
chattels The Presidency of the Council of Representatives responded to the request of the Prime Minister-designate, Adnan Al-Zorfi, to hold a session to vote on his government cabinet.
"A committee will be formed under the chairmanship of one of the two deputies of the Speaker of Parliament to study the program submitted by Prime Minister-designate Adnan Al-Zorfi, after which we will decide on a date for an extraordinary session to grant confidence and agree on the voting and attendance mechanism," the second deputy to the council chairman, Bashir Al-Haddad, said in a statement.
The Prime Minister-designate Adnan Al-Zorfi submitted a request yesterday to the Presidency of Parliament to hold a session to vote on his cabinet after he handed it over to the government curriculum.
chattels Wow, they have formed another committee. Things are moving at a meteoric pace in Iraq.
chattels Similar reports on the candidacy of Allawi. Halbusi says the presidency and a committee need time to consider the proposed programme of PM designate Allawi when it is ready. That in itself is in conformity with art 49 of the #Iraq parliament bylaws.
chattels Halbusi has previously said the parliament presidency needs 2 days to consider the new govt programme when it is submitted. That is not in the bylaws but it's not unreasonable in light of art. 49 demands for a considered evaluation of the programme ahead of any votes.
chattels It took about four (4) days for Parliament to schedule the Allawi vote.
mod Vic from The Gatekeepers contacted us and said he will do a call soon we will post on
chattels I remember speaking with Vic almost ten tears ago.
chattels He denied the clear " language of a lop "
chattels Not so confident that he has any wisdom to impart.
chattels Now we see through a glass darkly that which will be revealed in time.
chattels There will be rumors of an " RV " until there is some consequential outcome to this speculation in the dinar.
chattels Half of US-led coalition troops to leave Iraq by end of 2020: PM-designate Zurfi
3 hours ago
chattels ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Half of the US-led coalition troops in Iraq will have left the country by the end of 2020, Iraq’s premier-designate Adnan al-Zurfi has said, while a timetable for the departure of the other half will agreed upon by early 2021.
Zurfi made the remarks in his first televised interview as PM-designate, conducted by state media outlet al-Iraqiya on Sunday night.
chattels In the space of a month, the US-led coalition has handed over five military bases inside Iraq - most recently from al-Taqaddum Air Base in the western Iraqi province of Anbar, where US marines and troops from Italy, Canada, and Spain were being hosted.
chattels Zurfi thanked US troops for assistance for Iraq to defeat ISIS - describing Washington as a “close and faithful ally to Iraq” – and insisted the withdrawal of US troops is not an invitation for Iran to increase its influence on Iraqi politics.
“Iran is also a strong ally of Iraq, as Iran also helped us defeat ISIS, but they have no right to interfere in Iraqi politics or the Iraqi state,” he said.
chattels The current premier-designate has until April 16 to form the next cabinet and be approved by the majority of the parliament – or face a similar fate as Allawi, who failed to get his cabinet of independent technocrats approved after rebellion from Sunni, Kurdish, and some Shiite parties.
chattels We shall see. Have a fine evening all.
mod chattels Thank You Good Night
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* Report your health daily even if you feel well
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IQD CALLS Chat Early Sunday 4-5-20
.IQD CALLS Chat Early Sunday 4-5-20
Sparky ...noteworthy point...iraq does nothing when flush with money...let;s see what they can do without USD...
Xyz America warns against obstructing the vote on the Zarfi government and considers it the last opportunity for Iraq
The American ambassador in Baghdad, Matthew Tuiler, warned today, Saturday, against obstructing the vote on the Al-Zorfi government because of Iran’s interference, because this will have serious consequences.
“The government of Zorfi may be the last chance for Iraq, so it is better not to come to us or write to us and knock on the door of others For support. ”
The American ambassador emphasized, according to the text of the response, “the necessity to respect the constitutional process that assigned Adnan Al-Zorfi.” End / 29 BC
. Earlier, the Prime Minister-designate Adnan Al-Zorfi confirmed that he would never apologize for completing his mission to form a government.
Al-Zorfi said in a statement made yesterday evening Friday, that a national government will be formed that derives its legitimacy from the Iraqi parliament, after consulting with the parliamentary blocs, and to meet the demands of the Iraqi street. In reference to the ongoing protests since the fall of last year, and the demand for political and economic reforms, including fighting corruption and creating jobs for the unemployed.
He added, “Today, Saturday, the government program will be presented, with an official request to the President of the Iraqi Council of Representatives for a session to give confidence to his government.”
IQD CALLS Chat Early Sunday 4-5-20
Sparky ...noteworthy point...iraq does nothing when flush with money...let;s see what they can do without USD...
Xyz America warns against obstructing the vote on the Zarfi government and considers it the last opportunity for Iraq
The American ambassador in Baghdad, Matthew Tuiler, warned today, Saturday, against obstructing the vote on the Al-Zorfi government because of Iran’s interference, because this will have serious consequences.
“The government of Zorfi may be the last chance for Iraq, so it is better not to come to us or write to us and knock on the door of others For support. ”
The American ambassador emphasized, according to the text of the response, “the necessity to respect the constitutional process that assigned Adnan Al-Zorfi.” End / 29 BC
. Earlier, the Prime Minister-designate Adnan Al-Zorfi confirmed that he would never apologize for completing his mission to form a government.
Al-Zorfi said in a statement made yesterday evening Friday, that a national government will be formed that derives its legitimacy from the Iraqi parliament, after consulting with the parliamentary blocs, and to meet the demands of the Iraqi street. In reference to the ongoing protests since the fall of last year, and the demand for political and economic reforms, including fighting corruption and creating jobs for the unemployed.
He added, “Today, Saturday, the government program will be presented, with an official request to the President of the Iraqi Council of Representatives for a session to give confidence to his government.”
LeLe Baxter I first heard about the GCR back in 2011 on MTT. Years later PTR started talking about it. Nothing with our currency wasn't going to happen until now. Plans had to be put in place. The Demoncrats don't want us to have nothing.
Baxter This Virus... believe it or not... could have been put in place to force it
Clay Bax What?
Baxter why not?
LeLe Baxter after this virus clears up. We'll see things falling into place.
Baxter there are people in this world... who are very.. very ruthless
Baxter this Virus..supposedly came out of a chinese bio war fare agent.... their economy wasnt doing well anyways
Clay correct
Dave BIG supposedly
LeLe Baxter you're right.
Baxter so...put the virus out there... create an epidemic throughout the world.. kill a bunch of people.. ruin the economy of the U S.... and ..whalla.... a gcr
Baxter you never know
Dave Baxter ahh that makes sense
Baxter could be.. who knows
Dave go GCR!
Patty Baxter who has all the gold? I read along time back that India purchased tons of it, don't know if that was from us or from where.
LeLe Baxter Bingo. So it's happening everyday, every week, every hour. All BS.
Clay China and Russia besides Iraq also hoarded gold
LeLe Baxter and the one just came back on doesn't know ****.
Xyz Shenzhen becomes first Chinese city to ban consumption of cats and dogs
Under new rules which will come into effect May 1, the government said it will be illegal to eat animals raised as pets.
Clay now the Gov of NC calls for manditory stay at home even for neccesities
Clay hes freakin nuts
Dave BC has planked the Curve....27 cases yesterday.We had the 1st case in all of Canada
Patty Dave Fantastic.
Baxter Clay its gonna be a bad week
Clay so they say
Clay much more death in next two weeks
Dave news reports fewer projected today
Clay thats good Dave
Baxter4-5-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article "Central Bank: The dollar's appreciation will end this week" ...they're basically saying during the current week they're gonna try to implement some steps to reduce the high exchange rate or high value of the U.S. dollar. They're telling you roughly somewhere during next week or even within a week that they're trying to... devalue the dollar within the country of Iraq...
Clay would be great
5 Clay we all need it now
Clay wont be a millionaire but will be able to retire
Dave GCR......Either way?
Xyz The central bank begins selling the dollar through its daily auction
On Sunday, the Central Bank of Iraq began selling the dollar through its daily auction, after stopping the result of the embargo and since March 17.
Baxter Stupid Iraq... its not... May 5... its april 5... they cant even get the date right
Baxter cash sale to banks... very.. very strange
xyz Baxter is it socialism to give free money? You sound like a liberal :popcorn
Dave Baxter ALL those mattress stuffers exchanged already
Baxter hope so
Dave we are next
Clay did you start getting paid yet
Clay from the gov
Dave waiting for you to send me that ! 800 number
Dave Clay Apply tomorrow....then 3-6 days
Dave then 2k/month
Dave Clay good with building owner?
Clay ha 800s Dave, same here $2000
Dave Banks giving 6mos loan forgiveness on mortgages
Clay the landlords gonna work with me
Clay hope here too
Dave We all need to pull together during these times
Dave Gosh...Churches still open down there???????????
Dave Got to Turn CNN off!
Baxter does your walmart have tape up so you can only go one way down the aisles
5 Apr 20, 01:38 PM Doug_W yes
5 Apr 20, 01:38 PM Baxter ok... it must be a national thing then
Baxter I havent been there but my uncle just called me and told me about it..
Baxter they are only allowing so many in at one time also
Doug_W yes all of em
Baxter i may go tomorrow... dont know yet
Doug_W yes 20% of store capacity
chattels Iraq Sairoon Coalition says it is willing to approve government of PM nominee Adnan Zurfi if certain conditions met: 1) cabinet must be independents, 2) he must commit to carrying out his proposed programs, & 3) must be agreement among political blocs.
IQD CALLS Chat Saturday Night 4-4-20
.IQD CALLS Chat Saturday Night 4-4-20
Baxter 4-4-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni We know from past history that when the exchange rate gets out of whack it takes many months to get it back in line using the traditional auction. So the CBI statement today is very interesting. The CBI announced today that this weak dinar will change soon.
And at the same time a member of parliament today stated that they stopped the auctions in preparation to float. Though none of this is definitive it is very interesting and the pieces sound compelling that they may be going to float in very short order.
Baxter did you see Kaps post above IM GONNA BRING IN THE WHOLE POST.. JUST A MIN
Baxter 4-4-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni A couple of weeks ago A member of parliament came out in two articles that the central bank was about to float the currency. We never heard anything further other than those two articles.
Last week the Central Bank of Iraq announced that they were going to stop the auctions temporarily. This is had a negative effect on the dinar market rate as it provides a balance between dinars and dollars as well as providing a source of dollars to pay for foreign imports.
As of today the market rate in Iraq has dropped to 1260 to $1. This is a direct result of a lack of dollars available in the marketplace.
IQD CALLS Chat Saturday Night 4-4-20
Baxter 4-4-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni We know from past history that when the exchange rate gets out of whack it takes many months to get it back in line using the traditional auction. So the CBI statement today is very interesting. The CBI announced today that this weak dinar will change soon.
And at the same time a member of parliament today stated that they stopped the auctions in preparation to float. Though none of this is definitive it is very interesting and the pieces sound compelling that they may be going to float in very short order.
Baxter did you see Kaps post above IM GONNA BRING IN THE WHOLE POST.. JUST A MIN
Baxter 4-4-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni A couple of weeks ago A member of parliament came out in two articles that the central bank was about to float the currency. We never heard anything further other than those two articles.
Last week the Central Bank of Iraq announced that they were going to stop the auctions temporarily. This is had a negative effect on the dinar market rate as it provides a balance between dinars and dollars as well as providing a source of dollars to pay for foreign imports.
As of today the market rate in Iraq has dropped to 1260 to $1. This is a direct result of a lack of dollars available in the marketplace.
We know from past history that when the exchange rate gets out of whack it takes many months to get it back in line using the traditional auction. So the CBI statement today is very interesting. The CBI announced today that this weak dinar will change soon.
And at the same time a member of parliament today stated that they stopped the auctions in preparation to float. Though none of this is definitive it is very interesting and the pieces sound compelling that they may be going to float in very short order. But we'll just have to wait and see...
Wilder Baxter Doug_W are they blocking off the entrances to your local walmarts. Here they have the front taped off with some kind of boxes up on stands with security with black masks on standing on both sides of the boxes I'm guessing for limited entry. Boxes I have no clue.
Wilder Daughter said doing same thing at Meijers and Krogers.
Baxter Wilder they just started today... my neighbor was just there and told me about it.. it wasnt there yesterday... they also roped off all of the clothing section in ours.. all you can get to is the grocery and pharmaceutical dept..
Baxter they are allowing only so many people in at a time also... dont know how many
Doug_W they are only allowing 20% of store capacity at a time
Wilder Kroger click list on line order. No groceries till Wednesday
Doug_W as one leaves one can go in
Baxter I think Trump is doing a fantastic job keeping the public informed....
Doug_W yes sir
Baxter Fox news said last night..that at this time during the last election...Hillary had a 49% rating... Biden last week had a rating of 23%
Wilder What a change in life we're experiencing. Probably going to last a while.
Wilder Might not be any elections if this virus don't clear up.
Baxter Wilder I was wondering the same thing who knows
Wilder We need Okie to come through.
Kaperoni Another fun one for you all...
Kaperoni another: The Finance Committee commented, on Friday, on the Central Bank’s decision to stop the dollar from flowing into the market with the aim of floating the dinar and reducing its value, in order to fill part of the budget deficit and the needs of the government.
Kaperoni Baxter most of the quotes from me posted are off my twitter account. I do not own a website.
Kaperoni Even Whitelions bit her tongue today and posted a float article. Lol
Kaperoni For those that like Enorrste, he is reviewing the last 4 float articles (2 from mid March and 2 from today) and will be posting his analysis. Should be interesting.
Kaperoni Have a great day...stay safe!
Dave Free Float or Managed Float....did they specify
Baxter Kap... I know you dont have a website... sure would be nice if we could see those articles in here... thx
Kaperoni I posted them here when they came out. even one last night and just posted another above
Dave Kaperoni Free Float or Managed Float....did they specify?
Kaperoni nope just says float
Kaperoni Parliamentary Finance: The rise and fall of the dollar in the Iraqi market, leaving its issue to the relationship!
Last updated: April 4, 2020 - 11:44 am Baghdad / Iraq News Network - The Finance Committee in Parliament commented, today, Saturday, on the central bank’s decision to stop the flow of the dollar to the market with the aim of floating the dinar and reducing its value, in order to fill part of the budget deficit and the needs of the government.
The committee’s rapporteur, Ahmed Al-Saffar, said in a press interview, that “Reading the central bank’s intention to stop the flow of the dollar and floating the dinar to fill part of the state’s budget deficit is impossible, but it may be in harmony with the current situation to compensate for the shortfall in oil revenues.”
Al-Saffar added, “At the same time, the central bank may also be unintentional Because of the curfew and the suspension of most of the life activities. ”And a decision took place The Finance Committee in Parliament, Ahmed Al-Saffar, last Sunday, on the authority of the Central Bank regarding its issuance of a set of decisions on withdrawing the commission of the US dollar.
Ahmed Al-Saffar said, in a press interview, that “the decisions issued by the Central Bank on the commission of withdrawing the US dollar are considered within his authority and he Who determines the interest rate, whether by depositing or withdrawing. ”
And Al-Saffar added,“ Iraq’s revenues from selling oil go to the Ministry of Finance’s account in the US Federal Reserve, which the central bank has a branch in, ”explaining that“ the process is that revenue is transferred to the central bank’s account. ”
And the bank turns it into debt T the Iraqi Ministry of Finance to pay employees. "He continued, the salaries that" the withdrawal of the dollar and deposit related to the central bank pursued
Kaperoni a policy, a political cash and the right of the central bank to raise interest rates or reduced, and this means of monetary policy and the means they use. "
On Sunday (March 29, 2020), the Central Bank of Iraq issued a set of decisions regarding the US dollar withdrawal commission. And included a document issued by the bank and received (Baghdad today):
"The commission for withdrawing cash for the US dollar, which comes from the incoming transfers to the bank to our accounts in the American Federal Bank, as well as the transfers received to banks from other banks by a rate of seven thousand." The bank added:
"The amounts of the above remittances are transferred to banks by (75%) in cash in dollars according to the above commission, and (25%) pay Iraqi dinars at the official bank rate (1182) dinars to the dollar."
He continued: "The banks should spend the (25%) above on their remittances customers at a price of (1200) dinars / dollars, and submit their requests at the end of each month to the accounting department at the central bank for the purpose of handling the two price differences in our accounts in Iraqi dinars."
And he continued: "Banks can spend the full amount of the transfer received in the Iraqi dinar if the customer desires to do so, and the two price difference are dealt with by the same mentioned mechanism."
He stressed, "The above mechanism does not include customer deposits in dollars in cash, where it is paid to the customer in full, but is limited to customers who receive remittances received from outside Iraq of any kind, and internal dollar transfers between their banks in our accounts."
xyz What IF dinar move from 1190 to 1 in seconds? Some will call that float jajaja
xyz IQD floated ;Thud
Dave no mention of free float vs managed worries
Kaperoni CBI controls the pace. time to study how floats work
Dave Personal floats
Dave just saying many ways and types of floats Free vs Managed??????????? KAP??????????
Dave You have always assumed FREE FLOAT........Correct?
Kaperoni Maybe some clarification for Dave since he does not seem to will have to do some work, but I will give you the
Kaperoni Issue ›uploads› products ›pdf› file867270650088PDF
Mar 11, 2020 - Floating the national currency. It is intended to leave the national currency in order to determine its price. In the free market, according to the forces of supply and demand, The national currency establishes its realistic price with effect. Market mechanisms within an organized free market
Kaperoni Well I am done now. Enjoy ur day.
Xyz Over 90% already on lockdown ...
Tucker Carlson On Fauci's Quarantine Call: Pushing "National Suicide" While He Has Job Security
Xyz Patty so you think it's ok? What are you basing your argument. Is africa top infected?
Wilder LINK
xyz This Is Where The World Is On The "Corona Curve" At This Moment
Xyz India Drags China To International Court For COVID-19 War
Patty xyz oh no. It was just something we did.
xyz OPEC+ emergency meeting to be held on April 9
jsst Last updated: April 4, 2020 - 11:44 am
Baghdad / Iraq News Network - The Finance Committee in Parliament commented, today, Saturday, on the central bank’s decision to stop the flow of the dollar to the market with the aim of floating the dinar and reducing its value, in order to fill part of the budget deficit and the needs of the government
Chattels In Iraq, Fatah Coalition tells its members not to attend Parliamentary session which will give vote of confidence for PM nominee Adnan Zurfi.
chattels Iraqi PM Abdel-Mahdi: the Corona situation in Iraq is better than in other nations.
chattels One has to wonder how the foregoing could possibly be true.
chattels Al-Fateh MP Abbas Al-Zamili affirmed: "The Prime Minister-designate Adnan Al-Zarfi will not achieve success ... and we will ensure that he does not pass."
He said in a televised statement: "Al-Zarfi will not achieve success in his negotiations and has not achieved any agreement with the Kurds."
Al-Zamili added: "Al-Zrafi was not nominated by (other), and he did not enjoy the support of Mr. Muqtada Al-Sadr, and until this day we guarantee that he will not pass."
chattels Ghost town: Erbil’s total lockdown seen from the air
chattels tman23 What's new ?
Baxter Chattels... did you see Kaps post on guru
chattels Baxter I think so.
Baxter ok... about the float maybe in the near future
Baxter was wondering if you saw those articles
chattels Baxter Yes, I did. Not sure that I understand what he is expecting to happen .
Baxter ok... Im not either
chattels Baxter My take was that he found it all " interesting".
Baxter this is part of it The CBI announced today that this weak dinar will change soon. And at the same time a member of parliament today stated that they stopped the auctions in preparation to float. Though none of this is definitive it is very interesting and the pieces sound compelling that they may be going to float in very short order. But we'll just have to wait and see...
crazycrypto friendd already got his 1200 direct deposit
tman23 Forget about Iraq, as I posted many times it is a cesspool. Following it daily hoping for their success is equivalent to polishing a turd, these people are a noted historical failure. So look at the world conditions in the now. There is economic calamity and it is world wide .
That being said , IMF released a statement saying it will be worse than 12 years ago. Buckle crew, looks like a global reset could be reality and that is the only dinar savior.
Baxter tman23 im a hopin
chattels tman23 Baxter and I have been saying of late something similar.
crazycrypto tman id agree and de iraq plays into this whole thing
crazycrypto a reset is imminent
Baxter maybe Iraq is going to coincide something with this reset
crazycrypto lots of people thought this GCR was a hoax
crazycrypto turns out its more fact than fiction at this point
tman23 chattels Never bought into the reset but it’s sure looking that it’s on the table and very likely
Baxter PTR has been saying it for at least five years..
crazycrypto many gurus have baxter
crazycrypto over the years
crazycrypto at one point i didnt beieve it neithher
Baxtern or did I
Baxter If trump can put 6 trillion dollars out there with a swipe of a pen... anything is possible
tman23 Baxter guess PTR and others knew of the pandemic... they were spewing totally different noodles as the reasoning
Baxter could this pandemic... actually be part of it...?? I wouldnt put it past them
chattels I do not pretend to know. Just hoping to get lucky. Dumb luck it will be.
crazycrypto baxter i also believe trump is going after child trafficking as well and the cartels
tman23 chattels we are going to find out shortly because it’s really very soon or NEVER
crazycrypto which both tie into one another i think a massive reset is happening on all fronts
chattels tman23 My sense is that Iraq may not " survive " much longer.
tman23 chattels They may not , but the CBI will.... same as when Gaddafi went down, the CBL was still operating strong....
chattels tman23 You still buying, just holding, or selling IQD ?
tman23 Rumors of Mark Cuban possibly on board for Dems being tossed in media backrooms . But I heard Cuban say he had a family meeting and they all opposed , not wanting it in their lives.... but things may have changed , I doubt it . But rumors of Cuban are circulating
crazycrypto hmmm
tman23 chattels I exchanged 16k worth in Dubai 2017. I still held back a couple couple million dinar ... I need to count it , Lol. Haven’t looked at in 3 years , Might not even be there since I had a nephew stay with me that I was helping out who had stick fingers ....
chattels When the going gets tough, the tough go golfing. Thankfully the course is not closed yet. Early tee time. Have a fine evening all. Be smart, be safe and be well.
Baxter TMAN.. Mark Cuban was also talking about a global reset yesterday..
Baxter he owns the Dallas Mavericks..doesnt he? like a billionaire
Baxter Yes.. he is the one.. I saw him on Fox News channel....some woman was interviewing him...
Baxter talked about a global reset
crazycrypto i posted it yesterday bax yes he mentiond a reset
tman23 He also does shark tank
Baxter Oh... Ok.... I didnt see it on here. there may be something to it I sure hope so
crazycrypto agreed billionaires usually have in sider info
crazycrypto elite
Baxter I know we will all be dead waiting on Iraq
crazycrypto true
Sparky xyz ...graph courtesy of JP Morgan...Goldman Sachs...
tman23 Baxter I’m more positive on it now that global economies are in shambles .... even if we get on line May 1 ... other countries are still in pandemic mode... nice thing CHINA created in the lab that got loose
Baxter yep
Sparky ... tman23 ...beat us to the punch...
Sparky tarriffs...lets see how this goes...we import life supplies from China...
Sparky war on invisible enemy of Covid19...interesting timing...
Baxter TMAN...... are you near Ft Myers... Did you hear about that huge grass fire near the airport that burned over a hundred cars..
Young_SC Baxter no they are not going to come out on a float. IMO they will come out at a fixed rate then i think they will gradually float
Baxter Young_SC as long as its a dime... Im gone
Young_SC They are relying on their IQD now and no longer the American dollar
Sparky Young_SC ...I'd give them 6 months before they suffocate...
Young_SC Sparky IMO it will be sooner Cue the Auctions not in operation
Young_SC Those auctions were used to pay their bills and employee salaries
Young_SC How long do you think Iraq can last without paying their bills? Before collapsing
Sparky Young_SC ...float is now their only option,...drop lower...then, rise with the tide...rising tide makes all boats rise...
Young_SC Drop lower to 1 to 1 imo then float to a specific rate is what i think they will do
Sparky Young_SC ...down to 2000 to 1...then way, way up...imo...
Sparky ...unpeg from the USD, then go Yuan...Silk Road Initiative...
Young_SC Sparky indeed
Sparky Young_SC ...funny we don't hear much about Iranian political machine contaminated...
Young_SC Sparky i know I think Iran is done
Sparky ...and go almost entirely electronic currency worldwide, as cash in hand is " dirty " money...
Sparky world currency...electronic....traceable, and semi-transparant...
Sparky ...dollars to donuts, it will come out that paper currency is a root cause of the pandemic I like to reference, Hegelian dialectic...
Sparky does Wall Street vary 1000 points, either way, daily ?
Sparky ...answer...volatility makes the informed richer...
Sparky long as you don't get caught like a few senators...talking out of both sides of their mouth...
Sparky, back to your regularly scheduled program...
Sparky ...I see float talk as positive, but that's just me...nothing else but a worldwide pandemic could possibly make this payoff in the short term...
Sparky ...wash your hands, and say your prayers...if your not in the 1 percent, you are vulnerable...
IQD CALLS Chat Early Saturday 4-4-20
.IQD CALLS Chat Early Saturday 4-4-20
chattels al Fateh is still opposed to him according to several reports.
[Baghdad-Where] Foreign currency markets in Iraq recorded, today, Friday, stability at the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar.
The selling and buying prices of the dollar in banking companies and offices came as follows:
The selling price of one dollar is 1260 dinars, or 126 thousand dinars per hundred dollars.
The purchase price of the dollar is 1,250 dinars, or 125 thousand dinars per hundred dollars.
It is noteworthy that these prices are not official due to the closure of the Kifah Stock Exchange due to a curfew on the prevention of healthy Corona virus prevention.
Baxter Kap says they are 6% out now
chattels The central bank reveals the reasons for the high dollar exchange rate
IQD CALLS Chat Early Saturday 4-4-20
chattels al Fateh is still opposed to him according to several reports.
[Baghdad-Where] Foreign currency markets in Iraq recorded, today, Friday, stability at the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar.
The selling and buying prices of the dollar in banking companies and offices came as follows:
The selling price of one dollar is 1260 dinars, or 126 thousand dinars per hundred dollars.
The purchase price of the dollar is 1,250 dinars, or 125 thousand dinars per hundred dollars.
It is noteworthy that these prices are not official due to the closure of the Kifah Stock Exchange due to a curfew on the prevention of healthy Corona virus prevention.
Baxter Kap says they are 6% out now
chattels The central bank reveals the reasons for the high dollar exchange rate
The Director General of the Financial Operations and Debt Management Department, Mahmoud Dagher said in a statement: “The high dollar exchange rate is due to the overlap of a set of expectations for the financial crisis that Iraq is going through, caused by low oil prices and accompanied by the impact of the Corona virus and the curfew, which resulted in what resulted It was interrupted by economic activities, "pointing out that" all of these factors are added to them by stopping the selling of currency outlets in the central bank, which led to a rise in the dollar exchange rate and the depreciation of the Iraqi currency. "
chattels " ....... the depreciation of the Iraqi currency. "
Baxter yep... thats why no auctions
chattels We have a reverse / negative " RV ".
Baxter im afraid so
Baxter I pray for a GCR... its our only hope
Chattels Baxter With all the damage to the economies worldwide, maybe such is a real possibility ?
Baxter actually.... I think it is possible
Kaperoni chattels I have a variation of your article on the dinar. This one says the reason why the CBI stopped the auctions and why the dinar is scarce is they are prparing to float the dinar. :)
Kaperoni The Finance Committee commented, on Friday, on the Central Bank’s decision to stop the dollar from flowing into the market with the aim of floating the dinar and reducing its value, in order to fill part of the budget deficit and the needs of the government.
The committee’s rapporteur, Ahmed Al-Saffar, said in an interview with (Baghdad Today) that “reading the intention of the central bank to stop the flow of the dollar and floating the dinar to fill part of the state’s budget deficit is impossible, but it may be in harmony with the current situation to compensate for the shortfall in oil revenues” .
Kaperoni rest of it here... LINK
crazycrypto interesting wording from billionaire Mark Cuban: "We are going to go through a RESET when this all over it will go from America 1.0 to America 2.0"
crazycrypto what does Mark know that we dont? Hmmmm
crazycrypto maybe this whole reset talk ffor years is starting to have some merit and truth to it
Baxter My internet went Kaput
Doug_W too many ppl on it world wide
Baxter must be
Baxter I lost everything.... tv .. phone.. internet..
jsst Well- Iraqi revalued there Currency -- Not good for All of us. They went Backwards - Your Hope's and Mind Are GONE. The Dinar is all Washed Up. My Hope's and everyone Else
jsst We have been Hadd
Jsst There will never be a ( GRC ) stop kidding Everyone. Hopem Hopem Hopem is GONE !!! - WE LOST Period...
Baxter give me your dinar then...
Jsst GCR - I see your upset, Get over it - You and I LOST.....
Baxter NO.. I have won either way.... I can more than double my money... right now
jsst Good for you !
Patty jsst Thank you for the update. Where did you see that?
jsst Dinar Alert's ( KAP ) has a news article's , every day. Very very creditable news out of IRAQI. Just Truth.
Patty jsst ok. Thank you. I'll try to go find it. Not signed in with Kap though.
Baxter That is IF its up to Iraq...and that is a big IF
Baxter Patty... he brings all his stuff in here for free anyways he was in here last night
jsst Not everything. Not even close. But he will inform a little ,here
Patty Baxter Thank you. I went back, moved the site over to Google for translation, and it read like they had talked about devalue, not actually done it. jsst's input sort of gave me that "knee Jerk" response. Well that's over and now I'm trying to figure how this old red bandana is going to fit over my nose. Hope no one thinks I'm going to rob a train or anything.
Baxter Patty.... Dont believe that stuff.....
Patty Baxter Thank you Baxter. Hard to know who's on first anymore.
Baxter well.... the gurus arent... thats for sure
futuremoney Patty iraq didnt de just went down on the street
Dave go figure.....?
futuremoney check your currency sites when in doubt
Baxter KAP... says... there is not enough money in the world... for Iraq to RV.... However... Trump just put over 6 Trillion Dollars out there with one swipe of the pen... and we are 20 Trillion In Debt.... so you tell me...
Dave GO GCR!
Futuremoney my only hope right now
Baxter Supposedly... the last G20 meeting at the UN... was all about a GCR...
Baxter seriously...
Dave GCR......we aint decimated quite yet?\
futuremoney never heard that
Baxter with the way the worlds economy is.... right now would be the perfect time
Dave Baxter could get worse?
Baxter it may.. most likely will Futuremoney... gas here is now 99 cents a gallon
futuremoney wow cheapest here is 1.24 most are 1.44
Baxter 55 cents of that is Tax....... 44 cents for the gas thats at Sams Club... with your club discount of a nickel or so about 1.07 other places
futuremoney went to sams a couple days ago...1.42
Dave Wonder how longer Oil Companies can loose their shorts?
Dave The Earth is getting much cleaner lately........Not much of that on the news......seems like mother Earth has Rebelled people disappearing now i read.........the great Rapture is upon us?
Baxter Have the aliens taken all of these people that will be next..
Dave ......But with Kaps comments that Iraq is devaluing...Babylon not NO WORRIES
Francis Albert I've never been one for some kind of "Reset" as talked about for many years. I have to say, don't have to, but will, as a long time student of monetary history....Forces are utilizing this Corona thing to disrupt the World's Financial system unlike anytime in history.
Baxter Francis Albert do NOT rule it out... this would be an Ideal time... worldwide
Baxter as I said before... IF Trump can put 6 Trillion dollars... that we dont have... into the economy in ONE DAY.. dont rule it out
Francis Albert But, what exactly is this "Reset"? Can't rule something in or something out without understanding what it is. And know one's just a word. Means nothing
Francis Albert Treasury borrowed Six Trillion Dollars from the FED NY Bank. Just another Six on the 23 Trillion.
Baxter Trump is slowly getting rid of the FED... just watch
Francis Albert I think only in the Movies Baxter...but, anything I suppose is possible
Baxter Lets see what happens after this virus ordeal winds down
Francis Albert Indeed. Something big is in the air on the financial side for sure.
Dave Wow......police here now giving out huge fines for breaching Social distancing
Baxter Francis Albert absolutely
Francis Albert Lots of FEMA tunnels to fill up I think this entire Carona thing is about training, control, seeing how much people will put up with and more vaccines
Dave Francis Albert what vaccine?
Francis Albert Oh...just wait Dave...lots of new and improved vaccines coming to croak the Carona and then to "protect" from the next one. It's all a scam. A con.
Dave Huge bucks for ever whom may find this Vaccine......
Francis Albert They are popping up all over the World. Here's just one..out today Scientists discover a drug "destroys the Corona virus in 48 hours"
2020-04-04 Yassin Iraq: Baghdad An anti-parasite drug available worldwide has shown the ability to kill the Corona virus within 48 hours in laboratories, according to Australian news site 7 News.
The site pointed out that a study of the Institute of Biomedicine at the Australian University of Monash on Ivermectin showed promising results in fighting the virus inside the laboratory.
The study found that a single dose of the drug could stop the Corona virus from growing inside the cells.
"We found that a single dose can basically remove all viral RNA (effective removal of all the genetic material of the virus) within 48 hours," explained Dr. Kylie Wagstaff.
Dave yeah penicillin........ discovered 1930s.......not that long ago
Francis Albert The entire virus theory put forth by Pasture is bad science. He said as much before his death. Viruses are created in the body to clean up unwanted debris. And they've got people locked up at home, not getting close to anyone. It's all a lie.
Dave Viruses are not created by the body
Francis Albert More people die from what is called the Flu every year than are dying now. People die of all kinds of complications...pneumonia mostly....defeated immune systems, elderly..on lots of meds..bad food etc. they die. All these deaths are being blamed on some mythical Carona Virus.
Francis Albert Well, Dave do some real research and they are.
Dave Francis Albert Did my research
Francis Albert Ok, then you know
Dave Have papers to prove it....
Francis Albert Enjoy the Blue Pill. See you.
Dave Francis Albert Did not know that peeps on ventilators would enjoy Blue Pills
Dave Man, seemingly i do seem to cause trouble.......;
Chattels Washington Post: Reuters defends its news story that 3000 to 9000 have Corona Virus in Iraq. Iraq suspends Reuters for 3 months. Iraqi Health Minister says his numbers are correct.
chattels In Iraq, Sairoon Coalition says it will not vote to give confidence in PM nominee Adnan Zurfi if he submits to political parties & their interests. Zurfi sends his government program to Parliament.
chattels In Iraq, 8 militias in letter say they consider US forces an occupation, they will burn Iraq in order to defend Iran & reject PM nominee Adnan Zurfi. Among them the usual suspects: Asa’ib Ahl al-Haqq, Kata’ib Sayyid Shuhada, Nujaba, Imam Ali & so forth. LINK
chattels Iraqi PM nominee Adnan Zurfi opens communications with Iran about government formation.
Dave chattels that headline sums it up pretty much......?
chattels Nina / The Prime Minister-designate, Adnan Al-Zarfi, said, “I wait for the parliament to determine a parliamentary session to vote on the government program, and I have completed my government formations of competencies from inside Iraq.”
Chattels Al-Zorfi: I have prepared a full cabinet cabinet composed of competent employees and I will send the CV to them 48 hours before, according to the constitution.
Saturday 04, April 2020
Dave Thanx for your tenacity !
chattels Dave I am nothing if not persistent and determined.
Dave seemed to have lost my spark
chattels Al-Zarfi announces the completion of his booth and warns: Iraq is in disaster and the government may not be able to secure all salaries Saturday 04, April 2020
chattels Dave Sometimes I wax and sometimes I wane.
Doug_W thats better than WHINE
chattels House of Representatives decision: the parliament presidency will fix the date for the session to grant confidence to Zarfi and his interim government later
Saturday 04, April 2020
Dave ODDS on That?.......LOL
chattels Al-Zrafi confirms the direct preparation for the elections as soon as his government gains the confidence of Parliament Saturday 04, April 2020
Dave as soon as.......jeje
chattels Al Fateh still opposes him.
chattels Nina / Al-Fateh Parliamentary Bloc sent an official letter to the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, to withdraw the republican decree mandating Adnan Al-Zarfi to head the Council of Ministers and form the next government.
Dave Thought i heard that if the Govt could not be formed Salih was to take over?
Dave Iraq has never had a fully formed Govt...........Zarfi has yet to be cleared for landing?
chattels Dave Possible, but the Arab - Shia are not going to allow a Kurd to be the PM, IMO. More likely that Abdul Mahdi will linger until elections.
Dave Linger.......
chattels “Abdul Mahdi leaving his post would result in President Salih running the government," Shammari said. "[Salih's] positions are not consistent with the [Iran-friendly] policy that the parties who want Abdul Mahdi to stay have adopted. … Salih assuming this responsibility would result in pro-Iran parties being greatly exposed. This is why they are pushing toward Abdul Mahdi remaining in his post.”
Read more:
chattels Mahdi has " stepped away " but he has not " left his post ", It is a curious constitutional posture from what I understand.
chattels US-led coalition passes control of Al-Taqaddum Air Base to Iraqi military. This is the fifth base the coalition has handed over to the Iraqi armed forces in recent weeks, following K1 in Kirkuk, al-Qaim near the Syrian border, Qayyarah in western Iraq, and al-Sqoor inside Mosul.
chattels And that's the way that it is from the news that I find and read out of Iraq on this Saturday, April 4, 2020.
chattels 4-4-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy " Iraq is starting to look like it's stabilizing a little bit. With this new PM going in there. With this new government going in there. And Trump going in there removing the influence and the grip of the Iranian people."
chattels One has to wonder how people read the same news and make such varied conclusions.
chattels Iraqi rhetoric vs reality.
chattels Zarfi's government, people and policy program, are arguably dead on arrival.
chattels Both Ameri and Maliki oppose him.
chattels The Kurds have said that they will not support any PM designate without a Shia consensus favoring that candidate.
chattels While I put my money on an increase in value of the dinar, I must allow for the probability that Mahdi will stay until elections in 2022 if the / any government survives.
Doug_W SOLD just get us 10 cents plz
chattels Doug_W I would take it today. And any day.
Doug_W 4 sure
chattels " Miracles I guess, still happen now and then. " Lyrics by Jim Reeves
Baxter I get to CASH OUT FIRST
Doug_W yes sir right after ME
Doug_W how timjes have chaged Eh?
Baxter YEP
IQD CALLS Chat Friday Night 4-3-20
.IQD CALLS Chat Friday Night 4-3-20
Baxter Doug... I heard on WESH Orlando news at noon.... that starting last night..... all borders going into florida... are closed except for commercial truck traffic... all cars are being turned around at the state lines.... have you heard that?
Doug_W no I have not
Baxter well.. I hear now that florida isnt the only one..... there are about 15 states doing it
Baxter I 75 I 95...I 10 coming into florida are closed
Baxter Georgia..Alabama.. kentucky..s carolina... etc.. all closed
Baxter plus about ten others
IQD CALLS Chat Friday Night 4-3-20
Baxter Doug... I heard on WESH Orlando news at noon.... that starting last night..... all borders going into florida... are closed except for commercial truck traffic... all cars are being turned around at the state lines.... have you heard that?
Doug_W no I have not
Baxter well.. I hear now that florida isnt the only one..... there are about 15 states doing it
Baxter I 75 I 95...I 10 coming into florida are closed
Baxter Georgia..Alabama.. kentucky..s carolina... etc.. all closed
Baxter plus about ten others
Doug_W I have been in far worse "jams" in my life it will "work out"
Baxter Oh... so have I
Baxter called the Military...
Doug_W yes Sir
Baxter they are handing out free food up here.. to drive in car lines... the line right now is over 3 miles long
Baxter national guard is doing it
Doug_W same here
Doug_W not sure of NG tho
Baxter they are here... on local news at noon
Baxter uncle just called me... gas here hit 99 cents this morning (ohio)
Baxter unbelievable... the tax per gallon is more than the gas
eman4u55 just flew over south beach all the way to broward county along the coast people still going to the beach crazy
Dave March 5....NY 22 confirmed cases..........100k now,,,,?????
Patty Baxter OK. I was listening to The Big Call with Bruce, and he thought maybe the "dark days" will be 7th, 8th, 9th of this month. So, what are the "dark days"?
tman23 What a worldwide conundrum! So what has a better chance of happening in the future 1) Iraq opens their market economy 2) there is a global reset of debt and currency values.
Personally I tend to believe #2 is in play as a real possibility. And if a reset on world economies came about, it would affect #1 and their currency value ....
But waiting for Iraq to reach an open market economy with poor infrastructure and poor skilled labor pools with poor work ethics being the lynch pin to gain value to the currency along with a stable government...
if that’s what Kap is waiting on and follows 24/ word with a proven history proves it will never happen that way ...that word is IRAQ!!
Xyz "I Found The Source Of COVID-19..." Tyler Durden
"After living and working in China for over 10 years and speaking fluent Chinese, you get to know a society pretty well... and let me tell you this - if you're applauding or admiring the political leadership of China, you're all deluded beyond belief."
That is how "laowhy86" begins this succinct video exploring the 'facts' - not conspiracies - behind the source of the coronavirus that is ravaging the earth.
"China doesn't operate like 'your' country," he warns, "the Chinese government is a face- and greed-driven government that relies on lies and bullying to maintain leadership."
Furthermore, he notes, the Chinese government layers are "broken and fragile" and so it didn't surprise him when he was able to follow breadcrumbs - as begun by our inquisition about the roles that certain individuals played in Wuhan - to discover the "very suspicious" fact that the Wuhan Bio lab had a job opening from November 18, 2019, asking for scientists to come and research the relationship between the coronavirus and bats.
foxmulder xyz just read that ,very interesting. Not the first article about the bio lab .
chattels Baxter ." s carolina... etc.. all closed " ??????
Baxter chattels.. I have heard everything from closed.. to you have to sign affidavits that you will quarantine for 14 days... etc..
Baxter Kentucky is the same way... and it looks like Ohio will be in a couple of days
Baxter Georgia line.. the same way... from what I hear
Baxter I have been looking at the internet.. I have read all kinds of different stories..
Baxter my friend from FLorida.. who wants to get back to Ohio... called the Florida Highway patrol..and they did not recommend leaving..
Baxter it is probably not impossible.. but at 6 pm... the highway patrol in florida told him the line of cars at the georgia line was over three miles long
Baxter filling out paperwork....
Chattels Baxter I do not find where S.C. has closed it's borders.
Baxter well.. all I what he told me
chattels Baxter Thank you.
Baxter it may not be now... but I wouldnt bet on it in the future
chattels My belief is that the closing of State borders must be a Federal decision.
Baxter it could be..
Baxter Heres a short one for georgia and florida
Baxter but this was four days ago... it has been coming more strict since then I believe
Baxter Just
Chattels Iraqi security official: International Coalition in Iraq will turnover its facilities in Habbaniya Base in Anbar Province to Iraqi forces tomorrow.
chattels Bill Withers, Singer-Songwriter Of 'Ain't No Sunshine,' Has Died At Age 81.
chattels " Lean on Me "
chattels An emergency grant proposal of 150,000 dinars per month for 200,000 families
chattels How much is that in dollars ?
chattels Less than $ 150 per month.
Baxter oh boy.... dont spend it all in one place..
chattels $ 120.
chattels 150,000 x's .0008
xyz Okie is circling in reno awaiting landing might be trained to float by the floater guru jajaja
chattels The Prime Minister-designate, Adnan Al-Zorfi, announced that he will present tomorrow the government program with an official request to the Speaker of Parliament, Muhammad Al-Halbousi, to hold a session of confidence.
"I was charged with forming the government constitutionally, and my consultations are continuing until the cabinet cabinet is completed and presented to Parliament," a statement quoted by his office, which received [a copy], quoted Al-Zarfi as saying.
chattels al Fateh is still opposed to him according to several reports.
chattels [Baghdad-Where]
Foreign currency markets in Iraq recorded, today, Friday, stability at the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar.
The selling and buying prices of the dollar in banking companies and offices came as follows:
The selling price of one dollar is 1260 dinars, or 126 thousand dinars per hundred dollars.
The purchase price of the dollar is 1,250 dinars, or 125 thousand dinars per hundred dollars.
It is noteworthy that these prices are not official due to the closure of the Kifah Stock Exchange due to a curfew on the prevention of healthy Corona virus prevention.
Baxter Kap says they are 6% out now
chattels The central bank reveals the reasons for the high dollar exchange rate
The Director General of the Financial Operations and Debt Management Department, Mahmoud Dagher said in a statement: “The high dollar exchange rate is due to the overlap of a set of expectations for the financial crisis that Iraq is going through, caused by low oil prices and accompanied by the impact of the Corona virus and the curfew, which resulted in what resulted It was interrupted by economic activities, "pointing out that" all of these factors are added to them by stopping the selling of currency outlets in the central bank, which led to a rise in the dollar exchange rate and the depreciation of the Iraqi currency. "
chattels " ....... the depreciation of the Iraqi currency. "
Baxter yep... thats why no auctions
chattels We have a reverse / negative " RV ".
Baxter im afraid so
Baxter I pray for a GCR... its our only hope
Chattels Baxter With all the damage to the economies worldwide, maybe such is a real possibility ?
Baxter actually.... I think it is possible
Kaperoni chattels I have a variation of your article on the dinar. This one says the reason why the CBI stopped the auctions and why the dinar is scarce is they are prparing to float the dinar. :)
Kaperoni The Finance Committee commented, on Friday, on the Central Bank’s decision to stop the dollar from flowing into the market with the aim of floating the dinar and reducing its value, in order to fill part of the budget deficit and the needs of the government.
The committee’s rapporteur, Ahmed Al-Saffar, said in an interview with (Baghdad Today) that “reading the intention of the central bank to stop the flow of the dollar and floating the dinar to fill part of the state’s budget deficit is impossible, but it may be in harmony with the current situation to compensate for the shortfall in oil revenues” .
Kaperoni rest of it here...
Kaperoni LINK
crazycrypto interesting wording from billionaire Mark Cuban: "We are going to go through a RESET when this all over it will go from America 1.0 to America 2.0"
crazycrypto what does Mark know that we dont?
crazycrypto hmmmm
crazycrypto maybe this whole reset talk ffor years is starting to have some merit and truth to it
IQD CALLS Chat Early Friday 4-3-20
.IQD CALLS Chat Early Friday 4-3-20
Chattels After the virus crisis subsides, can we finally build a sustainable future?
chattels As policymakers take steps to ensure immediate relief and long-term recovery, it is imperative that they consider the interrelated crises of wealth inequality, racism, and ecological decline - namely the climate crisis .....
chattels Al-Zarfi emphasizes the importance of revitalizing the banking sector and moving the circulating cash block
chattels Thursday, April 2, 2020 Violence Drops In Iraq In March 2020
chattels Violence dropped in Iraq perhaps because of the coronavirus outbreak. The Islamic State for instance, initially said that its fighters should not travel to different areas during the pandemic. Whatever the case might be there were far fewer incidents likely carried out by the group. Pro-Iran Hashd forces however increased their attacks on U.S. forces and personnel in March.
IQD CALLS Chat Early Friday 4-3-20
Chattels After the virus crisis subsides, can we finally build a sustainable future?
chattels As policymakers take steps to ensure immediate relief and long-term recovery, it is imperative that they consider the interrelated crises of wealth inequality, racism, and ecological decline - namely the climate crisis .....
chattels Al-Zarfi emphasizes the importance of revitalizing the banking sector and moving the circulating cash block
Friday 03, April 2020
chattels Thursday, April 2, 2020 Violence Drops In Iraq In March 2020
chattels Violence dropped in Iraq perhaps because of the coronavirus outbreak. The Islamic State for instance, initially said that its fighters should not travel to different areas during the pandemic. Whatever the case might be there were far fewer incidents likely carried out by the group. Pro-Iran Hashd forces however increased their attacks on U.S. forces and personnel in March.
chattels Looming Challenges for Iraq’s New Government
chattels KIRK H. SOWELL
Iraq’s new Prime Minister-designate Adnan al-Zurfi faces opposition amid a political, fiscal, and, now, global pandemic crisis.
chattels Zurfi : His political views are closer to President Salih’s than any of the previous nominees. As governor of Najaf for nearly seven years over three terms, Zurfi promoted a political vision based on encouraging economic ties with the industrialized West while sidelining Iran-backed militia factions.
He is not only perceived as pro-American on military issues but is an American citizen himself, having lived in the United States before 2003. Precisely for this reason, the main opposition to him has come from the Iran-aligned factions and Shia factions independent of Iran.
chattels The Iraqi government’s lack of reserves and modest non-oil revenue means it would default quickly were it not for its ability to borrow from the Central Bank’s hard currency reserves. These reserves—while significant at over $80 billion due to oil sales—are not infinite. Baghdad needs oil prices to reach $60 to 65 per barrel to keep state institutions running with no capital investment.
chattels Based on publicly-disclosed figures available funds, in a worst-case scenario with oil prices remaining under $30 per barrel, Baghdad could be insolvent within 12 months.1 If oil prices gradually rise this year and average around $50 next year, it could stretch available funds through 2021. However, by then, the country would have gone several years with no meaningful development, ......................
chattels It is not yet clear whether Zurfi will be able to form a government or not, but if he does, it will be tasked with a multitude of hurdles. The newly-formed government will lack a working majority in parliament, face both a fiscal collapse and a likely health crisis, and need to navigate a hostile and well-armed Iranian-backed opposition.
Even more, the government will need to deliver its mandate to bring out early elections as protesters have demanded. With the COVID-19 pandemic serving as a good reason not to hold votes, the new elections will probably be the easiest of these challenges to dismiss. Managing fiscal, political, security and health crises all at once will be the Zurfi government’s real test.
chattels Iraq’s foreign debt is relatively low, but the greater threat to Iraq comes from what one might call “internal default.” Iraqi society is deeply dependent upon direct salaried employment, pensions and other payments, including the social security system and the state food aid system which both subsidizes the agriculture industry and provides nutrition aid. Were the state to default on these internal payments, much of Iraq’s population would go hungry.
chattels Iraq’s health system was already overwhelmed when the epidemic started, and it lacks testing capacity to estimate the outbreak’s reach in the country.
Doug_W Baxter try TO PROPHACISE and tell em what are U gonna be like in 28 more days lol
Baxter its gonna get a lot worse
Doug_W lol
Baxter just think of the tax money the states are losing in lost sales
Baxter think of the sales tax on cars that isnt happening
Doug_W and fuel
Baxter seen a political ad on TV...... Nope
3 Apr 20, 09:09 AM Baxter I have hardly even seen a car ad on tv
Baxter Chattels.. did you see Kaps comment on guru
Baxter about the auctions
Doug_W bring it in here Baxter
Baxter 4-3-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni ...the CBI has stopped the distribution of dollars through the auctions for the time being due to the economic conditions. As well the CBI has made a statement requesting banks return excess dollars to the CBI. This is necessary to support the dinar during these difficult financial times. In no way is it any indication of any RV/RI...
Baxter He is probably correct.............. again
Xyz More than Iraq population ---- 38.27 million (2017);
Dave Wow.....10 States yet to shut down.....Wonder what they are waiting for?
xyz Dave GO FIGURE ...asymptomatic showing no evidence of disease.
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, who resisted strict coronavirus measures, says he just learned it transmits asymptomatically
Dave Alittle Slow on the Uptake then....?
Patty Dave About as slow as Washington's governor...but once he caught onto the problem, he closed things down, and now until May 4th.
xyz Dave Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases on January 31st 2020 ...
'There's no doubt': Top US infectious disease doctor says Wuhan coronavirus can spread even when people have no symptoms
xyz I know I know it's not cited from foxnews :popcorn
xyz But Z listened with 2 ears
Dave yeah...seems you poor folks are getting mixed media reports?
xyz Georgia governor says he only just learned coronavirus carriers can be asymptomatic
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp said Wednesday that he had just learned this week that the coronavirus can be contagious before people are showing symptoms, citing that fact as part of the reason why he ordered a more strict shelter-in-place order for his state after previously balking on doing so -- yet the White House had said so as early as Jan. 31.
xyz Unfortunately some of us see this from partisan political view which is disturbing -- this is from both sides
Dave partisan political views over it Political Science?
xyz Coronavirus careless if you are a partisan political guru ... it will eat anyone
Dave just wash your hands
Dave Some of these Governors should get busted for Genocide? Thats is what Canadian media is insinuating .......News from the States is causing us folks in hunker down more
IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 4-2-20
.IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 4-2-20
chattels Haitham al-Jiboury, head of the Iraqi parliament’s finance committee, told Rudaw English he foresees a deficit of around 50 trillion dinars ($42 billion) in the 2020 budget plan.
If oil prices remain this low, that deficit could rise to more than 100 trillion dinars.
Baxter all they have to do is revalue their currency... LOL
Baxter according to the gurus
chattels Iraq has not had a fully-functioning government since last December, when caretaker Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi resigned in the face of mass protests over unemployment, corruption, and the lack of basic services.
His replacement, Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi, also resigned in early March after he failed to win parliamentary approval for his cabinet.
The task has now fallen to former Najaf governor Adnan al-Zurfi – an unpopular choice among Iraq’s powerful Iran-backed Shiite blocs and anti-government protesters
IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 4-2-20
chattels Haitham al-Jiboury, head of the Iraqi parliament’s finance committee, told Rudaw English he foresees a deficit of around 50 trillion dinars ($42 billion) in the 2020 budget plan.
If oil prices remain this low, that deficit could rise to more than 100 trillion dinars.
Baxter all they have to do is revalue their currency... LOL
Baxter according to the gurus
chattels Iraq has not had a fully-functioning government since last December, when caretaker Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi resigned in the face of mass protests over unemployment, corruption, and the lack of basic services.
His replacement, Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi, also resigned in early March after he failed to win parliamentary approval for his cabinet.
The task has now fallen to former Najaf governor Adnan al-Zurfi – an unpopular choice among Iraq’s powerful Iran-backed Shiite blocs and anti-government protesters
Doug_W Silver:$14.64 +0.62
chattels Based on this price and increased exports to 3.6m bpd, total revenues for April would be $2.33bn. That’s before payments to IOCs. Not even half of payroll costs. Finding $3bn+ per month just to ease cash flow evens without drawing down from reserves is enough of a challenge
Chattels As prices fall, what are the threats to oil giant Iraq?
chattels Iraq relies on oil revenues for more than 90 percent of state expenses. Its 2020 budget was based on an estimated barrel price of $56, more than twice the current rate.
futuremoney their previous calls for privatization was bull...trying to appease the gods of the UN and the IMF
chattels A sharp rise in the exchange rate of the dollar
Thursday 02, April 2020
chattels The US dollar exchange rate against the dinar increased sharply today, Thursday.
The sale price in the exchange offices between 126 thousand and 130 thousand dinars per hundred dollars, according to the regions.
Some attributed the rise of the dollar to the closing of the Kifah Stock Exchange due to the curfew\.
chattels Increasingly it appears that the fractional value of the IQD to the US dollar is degrading.
futuremoney yep only RV i see in my future is one that has 4 wheels
JoeSchmoe wow price of gas is only $2.50 here....much more than other parts of the country though I'm sure. Predicted to get to $0.99 again I heard...not here though ;sad2;
JoeSchmoe 2.50 at costco that is
chattels One third of the 2020 year is now behind us. 2021 will soon be here.
JoeSchmoe chattels with another round of CV it seems they are saying
futuremoney 1.35 here
chattels JoeSchmoe " CV " being ? CoronaVirus
JoeSchmoe chattels yes
JoeSchmoe or covid, whatever you desire,both the same
JoeSchmoe futuremoney yea, california will always be the most expensive unfortunately
futuremoney tons of taxes
chattels JoeSchmoe I am interested to see / learn the " real " corona virus statistics for Iraq, Iran and China.
JoeSchmoe chattels I just want to see 'our' numbers go down
JoeSchmoe doubling a lot right now
chattels JoeSchmoe Indeed. Are you in or near a " hotspot " ?
JoeSchmoe chattels well I'm about 100 miles from LA, but san diego has rising numbers..not unlike most everywhere in the US
joeSchmoe Doug, can I ask you a question about your automatic deposit for the stimulus check?
JoeSchmoe with the info you had/have to enter to do this method...can the irs then retrieve money from your account if they desire?
JoeSchmoe i am in the process of creating an irs account
JoeSchmoe i do not want to do it if your answer is yes though
Doug_W the IRS can get you no matter how U may try NOT to be gotten so yes
JoeSchmoe okay thx
Doug_W they don't need a bank account to "get you"
Chattels Iraqi PM-designate may be on futile mission to win Iranian support
Hassan Ali Ahmed April 1, 2020
Read more:
xyz Covid-19 a biological weapon, alleges US lawyer who sued China
Larry Klayman says the virus was developed in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
New Delhi: American lawyer Larry Klayman, who has filed a $20 trillion lawsuit against the Chinese government, believes that the US intelligence agencies have evidence to prove beyond doubt that Covid-19 is a biological weapon.
chattels BAGHDAD — As the deadline approaches for Iraqi Prime Minister-designate Adnan al-Zurfi to form his government, he continues to meet with different parties to gain the support of the United States and Iran and ensure parliamentary approval of his government.
Since the fall of Saddam Hussein, all Iraqi prime ministers have needed the approval of two rival powers — the United States and Iran — to form a government.
Zurfi has 30 days from the date of his appointment as prime minister (March 17) to form a government and obtain parliamentary approval for that government, otherwise another candidate will take his place.
Read more:
chattels Under such circumstances, it will be difficult for Zurfi to successfully form a government. Iran's political influence, not only among the Shiites but the Sunnis and the Kurds, will pose a challenge to Zurfi's government formation; the Sunnis and Kurds will not vote for a prime minister whom the Shiites and Iranians do not accept.
Read more:
Baxter ON MARCH 2.. ONE MONTH AGO... GOV CUOMO STATED THIS: "This evening we learned of the first positive case of novel coronavirus — or COVID-19 — in New York State. The patient, a woman in her late thirties, contracted the virus while traveling abroad in Iran, and is currently isolated in her home. The patient has respiratory symptoms, but is not in serious condition and has been in a controlled situation since arriving to New York.
"There is no cause for surprise -- this was expected. As I said from the beginning, it was a matter of when, not if there would be a positive case of novel coronavirus in New York.
"There is no reason for undue anxiety -- the general risk remains low in New York.
New York.. recorded is 2,200 Death this morning... One Month Later
Baxter called it a Novelty
Baxter over 85,000 Infected in New York
Patty Doug_W I was trying to find out if there were any reported cases in my little town here in Snohomish County and ran into a statement from Washington State Dept. of Health who is tracking the disease. In that statement they didn't have results. They had to eliminate 2,000 duplicate results. Now, I don't know if those were for positive, or negative results. But I wondered how many duplicate results Nation wide are being duplicated.
xyz 10 Million Americans Have Filed For Unemployment In Past 2 Weeks
Doug_W Silver:$14.69 +0.67
xyz Oil gains accelerate, now up 21% after Trump tells CNBC Saudis, Russia reach cut agreement
Dave daughter who has yet to officially graduate from nursing got offered a permanent position at the hospital......Big bucks.........does not excite me!
Dave medical staff now started offers to stay at hotels free as not to bring bugs home
Baxter My stepdaughter is a nurse... she just called and said that they are laying off Nurses at her hospital..... Un real.. she said there are no surgeries going on...and they sent them all home
Baxter we only have 4 cases of virus in our county... supposedly (Ohio)
Dave NY hospitals offering 140 bucks/hr
Baxter wow
Dave for nurses
Dave shocked learn not all States have a stay at home order.....
Baxter Im not really... lot of states dont have that many people
Dave nor does all of Canada
Dave We have been pretty much shut down since March 7 or so
Clay wow $140/hr
Dave Clay well that was from CNN
Dave Gov Cuomo
Dave Clay without overtime......wanna work there?
Baxter iF ITS FROM CNN.. I wouldnt believe it
Dave Wonder if Trump is offering his Hotels for medical staff?
BaxterLast week... an AP Poll... showed... that the FOX News Network... had twice the viewers... that CNN..and MSNBC... had combined... Twice as Many
Baxter that ought to tell you something
Dave yes do listen when Trump speaks when you or Bax inform us
Dave but I do find odd that our rural nation shut down weeks before you guys......the numbers do reflect that
Doug_W this will ALL pass at least till next Winter
Dave Doug_W talking here about CV recycling again in the fall
Clay here too
IQD CALLS Chat Wednesday Night 4-1-20
.IQD CALLS Chat Wednesday Night 4-1-20
Doug_W Governor issues 'stay-at-home' order for Florida
On Wednesday, Governor Ron DeSantis issued a 'stay-at-home' order for the state to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The order goes into effect at midnight tomorrow and will last for the next 30 days.
Doug_W to that I say 99 days to July 8th
Baxter it looks like Ohio may go to June 1 on stay at home
futuremoney will never tax revenue for 2 months...never
Baxter futuremoney... the Trump package is good for four months
futuremoney that package doent even come close to whats needed
Baxter They said they would add more if need be
Baxter from where... who knows
IQD CALLS Chat Wednesday Night 4-1-20
Doug_W Governor issues 'stay-at-home' order for Florida
On Wednesday, Governor Ron DeSantis issued a 'stay-at-home' order for the state to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The order goes into effect at midnight tomorrow and will last for the next 30 days.
Doug_W to that I say 99 days to July 8th
Baxter it looks like Ohio may go to June 1 on stay at home
futuremoney will never tax revenue for 2 months...never
Baxter futuremoney... the Trump package is good for four months
futuremoney that package doent even come close to whats needed
Baxter They said they would add more if need be
Baxter from where... who knows
futuremoney this has gone above and beyond stupid
Baxter its all funny money anyways
Baxter it will get bad in a couple of weeks... real bad
futuremoney now..every year the flu comes around...we gonna shut down the nation again? Lets make it a yearly event...have parades and sh!t
futuremoney dems said trump was over they are over reacting...just to hurt america
Wilder Life is getting interesting. futuremoney Not going to be easy being self employed.
chattels US President: Iran & its proxies are planning to conduct surprise attacks on US forces in Iraq. " Trump warns Iran is planning a 'sneak attack' on forces in Iraq "
chattels 1 Upcoming meeting between Qani and Al-Sadr resolves a new candidate for prime minister and excludes Zarrafi ://
chattels on Wednesday, foreign currency markets in Iraq recorded a jump in the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar.
chattels It is noteworthy that these prices are not official due to the closing of the Kifah Stock Exchange due to the curfew sanitary prevention of corona virus prevention.
chattels The central bank announces that it will begin to boost bank balances abroad through the foreign currency sale window
Wed 01, Apr 2020
Chattels Iraq’s oil revenues almost halved in March
chattels According to oil ministry figures, Iraq increased oil production in March by around 7 million barrels compared to February. However, as world oil prices tumbled, its revenues actually fell.
Baxter The GCR has been sent to the united nations.....
Baxter lets see what they can do with it
Chattels Already locked in a political crisis and battling an outbreak of coronavirus, Iraq will be forced to borrow or spend its foreign reserves to keep its head above water.
Baxter Nobody will lend them any money chattels
Baxter their credit rating is horrible
chattels Haitham al-Jiboury, head of the Iraqi parliament’s finance committee, told Rudaw English he foresees a deficit of around 50 trillion dinars ($42 billion) in the 2020 budget plan.
If oil prices remain this low, that deficit could rise to more than 100 trillion dinars.
Baxter all they have to do is revalue their currency... LOL
Baxter according to the gurus
chattels Iraq has not had a fully-functioning government since last December, when caretaker Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi resigned in the face of mass protests over unemployment, corruption, and the lack of basic services.
His replacement, Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi, also resigned in early March after he failed to win parliamentary approval for his cabinet.
The task has now fallen to former Najaf governor Adnan al-Zurfi – an unpopular choice among Iraq’s powerful Iran-backed Shiite blocs and anti-government protesters
Doug_W Silver:$14.64 +0.62
chattels Based on this price and increased exports to 3.6m bpd, total revenues for April would be $2.33bn. That’s before payments to IOCs. Not even half of payroll costs. Finding $3bn+ per month just to ease cash flow evens without drawing down from reserves is enough of a challenge
Chattels As prices fall, what are the threats to oil giant Iraq?
chattels Iraq relies on oil revenues for more than 90 percent of state expenses. Its 2020 budget was based on an estimated barrel price of $56, more than twice the current rate.
futuremoney their previous calls for privatization was bull...trying to appease the gods of the UN and the IMF
chattels A sharp rise in the exchange rate of the dollar
Thursday 02, April 2020
chattels The US dollar exchange rate against the dinar increased sharply today, Thursday.
The sale price in the exchange offices between 126 thousand and 130 thousand dinars per hundred dollars, according to the regions.
Some attributed the rise of the dollar to the closing of the Kifah Stock Exchange due to the curfew\.
chattels Increasingly it appears that the fractional value of the IQD to the US dollar is degrading.
futuremoney yep