Dinar Recaps

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Short Evening News Update with MarkZ 8-31-2021

Evening News with MarkZ 8/31/2021

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ: Still hearing positive news from the bond side.

MZ: Some people are upset we did not see anything F&P’s wise…..Way back in the day we CMKX’ers never expected deliveries until around 7:00. So we are not out of that window just yet

MZ: I don’t know what to expect. Currency folks still believe we are a few days away. It’s been pretty much a quiet day other than the bond side. .We continue to see people with boxes of bonds that have been vetted for quite awhile process and move forward.  I have not yet seen any of them out sending money willy nilly , but have a few who will not comment on liquidity.

MZ: I am hopeful this means they are indeed liquid. I assume if they weren’t they would say no, we are not liquid….so, them saying they cannot comment on that makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

See this content in the original post

Member:  Mark Holly said no RV until F&P paid out

Member:  holiday weekend coming up Mark Z… 3 day weekend….maybe that will be it!!

Member: Mr. C has been saying it will be early September for a long time……

Member:  Tomorrow Sept 1st sounds good to me lol

Member:  look at the small details: Signed as Law: Ohio Takes Step Toward Treating Gold and Silver as Money, this is part of the reset

Member:  Heard that Russia and China have already started with GESARA

Member: Charlie Ward said that he is flying out to Reno next week. ????

Member: Anything new on the dong…

MZ: Nothing new..still expect the same rate….still expect it to go at the same time…In fact much of what we are hearing rate wise is not expected to change on anything.  If something does change…I will let you know.

Member: Do you still feel like it will RV?

MZ: Absolutely!!  100% it’s a when not an if.

MZ: Fiat money always crashes. Look at Iraq…look at the dinar. Research this…..They have RV’d about 3 times in the last 100 years. It happened in Kuwait, Many people in our Dinar community were involved in the Kuwait RV and they made a tremendous amount.

MZ: The question now is do we get a full reset or do we get a revaluation of a smaller number of currencies.  . But I am still looking for it to absolutely happen.

MZ: some good articles out about “Do we need another internet”

Member: We need a unhackable quantum internet…..I hear its on the way!

Do we need a new internet? NYTimes  https://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/15/weekinreview/15markoff.html

Shadow DNS is in the works: Do we need a second Internet?  https://www.techrepublic.com/blog/it-security/shadow-dns-is-in-the-works-do-we-need-a-second-internet/


Please listen to the replay for all the information

The next update is Wednesday 10AM est………


See this content in the original post