Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 9-17-2020


Popeye7:  This process continues to unfold right before our eyes... It's funny because the number of changes, and procedures that needed to be implemented prior to when the RI comes to fruition, has certainly been more than most of us ever imagined... But they are getting it done, and IMO, there is very important date to meet... Important on so many levels.

MilitiaMan:  It is some very good data we are receiving lately and man you nailed it. There is so many things that have come to pass that we had no idea was in the mix. But, the batter is sure looking sweet! lol ~ MM 

PattyCakes:  Thank you MM. I am still very optimistic for this yr. Not letting any other opinion on this forum sway me.

Ross:  Simply based on all the prior years of kicking the can it is hard to bet against them not doing it again and the 1st of 2021 is certainly plausible all things considered.  However once we get to 2021 history with Iraq has the potential to keep postponing pushing the button...nothing guaranteed.  I'm looking for Iraq to break from this inclination by doing the unexpected, such as, changing the Fiscal YE or dissolving parliament or just announcing the new rate for the benefit of the citizens. I like your attitude PattyCakes and join you in still being hopeful for a surprise blessing...such as pointing towards the NY and pulling a Kuwait type surprise.  Blessing to all as we wait and see.  

MilitiaMan:  In my opinion there is more than just Iraq now. So, I am still more optimistic they have a plan for this far sooner than 2021.. They have to expose the 2020 prior to the foundation of the 2021 - 2023. jmtc. But, like always lets see what they do.. ~ MM

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

MilitiaMan  The 2020 budget is not off the table yet, imo. The cannot legislate (enact) it yet. It is not to be looked over. It has a purpose with it... the Cabinet to finish this week and then the Parliament will see it next week...All to be done within or over the legislative time frame of a two week period.  They already have had one special session on it already. Most likely imo the 2019 FMLA is inside it, thus, it is being timed accordingly.   Lets not forget the electronic systems to be in place at the Borders and the GOI. They need to fire once they decide to go international or expose a new exchange rate. They will need to be transparent. Thus, we see the adjustments being made to personnel at 8-9 key places. They include the CBI.  All still looks very promising...imo.

Pimpy   ...I absolutely believe soon or later the Iraqi dinar will experience a rate change.  For me it's not a matter of if it's just a matter of when.  But that's just my opinion.  There's many reasons for me to believe that and I share them with you...now I get it.  You guys are going, 'wait a minute we were told something's going to happen on the 15th.'  Yeah here's the funny thing.  I was told that too by so-called insiders...don't listen to people like that.  When they say they got insider information don't automatically assume that they got legitimate insider information...the best that we could do is make an intelligent decision based on the information that we see...no body knows when these things are gonna happen but they're gonna happen. Hang tight.  Think positive.


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