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Is U.S. Dollar Becoming an ‘Unhinged Paper Currency’? ‘It’s Worst It’s Ever Been!’ –  Art Laffer

Is U.S. Dollar Becoming an ‘Unhinged Paper Currency’? ‘It’s Worst It’s Ever Been!’ –  Art Laffer

Kitco News:  8-9-2024

Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News, interviews Dr. Arthur Laffer, Founder & Chairman of Laffer Associates and Former Economic Advisor to President Reagan and President Trump.

 Laffer says the U.S. dollar is moving towards becoming an “unhinged paper currency.” He discusses de-dollarization, the implications of the weaponization of the U.S. dollar, and the competing global payment alternatives gaining traction, including Bitcoin and gold.

00:00 Coming Up

 02:07 Introduction: U.S. Dollar

 04:27 Global Economic Decline

07:23 U.S. Economic Indicators

 15:18 Trade and Sanctions

19:24 De-dollarization and Global Monetary System

26:06 Economic Policies and Future Outlook

40:46 King Dollar and Global Prosperity

 41:24 U.S. Economy

43:14 Sanctions vs. Military Strength

47:02 The BRICS and Alternative Currencies

 52:53 Bitcoin as a Strategic Reserve Asset

 01:10:14 Global Economic Prosperity
