Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening 5-3-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening 5-3-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

From Iraq:

"...of floating to achieve a homogeneous equilibrium exchange rate..."

This article talks about utilizing supply and demand to create a higher exchange rate to meet the demands for their currency currently taking place.

The global standard for raising a currency's price is 3 months. Iraq has reached a higher level of money velocity for the last 16 months.

This is putting price pressure on their currency. Currently, they are seeking more bilateral contracts to secure a position that would allow them to change their monetary policy.

Currently, "The General Directorate for Industrial Development (GDID), part of the Iraqi Ministry of Industry and Minerals, has granted 219 preliminary licenses for new industrial projects."

An industrial project is an investment to create, expand, and develop facilities that will increase the production of goods and services in a country.   Mawazin News   Iraq Business News

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"New OTC Derivatives Reporting Regime Goes Live in the EU"

The European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) is an EU regulation programmed to reduce systemic counterparty and operational risk has gone live in Europe.

The Derivatives Market is now being required to be more transparent than ever before in the reporting of the assets they exchange between parties.

The OTC Derivatives Market does include foreign currency exchanges. Our exchanges will be more transparent going forward and much safer.  Mondo Visione   EY  
© Goldilocks


MICA is currently giving us a digital framework by regulating current prices on the new digital economy. They are also securing our new digital economy as well as many other facets of the QFS.

It is a Government Intervention on assets across all sectors of the market. Below is a brief summary of the overall picture.

Some of our assets are overinflated while others are way undervalued such as foreign currencies in the eastern half of the world. Regulations will help level the playing field going forward.

Governments can regulate the price of assets such as fiat currencies through buying and selling actions (supply and demand) in international markets.

And, they can create regulations as we are seeing now to control excessive enthusiasm for an asset class that correlates with the cost of doing business.

Price controls keep assets from being pushed up in price through a group of people manipulating its price pressures through speculation.

The overall purpose of regulating the new digital economy will be to allow utility to drive the price through supply and demand bringing our assets into real values across every sector of the market.
Esma Europa   Investopedia

© Goldilocks

We are beginning to see more projects coming into play that focus on the infrastructure needs of countries.  Base22

This will create sustainable financing for the new digital economy.

© Goldilocks


New Challenges for the Bering Strait | USNI 


"There’s so much going on in the international currency markets right now. I stopped riding the guru roller coaster a while ago because it’s just not healthy. But you have to be blind not to see what even the mainstream media is revealing about issues central to our speculation in currencies. We are close. But no one knows the day. So spend this time preparing yourself so that when you get to your appointments you are ready for them, and your life to follow. "  Bob Lock  Bob Lock Telegram room 


Russia Finalizes Draft Law on Cryptocurrency Mining Regulation | Coin Market Cap


FIA urges CFTC to regulate use cases rather than AI itself - FinanceFeeds


Aif Regulations: Sebi allows AIFs to pledge shares in invested cos in infra sector |  ET BFSI


What Is Infrastructure? | Youtube





Gold paper & physical markets finally disconnect - here's why Youtube


100% CERTAIN: Huge Gold & Silver News from China & Russia - Simon Hunt | Youtube


Project Raven, launched by the BIS Innovation Hub Nordic Centre, aims to create a new solution to help authorities comprehensively assess the cyber security and resilience maturity readiness of their countries' financial systems. | BIS


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Iraqi Dinar Video Update Friday Afternoon 5-3-24